Not taking up for Parker, but the outsourcing on the East wasnt done by Parker, and he has actually brought more maintenance and reservations work back in-house.
Of course he did, look at your wages, the only place where they work for less is AA!
Not taking up for Parker, but the outsourcing on the East wasnt done by Parker, and he has actually brought more maintenance and reservations work back in-house.
Old timers lol check the senority list.
most guys started hiring in 85
i bet there is less than 300 guys with over 30 years
Overspeed will be getting what's due to him soon enough. A job as a clerk at QuikTrip. Him and the rest of that 74%. Fools are digging their own graves for their careers. Wait for it, wait for it!
You obviously don't actually read the contract you bad mouth.overspeed, overspin, overhimself who ever you are
you mention outsourcing oversee committees (RO)? Really?
you failed to mention all the work being done in our south american stations and europe under the TWU watch of the 1990's and today.
we complained about this work being done...A checks, ps checks , and work cards....a300, 757,767, and 777.
we showed the workload being done at those stations and we said it was our work. If there was an emergency understandable but this was scheduled work every day. we then said if the work is scheduled maintanance then it should be considered outsource work and put in to the RO committee and published as outsourced work which would raise the percentage.
what happened, the TWU agreed with AA management that they were American Airlines employees in south america and LHR so it is not outsourcing. Non-union members doing our work and that is not outsourcing? sounds like overspin or overspeed talk.
so the outsourcing percentage that was being published( (20%)was innacurate and misleading. what other work is being outsourced that is claimed not to be our work?
with the new language, the TWU are allowing more work under their watch outside US and still claiming it is not outsourcing.
so the outsourcing claim is a spin on the reality and typical of the TWU in attempt to make them look better than they are.
The TWU can spin 2003 and 2012 anyway they want but the reality is the company got the industry leading concessions and the jobs and they continue to spin it every which way. But the bottom line is that we are the worst in the industry and that is nothing to brag about
No one said the 2003 and 2012 deals were great.
The concessions were far better than the upwards of 25% pay cut at NW imposed after AMFA took the AMTs on an ill advised strike.
You obviously don't actually read the contract you bad mouth.
All work done outside the US by non-TWU labor counts as outsourcing and part of the 35%. Line work is limited to 15% of the total line direct labor and material.
Your right about the 20% outsourcing percentage being misleading. The F41 number is too high because the RB211, Trent, and Tay work is shown as repairs (or outsourcing) in the F41 even though the work is done by TWU labor at TAESL. When that work is added back in the actual outsourcing percentage is closer to 10%.
No one said the 2003 and 2012 deals were great. The concessions were far better than the upwards of 25% pay cut at NW imposed after AMFA took the AMTs on an ill advised strike. They were far better than all the work that was outsourced at US, UA, and DL along with all those airframe overhaul jobs. And the nine additional years of pension credit was a good thing as well. For nine years you were making more than UA, US, and DL AMTs even with the concessions Chuck. Now we are making less but that wouldn't have been had we voted in the 2010 deal. We would have been making more than all of them for the past three years.
Thanks Chuck for that recommendation on voting no because a better deal was coming.
Your right about the 20% outsourcing percentage being misleading. The F41 number is too high because the RB211, Trent, and Tay work is shown as repairs (or outsourcing) in the F41 even though the work is done by TWU labor at TAESL.
For nine years you were making more than UA, US, and DL AMTs even with the concessions
The work thats done at TEASL is not counted as part of the 35%. If that work goers away and the TWU members lose their jobs is not counted, the percentage outsource is adjusted "accordingly".
Nine years? I doubt that, maybe using Donnelley's AA approved math. US yes, maybe, but not Delta or UAL, UAL only took a 14% paycut in Dec of 2002, until then their pay was ahead of ours. Four months later we gave 25%, way more than them,. It wasn't until the second wave of concessions in 2005 that UAL, and Delta went as low as they were going. By 2010 both Delta and UAL were far ahead of AA. So if we ever made more than them it would have only been five years. If UAL and Delta were lower than AA at all I doubt that when you factor in things like vacations, Holidays and sick time that we were ever above them. Having to work at least 80 hours a year extra is the same as at least another $1/hr paycut. We also had the most expensive Medical and the worst OT rules.
ask the pilots, they did not get their contract thrown out, they negotiated just like I said would happen to us if we voted it down. nice overspin again
We, of course, are entitled to corresponding improvements in our contract.
You are incorrect. We were ahead of UAL in between 2001 and 2003 except for a few months. The reductions in UAL pay in 2003 were 13.5% in pay and all premiums. The result was that they were slightly behind us even after our concessions. However, that was also the contract in which UAL got the right to unrestricted outsourcing of heavy checks. We went far ahead of UAL in 2005 when AMFA agreed to 3.9% in further reductions in pay and premiums and the UAL pension plan was terminated, among many other things. UAL did not go ahead of AA mechanics until late 2011, which was their first post bankruptcy agreement. We were ahead of Delta between 2001 and at least 2009. Delta pilots went ahead of our pilots in 2008 and far ahead when they negotiated the 2012 contract extension. UAL pilots went ahead of ours when they ratified their first post bankruptcy contract in 2012.