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Court Case

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And one more thing Hawk, Go tell your concenssion junkies in the palace, that it will cost them one way or another for outsourcing work. Tell the finance dept to start hiring more folks in CCY, they are going to need the extra heads that are about to start spinning when money starts flying out the other end.
ITRADE said:
Actually, an interesting point. This partially explains the reasons why auto manufacturers like Honda, Toyota, and BMW have all set up shop with operations in the United States (Of course, they're set up primarily in right to work states in the South, but that's a different point). And, they're set up to insulate themselves from potential antidumping liability by operating as part of the "domestic industry."

OTOH, while the U.S. is comparatively cheaper with respect to Japan, Germany, France, etc., it is not cheap in comparison to industrialized countries such as Italy, Malaysia, Taiwan, etc. And, moving a rung farther down, its is significantly more expensive than developing and nearly industrialized countries like Brazil, India, Thailand, Mexico, and South Africa.
Those countries pay their management and CEOs less also.
funny you mention fleet service...you had that on the table last year...shows who you are...
what concerns me my fine feathered freind...is down the road real soon here you will be taking increasing numbers of new airbuses and retiring 737,757,and 767 aircraft...now tell me about no job loss due to outsourcing...please?i for some strange reason can't see all these mech's in heavy holding gainful employment in any base with all the boeings gone and you are outsourcing the bus heavies.....what can i tell the "little dude" when daddy comes home empty handed..."ahh,little dude,daddy has no job because uncle dave sold the farm."
so whats your grand plan here grand cluck?
you are a dead giveaway for a management pro....you can't seem to differentiate between a goose and a duck.....
Truely I don't get you. Aviation trade magazines state that out sourcing heavy gains little for the home team. Don't recall exact figures, but here goes anyway. Heavy represents maybe 10% of maint expenditures. Robbing from your employees, excuse me I mean outsorcing 50% of heavy would ounly gain you some 2% of total maint expenatures.
Obviousely this would make absolutely no sense unless you intended to rid the fleet of boeings and some 90% of your maint work force.
In conclusion may the flees of a thousand camels infest your arm pits you managment *&^%#^&* :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:


Machinists Union Prevents US Airways
From Subcontracting Maintenance

Washington D.C., October 21, 2003 - The Honorable Robert Cindrich of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania today issued the injunction sought by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) to prevent US Airways from subcontracting heavy maintenance of the airline’s Airbus aircraft. Judge Cindrich agreed with the IAM’s assertion that US Airways’ attempt to subcontract the maintenance work created a major dispute under the Railway Labor Act.

“A well negotiated contract and the professionalism, support and unity of our US Airways members made today’s decision possible,†said International President R. Thomas Buffenbarger. “International, District and Local Lodge officers worked as a team to protect our members and preserve their contract.â€

“The court recognized the harm US Airways’ actions would have inflicted on our membership,†said IAM General Vice President Robert Roach, Jr. “While these were the same tactics used by notorious airline destroyer Frank Lorenzo, the IAM was confident that we would prevail. We had a strong case backed by 54 years of history and only wanted the opportunity to present our case before the court. Our contract language is clear and unambiguous.â€

Today’s order prohibits US Airways from subcontracting Airbus heavy maintenance. Maintenance is currently being performed on two US Airways Airbus aircraft at Singapore Technologies Mobile Aerospace Engineering (MAE) in Mobile, AL. Maintenance of these aircraft by MAE must cease immediately, and the IAM will ask the court to award damages to members affected by US Airways’ major violation of the status quo provisions of the Railway Labor Act.

“US Airways’ ill-advised attempt to violate our collective bargaining agreement did nothing but aggravate an already tense worker-management relationship,†said Roach. “But with the support of the other AFL-CIO transportation unions, this day belongs to airline workers. The airline would be well served to stop alienating its employees and begin mending relations.â€

IAM District 141-M represents 5,000 Mechanic & Related employees at US Airways. IAM District 141 represents the airline’s 4,450 Fleet Service Employees. More information about the Machinists Union can be found on our web site at www.goiam.org.

dell, where did you get that info? not on iam website yet. I hope it's for real!!!
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