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Cwa Meeting With The Company Too...

[I don't care anymore and at this point I will stay for spite.... I want to get unemployment benefits and thats it.

How sad!!!!
What I find curious is why the company hasnt offered ANY kind of a buy out. Even one like before where its just flying benefits for life and seeya. I know some people who would take that in a heartbeat and they'd get rid of some people. Add a little here and there and you'd get more takers. Guess they'd rather just have people hanging around instead of REALLY trying to get some of the senior people to leave with something after all these years or forcing them to leave with nothing.
Hey,USA320pilot you would never leave the gate,cause the c/s agent has to make sure you have fuel on your ac.So we don't need you telling what is good for us.
How long will they pay the " pilot320 " with no psgrs onboard. Not long I imagine.
4merresrat said:
[I don't care anymore and at this point I will stay for spite.... I want to get unemployment benefits and thats it.

Don't stand next to me. Your attitude is making me more depressed than I already am; and your salivating over your unemployment benefits is stinking up the place. :angry:
Because although many are angry and making satements they will leave and so, the reality is most will stay rather than go to Walmart.

The sad thing is if the union leadership would focus on solutions they would get a better deal for all of us line folks...it is really quite sad.

Many act as if this has never happened...it is happening all around you in other industries and also has gone down this road in airline land too.

We can be like CAL, and be a viable company and a great place to work too!

Keep the faith 🙂

USA320Pilot said:
There are thousands of employees working in customer service for express wages. What is their pay rate and why do they work under those conditions?

Furthermore, how many former US Airways CWA and IAM-FSA employees went to the Mainline/Express classification from about $22 to $13 per hour? Why did they do that and not resign from the company?


UseYourHead said:
Because although many are angry and making satements they will leave and so, the reality is most will stay rather than go to Walmart.

The sad thing is if the union leadership would focus on solutions they would get a better deal for all of us line folks...it is really quite sad.

Many act as if this has never happened...it is happening all around you in other industries and also has gone down this road in airline land too.

We can be like CAL, and be a viable company and a great place to work too!

Keep the faith 🙂

The union leadership is dead in the water. All they can do is massage their egos in the media crying woe are we the innocent victims of a plotted, planned and precision coordinated union slaughter, when in reality they lead about as good as this management team performs. They scream loud but no one is listening or even cares and why pineybob brings up steel because it’s the same deal, different time where once again unions didn’t save the day crying in the media. You have a better shot at keeping your job if you joinn a Masonic Hall instead of a union.
USA320Pilot said:
There are thousands of employees working in customer service for express wages. What is their pay rate and why do they work under those conditions?

Furthermore, how many former US Airways CWA and IAM-FSA employees went to the Mainline/Express classification from about $22 to $13 per hour? Why did they do that and not resign from the company?


You amaze me you want to know why some stay... because you don't go unless your ready and I told you before I would rather collect a check for a year instead of 6 months and if you are taking a certificate class from unemployment they pay up to 3000 dollars for it and exstend your check for 6 more months ....
You only see whats infront of you...
CWA ers would do better in chap 7 and I have spread that word and will continue to spread it ........

Just received this from a friend today regarding the "meeting" with CWA on Wed. Shows what they have been doing to CWA all along and why many of us are just tired of it and dont think we are being given the respect and fair access to negotiations that we should be getting given the critical condition we are in. With this as an example of how they negotiate, I say make them come to CWA next time before scheduling another meeting. Is there only 1 person on property who can hold a meeting?

US Airways management scheduled a meeting with CWA negociaters on Wednesday Oct 20. US Airways management kept the CWA team waiting for 3 hours and didn't show up. This is the type of skilled management that our CEO Bruce Lakefield is keeping with the 1% paycut. I say fire them all and start over again. We can't possibly do any worse.

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