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Company Rejects Cwa Offer


Aug 19, 2002
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Additional stories are available on www.CWA.net

Management turns down CWA's six-month, $33 million cost reduction offer and demands much, much more...
CWA'ers have spent the last two weeks trying to negotiate an agreement for our members to vote on that would be an acceptable alternative to management's demand for a six-month, 23% pay cut equaling $30 million. Tuesday, October 5, the CWA'ers put their third offer to management (listed below). Management immediately rejected that offer. At this point it seems clear that management has chosen to bypass a vote of the employees and to request the bankruptcy court to impose their cuts without a vote.
Management's original filing in bankruptcy court demands $30 million:

23% pay cut for six months
Reduction of pension and 401K contributions to 3% total (from today's 12% maximum)
The right to contract out our jobs
The right to go below the 279 aircraft minimum called for in our contract
CWA'ers proposed, and management rejected, that members vote on an alternative six-month package of $33 million in cuts including:

Cut pay by 6% for six months
Eliminate all holidays for six months
Eliminate all pension contributions for six months
Eliminate 1% pay raise for six months
Cut shift premiums, overtime payments and sick pay for six months
Credit for our job loss, the same way management credits their job loss
CWA attorneys have filed bankruptcy court objections to management's request and will argue against those cuts as the case proceeds.
Whatever the bankruptcy judge rules on the company's request for a six-month 23% cut, we know that management will now make further, long-term demands for additional pay cuts for up to five years. Those demands will include benefit cuts and cuts in job security and job protections much greater than the six-month cuts listed above.
We must find a way to stop these repeated raids on our paychecks, our pensions, our medical plans, our vacations and holidays, and all their other assaults on our careers and our family income. CWA local officers, staff, attorneys and analysts are planning our strategy for the immediate future. That strategy will not work without your personal support and participation. When you are contacted, please do your part to help save our passenger service careers.
CWA Local Officers and Staff
They don't like ANY workgroup on the property. Given all of the offers that were made to the Unions, it is very obvious that the Company prefers the Judge to impose all of the Pain instead. Even if this offer was sent out to the membership for a vote, how many would vote for it anyway? Who is going to vote for a T/A that permits the Company to contract out ANY Jobs? ( Except ALPA)...
To those of you in the passenger service group: Do not believe for one second the companys montra that your skills are not transferable. They most certainly are! The company believes that just anyone off the street can do your jobs. Maybe the job can be done, but at what level of professionalism? You are the front line employees, I believe the face of US Airways. From Res agents, to ticketing agents, to gate agents, and even flight attendants. You are the people who the customers of US Airways interact with directly. Your level of professionalism is what the passengers remember. Over and over on this board, FF constantly attest to the superior service they receive at US Airways. Customer retention is what it is all about. Do some passengers fly for low airfare? Absolutely. But when you get right down to it, the service a passenger receives, i.e. the travel experience, is heavily weighted on the interactions with those who directly represent the airline. It is one major factor that brings customers back over and over again. You hear some on this board constantly beating the "your worthless and overpaid" drum and without US Airways, you will be reduced to working at Mickey D's or Walmart. This is complete BS!

My wife resigned from US Airways this week, after 16 years of providing superior customer service. She could no longer tolerate the assinign working conditions, pathetic, idiotic management, and extreme understaffing. Simply put, she honestly feels that the company has abondoned any commitment they once had to its customers. She was at the point where she was (is) embarrassed by the companys view of customer service. She had offers out the wahzoo from large respectable, financially stable corporations. She begins her new career on Monday October 18th. Weekends off after 16 years, much more salary, and a great, positive working environment by all accounts, where employees are valued as assests.

Best wishes to all of you at US Airways! :up:
Very few would vote "yes". Get it over with and put everyone out of their misery. Get on with the Alabama Res Center or outsourcing and pass out the furlough packages!!!!!
Genejockey...sorry to hear about your wife leaving but happy to hear that she has found greener pastures. Think the majority of us who believe in providing good customer service will eventually find those greener pastures also. I for one have never giving a rats behind about stats. Sure I like to see how I have done the week before, but no one can control what kind of calls one gets. It is like I have always said when you look at stats it is like looking at a painting. Provides different interpation to everyone.
tadjr said:
Additional stories are available on www.CWA.net
Management turns down CWA's six-month, $33 million cost reduction offer and demands much, much more...

What?? Your surprised by this?? These people are going to do whatever they feel is necessary to to accomplish their "transformation plan"!!!! They are in BK, and they are NOT going to negotiate in good faith!! Will they get everything they ask for???? Probably not.....But why shouldn't they try??? They are not going to negotiate willingly with the unions while they are in BK. That's why I think the chest pounding by some is sooooo disingenuous!!! We employees are strung up by our b33lls!!!!(sorry ladies!). The unions have NO leverage!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
What?? Your surprised by this?? These people are going to do whatever they feel is necessary to to accomplish their "transformation plan"!!!! They are in BK, and they are NOT going to negotiate in good faith!! Will they get everything they ask for???? Probably not.....But why shouldn't they try??? They are not going to negotiate willingly with the unions while they are in BK. That's why I think the chest pounding by some is sooooo disingenuous!!! We employees are strung up by our b33lls!!!!(sorry ladies!). The unions have NO leverage!!!!
Wait till the last card is dealt before making such statements. This management has gone way over the edge and received the outside world's attention doing so. Jerry Glass looks like Saddam Hossain and acts like him too so it's natural for people to reach out and help when someone is getting abused from his kind.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
They are in BK, and they are NOT going to negotiate in good faith!!

Well guess what?

Section 1113C makes them HAVE to negotiate in good faith
CynicalResAgent said:
hmmmm get the feeling that they really don't like the passenger service group?

it is probably more like they hate us..................
It just shows the company is not really interested in saving money...

I hope the judge can see that....It goes deeper than that....

Trying to use the protection of bankruptcy court to try to: break the unions, destroy familes, and make bigger profits down the road than the $33 million dollars made last quarter...

RSA is worth billions of dollars...If they are underfunding there investment they need to sell some of those golf courses, shopping centers, high rise buildings that they got at rock bottom prices from distressed owners.....

It is dispicable that they are funded by pensioners who have the the higest payback on their pensions, but don't want other people to have a pension to live on.....