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Jul 15, 2003
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There are a some of you that say a few of us are negative about some news that comes out from time to time. This GE financing is going to have another negative effect on the hard working employees of U ……More layoffs more pay cuts.
We are a group (CWA) that used to make 42,000.00 year.
Not a bad living, work a little over time to take the kids on vacation or do a little Christmas shopping. Then we took a hit to 38,000.00… The health care went up vacation was attacked but that wasn’t enough. So these master minds sat around for a year while this airline imploded NOT TO look for ways to generate income but for ways to get even more CONCESSIONS. They used all their limited intelligence to go after more. Because none of our leaders had the knowledge to do any thing else.
Now we are at 30.618.00 year ..Health care going up again ..

I applaud all the posters that bring light to all the Bull ^%^% that all of our so called leaders have shoveled for so long. It is time to draw the line in the sand.

I for one believe that that it would be better for all if it just went chap7 .
I cannot believe that any body would keep working for a company that has no future no pension no pay increases. After all this is said and done they will start getting their bonuses and their raises.

I have been actively looking for employment else where for almost 6 months there are jobs out there so keep your head up. And for those of you that stay behind I will thank you because while you are working for 16.00 hr. For the rest of your life I will enjoy my passes ..Because that is the only thing that I will miss.
And my friends………….
Dog Wonder said:
I am thankful A 320 Pilot is a unique person, the only one of his kind.

And I am thankful I live nowhere near this man. OMG, can you imagine this man as your neighbor.... :down:
WestCoastGuy said:
And I am thankful I live nowhere near this man. OMG, can you imagine this man as your neighbor.... :down:

He is just trying to protect the 150,000 JOB even if it was 90,000 I could live well but we know they can't and could not get a JOB to pay that amout to them.
Let me see what have you done for the last 25 years. Flew a plane you say I don't have anything in the flying catagory right now leave your number and we will give you a call.
Of course the man is scared silly he might loose his job. He has no self respect or concern for anyone except #1, at the expense of everyone else. His constant preachings to all of us "low lifes" in the circle of things here, is just a constant reminder of how desperate his life must be without USAirway. I suspect his wife is glad to see him out of the house on his trips just to get away from the harping about the "new world order" of USAir. Some people are as transparent as glass. He has no ones best interest in mind, except his own. The man is a legend in his own mind.
I suspect his wife is glad to see him out of the house on his trips just to get away from the harping about the "new world order" of USAir.

Wife?? Surely this 320 cat can't be married... You think he'd be like this if he got sex on a regular basis?