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Cwa Meeting With The Company Too...

Delta...I think it will be like a revolving door at the ATO, and Res centers if they remain in the US. It will be a constant turn over from the travel schools of kids fresh out of high school, who quickly get tired of all the "rules and regulations" they have to deal with. But realistically, when there is a job available at an "airline", they will line up around the block and accept minimum wage to get in...then find out what it's really about, and after a few "free flights", walk out the door.
Why do I stay???? More fun being a thorn in their side!!!!! Don't worry do have enough pride to do my job correctly. Once something else comes my way which it will just a matter of when, will gladly leave and will not look back!!!!!
Why stay? Can't get a day off from here to go for an interview there.
Afer 18 years of nights weekends and holidays..I might want to collect unemployment if things fall apart and finally have the option to spend more quality time with my family. I've never had unemployment and after this place it's almost like the light at the end of the tunnel....I hope US makes it but if not....we all have other things to look forward to...
TO: USAir320


We don't need your insight as to what to do with our careers. Just worry about your own. It's hard enought to take a 21% paycut and than come on this board and see YOU commenting on my union! Stay away. Go fly somewhere. I know what needs to be done and I will do it when the time comes. It's my decision what I do about my job, my career, my life.

To all CWA members:

I've frequently commented about how everyone at US is the best in the industry, but let me comment specifically about your group.

The first and last impression a customer gets when traveling is from the customer service agents. It starts at the ticket counter and ends in the baggage claim. It is that simple, and that effectively makes you the most important employees in the system. It is mainly you folks who sometimes make a passengers day better. We all know that instead of charging a $25 standby fee, you can INVOL reroute them and charge them nothing. You might be scared of getting in trouble, but I know lots of you that still do that because you know how rediculous your management is with these fees that they try to impose. Stuff like that is but one example of how you make my experiences better all the time.

I know that you are the lowest paid work group, and frankly, I believe that is wrong. Sure, you don't need to know physics because you aren't flying a plane, but should even the most junior pilots be making double the amount of senior ticket agents? I'm not so sure. As mentioned before, you deal with the customers during weather situations, and I know how tough it is to absorb the anger without fighting back. May God Bless you all.

If US Airways gets what they want and there is a mass exodus of customer service employees, from RES to ATO, I may have to seriously question my loyalty to this airline. If I had to deal with AirTran type employees at the airport, I would not be a happy camper.
P.S. If you do not care any more, why do you not resign and go work in an environment where you care, especially with even deeper cuts sought?

I don't care anymore and at this point I will stay for spite.... I want to get unemployment benefits and thats it.
And who elected a NON-US Airways employee to tell people that are living this what to do?

Chiames says Hi Bob.
ISP...once again thank you!!!!! It is nice to know that there are frequent flyers such as yourself from Chairmans down to the average customer that makes what I do for the company more of a pleasant experiance.
USA320Pilot said:
There are thousands of employees working in customer service for express wages. What is their pay rate and why do they work under those conditions?

Furthermore, how many former US Airways CWA and IAM-FSA employees went to the Mainline/Express classification from about $22 to $13 per hour? Why did they do that and not resign from the company?



You are an obnoxious glorified busdriver. The marketplace is currently placing a value on your services. We will be happy and bubbly when it finally reaches the level of your true worth.
Guys... this country is not going in the direction of supporting the wage distribution that you want and that I believe is just. No Corp can make it today, without paying reciculously divergent salaries in, what I think is, a pretty arbitrary way. That's a long term voting booth type of issue. And long term labor movement type issue.... neither strategies are available to U labor at this time.

However, I think, that even in the USA labor market, U is going to find that it will have to up the 'compensation' for customer service folks in some way. I suspect that it will be in performance bonuses, or some such.

I agree with ISP that U should not be dismissive of costumer service. It's the most consistent pattern of behavior by U that I find fault with.

Good luck.
USA320Pilot said:
There are thousands of employees working in customer service for express wages. What is their pay rate and why do they work under those conditions?

Furthermore, how many former US Airways CWA and IAM-FSA employees went to the Mainline/Express classification from about $22 to $13 per hour? Why did they do that and not resign from the company?



some of didnt have a choice as the cities listed has also got raped from mainline to mainline express or closed. we could have gone to phl but then to have the judge reduce the pay what difference would it been since you'd be trvaeling say on a day off to go home then back to work and paying tolls and a crash pad. you'd be taking home the same amount as if you stayed. i know i stayed in my expressed depressed mainline city due to being close with my 2 yr old speical needs son. what are you going to do if you get downgraded from the left of an airbus to the right seat of a e170?
USA320Pilot said:
I agree many employees have pride in their work, which I respect.

The challenge is not senior management taking anything away, it's the requirement for US Airways to be competitive in a brutal industry. The companies who are making money are the companies with a competitive cost structure.

Do I like the fact people are willing to do the work we to do for less? No, of course not, but it's reality and the market is dictating change.

Change has happened once, either via a consensual agreement or imposition, and it's going to occur again.



if the market place is dictating the changes, then why are sports and other companies able to pay high salaries as well as the airlines paying 4 to 5 time the amount to the inept clowns running the airline? if the mkt is dictating, then these clowns should not get paid the hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a job.