You know, USA320Pilot, I've read your posts both on the UAL and US forum and although I don't agree with most of them and often times you were wrong, I think people in the past gave you a hard time, unnecessarily at times. But your recent postings on this thread concerning out of seniority furloughs absolutely disgust me as a fellow ALPA member, and I don't even work at US Air.
Those 4 members were elected officals, elected by their respective memberships. They didn't break any rules doing what they did. They made a difficult decision and did what they thought was best for their membership, which was unfortunately contrary to your personal beliefs, and perhaps the beliefs of a few others who had the time to attend the meetings you mention in previous posts. However, simply because a minority have the time in their schedules to voice their opinion publicly does not mean that the RC4 did not represent the majority of pilots, and to imply such a thing is ridiculous.
*****It’s my understanding the out of seniority furlough for pilots would be instantaneous and by fleet type, which would likely eliminate most of the non-A320 pilots. The plan would be implemented similar in scope to the TPA hangar closure and we would a lock out, where people like Mwereplanes, Walmartgreeter, BoeingBoy, and two of the RC4 would be furloughed out of seniority, without severance pay, and no MDA option.*******
Writing the above and basically stating that because the above members don't agree with your position and therefore implying they're going to get what they deserve is pretty damn low USA320pilot. Damn low. I'm sure you had no problem with ALPA and its rules when it allowed you to advance to the A320 Captain position in an orderly fashion during your career based upon your seniority, when you were collecting your paychecks on time over the past X amount of years, but when the going gets tough and you don't get your way, you gleefully post that those in disagreement with you are going to lose their jobs and you "told them so." Take your pin off- you are a disgrace. If anything, as a senior union member having enjoyed the benefits of ALPA membership over the vast majority of your career, you should be posting how quickly the airline will cease to exist if anything even remotely like that is considered.
What's next, USA320pilot? Using your logic, we should cast aside the laws of our country and mark our elected officials and their constituents for personal injury and harassment if they vote in a disagreeable way? Especially if we've "told them so?"