Consession Stand Now Open For Business

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May 9, 2004
Damn... OK, well that settles it, unions are worthless.. Are you guys still going to pay union dues even when they cut your pay 23%?


Its a shame the courts only protect corporations and creditors, but that looks the new game... and like they say, don't hate the player...
usair_begins_with_u said:
Damn... OK, well that settles it, unions are worthless.. Are you guys still going to pay union dues even when they cut your pay 23%?


Its a shame the courts only protect corporations and creditors, but that looks the new game... and like they say, don't hate the player...
It IS a joke paying union dues, for WHAT, WHY, there is absolutely no reason to. What have they accomplished except cry to the news media. They will live off "your" dues in their retirement years whether you are an U empoloyee or not. It's like a government job where income is guaranteed for life, and the crazy part is WE support it! It’s INSANE!!!

You have no idea.

Back in 1992 with no union representation the Fleet Service and Customer Service Agents had the following done to them:

Frozen Pension
No Vacation, Sick or Occupational Injury time (replaced with PDO system)
40% of full-time agents made part-time
Hours cut from 40 per week to a maximum of 25.
All employees downgraded had to pay $300 per month for family coverage.
Mail and Frieght contracted out.
Catering contracted out except at the hubs and focus cities
Express work contracted out.
Mass layoffs
Leads were chose by company

A union stops the company from just making the rules up as they go, and if you dont want to pay dues, then quit, because a condition of employment is that you have to pay dues or you can become a dues objector and pay what is germane to enforce the contract, upon doing that you lose your right to vote on a contract and any union election for officers or representatives.

A union requires money to survive just as a company.
cavalier said:
It IS a joke paying union dues, for WHAT, WHY, there is absolutely no reason to. What have they accomplished except cry to the news media. They will live off "your" dues in their retirement years whether you are an U empoloyee or not. It's like a government job where income is guaranteed for life, and the crazy part is WE support it! It’s INSANE!!!

I find it appaling that in the midst of bankruptcy that your company and each union still enjoy a 'mutual cozy' relationship. I mean after all the rhetoric in the papers which has no value for workers, both the union and company have agreed that it is 'their best interest' to keep the dues checkoff article fully in tact. Notice, other articles have been tampered with but not the dues checkoff. I mean outsourcing, pay, benefits, everything but dues check off. The reason is all too clear.

To be sure, I am not advocating for or against a decert, or a total revocation of a dues checkoff article, but rather my argument is, if the collection of dues by US AIRWAYS cost in the neighborhood of millions, then how legitimate or justified is it that the matter of the collection of dues be handled by a bankrupt carrier as opposed to being between the member and union? The dues checkoff should be rewritten and submitted to the judge that frees up the company from spending unnecessary funds through the collection of union dues.

I for one strongly believe that the collection of union dues should always be done at the union hall instead of having unions pimp companies to do the unions work, AND NEVER should workers be asked to subsidize it with cost cutting measures like the US AIRWAYS workers are doing. Now many union[ist] may argue that it would be painfully hard to collect dues from members if it isn't 'garnished' from wages, but my argument is that it would make for a more accountable union and thus build solidarity and strength. AFLCIO unions are a far way from home unless you live in DC, and they are taking a terrible beating from once strong family rearing unionist who now want nothing to do with the AFLCIO which has almost assuredly reduced itself down to a front for the far left leaning democrats, and have done so with perhaps as much as 80% of its funds generated from union dues that goes towards 'extreme' left politics. Ironically, taking dues against the will of workers to pay for the big political agenda they oppose is antithesis to workers rights, and in context of this thread, to even make workers subsidize their pay and benefits for this is appalling or at least more than a nursery crime.

As a side, however unjust it is, union dues are said to be going up again early next year for IAM members [how much depends on which local]. And yes, as the IAM continues to take a beating with US AIRWAYS membership declines, they still surprisingly have made new 'safe, good ole boy' promotions into high paying that will need further dues support.

Union dues.....sore subject indeed given the lack of return.


700UW said:

You have no idea.


NO 700UW union man I have the FACTS because I LIVED them....working both union and non-union...

The IAM is dead wrong on some of the work rules they REFUSE to budge on and it will cost thousands their jobs. People like you want to become hidden in the union’s security blanket. You always preach education, trouble is your education was forced fed by some slanted twisted union propaganda. You get your REAL education living your life and going to a REAL school, the school of life of which I have been attending forever. Your union rants are selfish because you know your classification is soon to be history, you want union protection up their with Duke snoopy Dog S and Bill fried Brain and retired big man Vic and all the other union parasites who have accomplished as much as Dave Siegel did.

We can go back and forth forever but you will forever be bifffman, boofman. teflon, lavman, on and on ...a joke on the internet a union wantabe while the rest of the world is out making a living and not involved in your failed union politics...
How well is your Appointed Interim Director Job with a union that has no members going?

From your own web page:

October 8th Update
The AGW has one filing with the NMB yet to do regarding an American airline worker, and the AGW remains committed to AA FSC or store clerks if they chose to collectively pursue a democratic union. However, at this time, there is no organizing activity taking place on American.

The previous organizing attempt was quite interesting as there were 'pockets' of strong AGW support, however, the greater support or apathy was with the TWU.

This American site will not be updated unless support or activity levels change.

October 8th Update
A second AGW organizing drive at US AIRWAYS is on hold until an adequate and sustained level of support and participation can again be measured.

Further, we have been notified that certain 'representation variables' and
eligibility issues in Bankruptcy may affect support levels of any organizing attempt. In other words, in some scenerios, only 35% may be needed for the AGW to have a successful petition to represent USAIRWAYS fleet service. We are watching this closely.

United Airlines

October 8th

The level of support and activity does not currently provide for a successful organizing campaing at United. If, in the future this changes then this United organizing page will be updated.

"With your union, it comes down to one thing...who controls it? The answer is always either the members or big business. The AGW takes business out of Unionism and enpowers the members through a radical democratic constitution.

Tim Nelson, Interim Director

If you empower the members, then why did you annoit yourself Interim Director?

Glad you have to keep insulting leaders instead of sticking to issues with facts.

You do not know me nor my education and if you don't like it why don't you run for office?

Oh wait what day is it?

Are you a employee this day of the week?
Late Agenda Item to be presented to the AFA Board of Directors meeting acheduled at the Pittsburgh Hilton Nov. 16, 17 ,18 , 2004

Subject: Relief on AFA members dues obligation.

Statement of Question: Should the dues of 39.00 be decreased for the next
two years in order to give our members some relief to the severity wage
reductions that are in place?

Source and Date Submitted: USA LEC President Local 40, Teddy Xidas, October 21, 2004

In these past two years many AFA members have had to endure unprecedented
sacrifices in the form of wage and benefit reductions that have created
horrific Financial drain to themselves and their families, job jeopardy and
job security are at stake. With furloughs pending, many members will be
displaced to other domiciles whereby having to afford an additional crash
pad on a reduced salary to keep the job. Management has taken a
disproportionate amount of salary cuts and have not nearly endured what
labor has in wage and benefit reductions. The last couple of years have been
nothing short of grueling to our members, who do not deserve this type of
treatment by any management especially having imposed upon us an additional
21% pay cut. Medical benefit increases are due in January and the
members are crying for some relief in the dues obligation.

Proposed Resolution:

Whereas, USairways along with many AFA members have taken and made
monumental sacrifices to meet the needs of their respective airlines, and

Whereas, many AFA members can not cover simple bills as food, and gas in
their cars, pay mortgages, and car payments and insurance, medical
prescriptions for themselves, or their families, with these huge acute pay
cuts, and

Whereas, it is predicted that many of our members will have no other
alternative but to file for personal bankruptcy, and would appreciate any
relief on the union dues,and

Be it finally resolved that the Board of Directors take action to reduce the
union dues by 10% commencing January 1, 200 5 , and will snap back to current
dues on January 1, 2007 .
700UW said:
Glad you have to keep insulting leaders instead of sticking to issues with facts.

You do not know me nor my education and if you don't like it why don't you run for office?

Oh wait what day is it?

Are you a employee this day of the week?

It's killing you isn’t it...knowing what my business will never know because the people who "think" they know that tell you are just as clueless, call them pawns.

You can list everything under the sun and it’s still is dark in your world. Unions have zero power and the little power they have left is from “believersâ€￾ such as yourself who they have totally brain washed into believing they are necessary.

We have union leaders in the news media in today’s world making unions looking like the poor innocent victims because they are losing their perceived right to control corporate America while they are being systematically crushed to death with people like you under the falling debris.

Like a local talk show host who I agree with said, why have unions, why pay dues when the return is negative. Paying dues results in no return, and those dues are not cheap. I paid my dues in life and those dues pay a lot better dividends.
700UW said:

You have no idea.

Back in 1992 with no union representation the Fleet Service and Customer Service Agents had the following done to them:

Frozen Pension
No Vacation, Sick or Occupational Injury time (replaced with PDO system)
40% of full-time agents made part-time
Hours cut from 40 per week to a maximum of 25.
All employees downgraded had to pay $300 per month for family coverage.
Mail and Frieght contracted out.
Catering contracted out except at the hubs and focus cities
Express work contracted out.
Mass layoffs
Leads were chose by company

A union stops the company from just making the rules up as they go, and if you dont want to pay dues, then quit, because a condition of employment is that you have to pay dues or you can become a dues objector and pay what is germane to enforce the contract, upon doing that you lose your right to vote on a contract and any union election for officers or representatives.

A union requires money to survive just as a company.

700, I think you need to look in the 'present' as your post is severely 'outdated' with incorrect or perhaps misleading information. The following is the 'corrected' facts.

1. Currently all FSA retirement plans are worth considerable less than the retirement package pre-IAM. Although I would be in error to say the current plan is worthless, it is nonetheless pointing in that direction.

2. Fact. P/T ratio was not over 40% systemwide but can the IAM really take credit for reducing it since it is now 35%? The decrease is at best marginal. Facts show that the IAM has only confirmed and legitimated high levels of Part time as opposed to standing for family rearing full time jobs. But if you insist, I guess the IAM is responsible for decreasing the % perhaps 1% from pre IAM days. And that is something that is not worth paying dues over.

3. Fact. With the IAM, part timers are now treated like second class citizens. Now they only get half the retirement contribution as opposed to pre-IAM days where a part timer was treated the same as a full timer in regards to retirement contributions.

4. Fact. Mail and freight jobs are still contracted out so your argument is unclear to me.

5. Fact. Although you are correct in that express jobs [by definition] are now within scope it is clear that getting those jobs within scope wasn't the result of the IAM fighting but rather your company baiting the IAM with increased membership so the company can secure 'cheap labor' jobs with a union's blessing.

In other words, the IAM branded the express jobs Union Jobs but to do so they made them with a top pay of $13 and a pension and benefit package that rivals McDonalds. Personally I think your company was the one that drafted that proposal and flavored it with IAM recognition so that the IAM would be very happy.
So if you have to advocate the IAM's legitimacy by saying they got the US AIRWAYS express worker a benefits package less than MickyDees then I would say you lose the argument.

6. Pre-IAM Mass layoffs? Again, your position is unsubstantiated to suggest that the IAM actually 'preserved jobs'. Notice, when the IAM was elected I believe there were roughly 7,000 FSA, now there are like 4,500. And that includes the expressed jobs which are really still outsourced, just that they are IAM jobs now and workers can stay on the mainline seniority roster.

cavalier said:
It's killing you isn’t it...knowing what my business will never know because the people who "think" they know that tell you are just as clueless, call them pawns.

You can list everything under the sun and it’s still is dark in your world. Unions have zero power and the little power the have left is from “believersâ€￾ such as yourself who they have totally brain washed into believing they are necessary.

We have union leaders in the news media in today’s world making unions looking like the poor innocent victims because they are losing their perceived right to control corporate America while they are being systematically crushed to death with people like you under the falling debris.

Like a local talk show host who I agree with said, why have unions, why pay dues when the return is negative. Paying dues results in no return, and those dues are not cheap. I paid my dues in life and those dues pay a lot better dividends.

You know what Cav, your posts just sicken me.

You say now you are no longer here, and those who choose not to coware to managment, you criticize feriously. You are no longer here, and the fight is NOT yours. I regret to have ever known you personally. I didn't realize how evil a person you truly deeply inside are. You have shown your true side in these anonymous posts, and you are full blown evil and can not be hidden anymore as shown in your "avitar". Now that you have gone, you want the demise of anyone who fights that may, just may have some influence over destiny.

hmmm. I admit I have a lot to work on....Ok, Me bad, me big mouth, me etc.

Did I miss anything? Can we move on with the discussion now?

Nonetheless, in my lowly being, I can still see that it is downright appaling for the IAM to force the workers to subsidize pay and benefits for the collection of dues.

PITbull said:
Be it finally resolved that the Board of Directors take action to reduce the
union dues by 10% commencing January 1, 200 5 , and will snap back to current
dues on January 1, 2007 .


Let the IAM take direction, but instead they will raise their dues so the retired union God's can go on unabated with even less membership.....while 700uw, boofman, lavman and other personalities salute them... :down:

In regard to Express I was talking about how US mainline employees worked all the commuters in CLT, and in 1992, that work was taken away and people were laid-off.
The proposed AFA resolution regarding dues recognizes the contention in this thread. Not the contention of kicking out a union as Cav may [or may not] advocate but the contention that there should be some recognition from the unions to offer some type of dues relief. I think anything less from the unions is irresponsible and insensitive to its members.

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