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Company Provides Alpa With New Proposal

Borescope said:
Just like Delta did to the Pan Am pilots, right? They didn't start at the top and take pilots. It was qualified on the fleet / equipment. ALPA at work. The judge will most likely side with the company in a dispute like this. Good Luck.

duke/spellacy lawsuit corrected the errors.

i agree that was fleet type acquition not unlike aa and twa while at this point only symantecs being in chapter 11 and bidding at the last possible moment for assets inorder to get them cheaper than if a bidding war starts in chap 7. it was only a matter of minutes in one case and a judges gavel.

yeah what you stated certainly could have been handled better.
Can the pilots walk if this fiasco becomes reality? If not, just quit and see how USA320 and the company feels about that. USA320 makes me sick. Savy :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
I'm not even a pilot and I'm so worked up I can't stand it. USA320 always promotes a plan that saves his as- and everyone else gets screwed. Fellow pilots get furloughed, the IAM feels the pain, CWA should negotiate or quit and his sickening rhetoric goes on and on. Smug is an understatement. ALPA if you allow his scenario to happen you are nothing short of a disgrace. Savy
Going against the flow big time on this topic.

The seniority model for pilots has been BROKE for a very long time with relative bennies going to those fortunate enough to hire prior to around 1985. That leaves around half of list in 86-89 range.

Bottom line....it apears from previous post over the years that their has been very little loyalty rendered from top down and you would have to be naive to believe that a relative less senior pilot is going fall on the sword over seniority rights should he/she finally benefit in some way.

Things have not been fair in quite a while and what goes around.....
PineyBob said:
That's laughable! What exactly are you going to use for bullets? Don't you get it the company has the cards, the deck and game are rigged.


With what the co. is proposing to the labor groups, will make for a non-productive workforce because of horrible morale. If the co. is trying to lure investors by reducing our wages to the basement level, then they are misleading investors to think that the forced 1113 filing or breaking provisions in the contract will make way for a profitable company.

That is just an illusion. If you are a dumb investor; then you get what you deserve...."0" return.

PS: Broke 4,000 posts today....god i'm tired...whew! :blink:
USA320Pilot said:
If the creditor's force the 150 mainline fleet plan, which the creditor's believe would provide twice the profits, the only way to cost effectively reduce the fleet is to furlough by fleet type and out of seniority.

There is only one creditor who believes this, and it's not the one that matters.
"Furthermore, could the company use bankruptcy tools to rid them selves of people like Mwereplanes, Walmartgreeter, and the RC4?"

You forgot BoeingBoy!

Boy, your glee in watching the people who disagree with you potentially getting axed is distasteful beyond belief. Isn't there some rock you should be crawling under?


fatherabraham said:
Going against the flow big time on this topic.

The seniority model for pilots has been BROKE for a very long time with relative bennies going to those fortunate enough to hire prior to around 1985. That leaves around half of list in 86-89 range.

Bottom line....it apears from previous post over the years that their has been very little loyalty rendered from top down and you would have to be naive to believe that a relative less senior pilot is going fall on the sword over seniority rights should he/she finally benefit in some way.

Things have not been fair in quite a while and what goes around.....

Agreed from a 87. Not in the pilot group, just another group where it works the same way.
"That's laughable! What exactly are you going to use for bullets? Don't you get it the company has the cards, the deck and game are rigged.'

Not showing up for work is one heck of a bullet. Judge says you cannot strike, well guess what, you are sick!

An airline cannot fly without labor, if labor is absent, say buhbye!
U management is so far up a creek it is laughable, there will not be enough people to paddle. A certain pilot, regardless of commendations, simply will not be enough to run the show and anyone else accepting out of seniority furloughs will be branded, to the point that even flying rubber dog shat to Hong Kong will not be an option.

This concept is so far beyond court orders to be silly, this is a badge of honour to wear. Any pilot who says: "I refused" will be a frigging hero in my eyes. Not that it counts for much, but I will buy him or her all the steaks and beer he/she can handle for as long as I can breathe.
USA320Pilot said:
MEC chairman Bill Pollock wrote about this very issue on September 19 in a letter to the pilot's.

ALPA Negotiating Committee member, CPA, and fraud examiner Don Hollerbach called an “Armageddonâ€.
ALPA legal advisor Mike Abahm’s told the MEC that US Airways does not have a CEO in charge and the real people who are in charge are the creditor’s.

According to ALPA MEC chairman Bill Pollock, “it’s clear that the ATSB is holding the reigns very tightly on this process to ensure that its cash is used only in the ways and to the extend to which it consents.

As US Airways’ chairman David Bronner said, this company will be restructured with or without employees and it appears now the only decision left may be will their be senior or junior employees left working at the company when the airline emerges from Chapter 11.

When would now be a good time for every union to reach new labor accords?


Nope. It would not be that time. Who is "Don Hollerbach?" (I actually know who he is, nice guy..but come on!) Pollack.....BOD!. Alpa's legal guy, give me a break! Bronner, the 3 faces of Eve ! Why do you protest. You are PROTECTED. You will suffer no job loss, and even if guys DO lose their jobs, your attendence record and support of mangement PROTECTS you. Please let the rest of us fight for a moral cause. You are set for LIFE! We are all so happy for you! Greeter.
Is there not an ALPA national to step in and save the PILOT PROFESSION. When will they stop POLLOCK and the rest of the gag from totally devastating wages and benefits not only at U, but the rest of the Industry as well.

Management made a decision to transfer flying from 737s and 319s to RJS, NOT LABOR. Although i believe all unions should have contested this failed POR in the first BK.

Now All the UNIONS should stick together and demand a Trustee be appointed by the Judge, to run the airline like it should be ran.
Q and A with Lakefield as posted in another thread.

Do the Pennsylvania pilots deserve blame for the bankruptcy filing?

A: "It is very, very hard to say. If I got [an agreement ratified by 3,000 rank-and-file pilots] last week, I am not sure it would have made a difference".

Yet, you know who keeps blaming the RC4!

"You forgot BoeingBoy!"

It's a fine group of principled people to be omitted from - thanks for making sure I wasn't left out. :up:

US Airways and the RC4/NC have been negotiating for months. If a deal was obtained over the summer, Chapter 11 could have been avoided, according to ALPA's advisors (legal, financial, and economists). However, the RC4 did not get serious until the end of August and have ignored the advisors, ALPA national professional negotiators, MEC officers, and majority of the MEC.

If there is an out of seniority furlough I understand it will be a lock out, therefore, there will be no problem.

ALPA's advisor's told the MEC the out of seniority furlough could occur last summer, but the RC4, who are stuck like a "deer in headlights", elected to not believe the advisor's (again) and boom, it's here and now the naysayers are commenting: how can it be?

Do not shoot the messenger because I told readers on this board this could occur and it's the ATSB driving the ship. If you want to be mad, be mad at the ATSB who now want deeper cuts because labor has been unwilling to play ball, which has been lead by the RC4.


USA320Pilot said:
US Airways and the RC4/NC have been negotiating for months. If a deal was obtained over the summer, Chapter 11 could have been avoided, according to ALPA's advisors (legal, financial, and economists). However, the RC4 did not get serious until the end of August and have ignored the advisors, ALPA national professional negotiators, MEC officers, and majority of the MEC.

If there is an out of seniority furlough I understand it will be a lock out, therefore, there will be no problem.

ALPA's advisor's told the MEC the out of seniority furlough could occur last summer, but the RC4, who are stuck like a "deer in headlights", elected to not believe the advisor's (again) and boom, it's here and now the naysayers are commenting: how can it be?

Do not shoot the messenger because I told readers on this board this could occur and it's the ATSB driving the ship. If you want to be mad, be mad at the ATSB who now want deeper cuts because labor has been unwilling to play ball, which has been lead by the RC4.


Uhhh. There has been NO negociations with the company. Not once, none, nada. The judge will soon point this out to you. Again, you are bulletproof. What do you care. Greeter.

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