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So technically your employer is contruibuting when you make a contribution out of your earnings from the company?
I dont buy it.
Agreed, but theoretically, there is a point hidden in the original statement --- union officals at that level are salaried, so they're always on the clock. At some point, their political activities are taking away from their job description.

It's the same problem with congress critters and Obummer being in fundraising/campaign mode for half their term. Does Barry pay for the fuel when he flies out to LA for a "fact finding trip" followed by a fund raiser for Pelosi?... Nope. The taxpayers paid for the fact finding trip, because certainly, he would have had to tour that vegetable farm in central California regardless of the fundraiser...

I'm sure that the unions wind up paying the travel expenses for Hoffa, Little and others who go out on their "bring out the vote" type trips. Even worse, AMR probably foots part of the bill if Little is flying on his A5... And yes, I'm sure C level execs blur those lines all too often. One in WI just got smacked down for reimbursing private donations with company funds..

The only way to avoid that is to prohibit your union officers from doing it in the first place. Some unions do quite well at staying out of politics altogether. So do some corporations.
Agreed, but theoretically, there is a point hidden in the original statement --- union officals at that level are salaried, so they're always on the clock. At some point, their political activities are taking away from their job description.

Really? Always on the clock? So when they go home and have sex with their wives does that mean they a screwing off on the job? Since management is salaried do the same rules apply?

The only way to avoid that is to prohibit your union officers from doing it in the first place. Some unions do quite well at staying out of politics altogether. So do some corporations.

Get the corporations out first and I dont think that the unions will have much objections to being put out as well. Corporations outspend unions 10 to 1 on politics.
So technically your employer is contruibuting when you make a contribution out of your earnings from the company?
I dont buy it.

Warp it anyway you want. Point is that the candidate knows who Hoffa represents 😉
Get the corporations out first and I dont think that the unions will have much objections to being put out as well. Corporations outspend unions 10 to 1 on politics.

Corporations and banks are more notorious than unions. They contribute to all candidates to cover their bases!

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