As I read the other airlines bulletin boards and posting after posting attempts to blame someone or something for the airline industry BK filings.
I wonder, couldn't it be argued that AA Union's so-called restructuring agreement placed as much pressure on other carriers as fuel, business travel fall-off, SARS, or any other blame someone wants to place on the situation.
As we sit here working for AA, which all analyst say is in good financial shape, and without fuel price increases would have posted
record profits.
Is it possible, that the working men and women of AA, have actually placed harship on our fellow workers in the industry by past and current industry leading concession bargaining? Afterall, how many "first" when it comes to concessions has the AA Union Workforce Championed?
Could it be that AA Union's are now so company oriented that the leadership of these organizations are actually harming other workers as much as Walmart, or any other cut throat low cost company?
I just figure that if we are going to walk around the planet looking for someone of something to blame for airline industry woes, then those that capitulated industry leading concessions, placed as much competetive pressure on other airlines and their workforce, as many other issues have also.
One thing about it though...
As of right now...
Organized Labor is more like organized company union dog eat dog.
What really worries me the most?