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Glad to see that you have to keep insulting and attacking instead of sticking to the issues. Just remember a certain clause.

At least through all my posts I am consistent.

You are the master of flip flop, and you were banned of this board just like I was and you changed your name to many different alias until the top posters of this board intervened to the moderators on your behalf.

And Cav, if you are no longer a US employee nor a active IAM member what you think is irrelevant just like you are, your posts show a bitter person, sucks to be you.
700UW said:

Glad to see that you have to keep insulting and attacking instead of sticking to the issues. Just remember a certain clause.

At least through all my posts I am consistent.

You are the master of flip flop, and you were banned of this board just like I was and you changed your name to many different alias until the top posters of this board intervened to the moderators on your behalf.

And Cav, if you are no longer a US employee nor a active IAM member what you think is irrelevant just like you are, your posts show a bitter person, sucks to be you.

I know where you take your direction because your words mimic the union top dog in pit, the news queen…

I don’t care what anyone one thinks of me and I have said this before. You are a lav truck driver, a union expert and now a psychiatrist. These boards are not real life and the ones that take them as such are the real losers. Personally, I have not been any happy in many years. My life is not part of U any longer. I just feel it’s crime people are losing their money, benefits and still must pay ever increasing union dues use that bring them nothing but “falseâ€￾ hope only keeping them hanging on to thread while others are moving on and filling those desirable jobs, that DO exists.

If you get to know some of the union leaders in the different unions, one comes to realize they can’t even run their own life and they preach what others should be doing, it’s a sham, a joke. With this latest union crushing, the unions will lose even more power than they already have lost. The union good-old-boy club is being disassembled piece by piece, better beg someone in the Masonic Hall to save you sorry hide, because the unions day is fast becoming history.
Sorry I am not in PIT and I take my direction from my own convictions, something that you know nothing about.

Just remember the #7.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
unions do not run the airline. Our mandate is to protect our members, to try to ensure that they earn decent wages, benefits and pensions and have a safe and secure workplace. These are the fundamental objectives that every working man and woman in the country want to achieve, whether they be management or labor. We would be foolish to try to destroy an industry that provides us with the jobs our members so desperately need.

I challenge those who do run the airline to stop pointing the finger at labor – the easy target-- and get to work looking for better and more effective business models for the future.

The events of September 11 coupled with the SARS outbreak are frequently cited as the catalysts for throwing the airline industry into its current turmoil. However, analysts who look more carefully and are not willing to accept the easy answer have noted that the signs were all there before September 11 - the tremendous downturn in the Asian economies, the recession in Europe, the renewed turmoil in the Middle East and poor industry decisions ― all indicated that the airlines were well on the way into a tailspin of their own making. The failure of airline management to recognize this and to make necessary course corrections early on was significant in the ensuing industry chaos after September 11.

Since then, it seems there has been one costly event after another for our carriers: the continued threats of terrorism, the price of oil, the advances in technology that can often serve to replace business travel, the steady incursion of low cost carriers into more and more markets, overcapacity and poorly managed pension funds were and are all variables that have affected airline financial performance. However, instead of looking for new and creative solutions to combat these industry challenges, the rally cry became, "This is all labor's fault, and we need labor to pay."

Labor has paid - and it continues to pay, time and time again. Yet as I've said, we do not run the airline, and many of our suggestions, cost-saving proposals and other creative attempts to help management weather the current storm have been for the most part unwelcome and mostly unappreciated.

700UW said:
Sorry I am not in PIT and I take my direction from my own convictions, something that you know nothing about.

Just remember the #7.
First I have no idea in hell what you are referring to. I do know that number "7" is one of God's favorite numbers.

And “youâ€￾ remember this…YOU can’t touch me…..nor can anyone from my “pastâ€￾.

I have a memory that will scare you, YOU remember that.
You don't scare me! Are you threatening me?

#7, just remember it!
700UW said:
You don't scare me! Are you threatening me?

#7, just remember it!
700UW. I just received a PM from the moderators, listen to what they tell you.

I don't make threats by the way, I am not a child.
usair_begins_with_u said:
no one answered the question.. do you still pay union dues? If so why?
A resounding yes, affirmative, absolutely...as to the why...in Pit you need to ask one
Patrick J. Smutney that question.....
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