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Company pays your union dues again

Policy - made by, determined by & changed by the company at their choosing.

I once saw an air freight manager lean over the shouldr of a Fleet an mark out a whole paragraph of the PPG when being shown and item he didn't like. It stuck too.

Sounds like Canale, when he determines which policy he will abide by!! :down: :down:
For the most part the fleet workers are low end on intelligence least they would be in better positions, plus they don't remember history. History when the morons voted out the union altogether and promptly received the golden royal shaft. Now you want the IAM gone, hell the IAM are your brains since there are no brains in any of the fleet service employees, most anyway.

You may want to clean up most of this paragraph too.
Nelson, we can all plainly see you’ve lied and continue to lie…keep posting your comments (lies) we’re lovin’ it!!!

Kindly show me where I lied in my post? Unfortunately, I wish it were a lie because fleet service has felt the 'pain' of paying the IAM about $500 a year for nothing.
And I really do mean nothing. Fleet service had "tons" more without the IAM.

And let's not get into the grievance procedure. The IAM couldn't even win a grievance on getting new contract booklets. In fact, I was told that the IAM might not even have filed a grievance on this matter because the company kept telling them that the booklets will be at the printers in 'two weeks'. Two weeks has now ended up closer to 2 years. Imagine that, a union that can't even get the company to print the contracts, even though the IAM contract requires the company to print them.

At any rate, the company has ceased to continue with 401k contributions...period. Every fleet service person knows this. Fortunately, passenger service didn't get screwed on this and can enjoy up to 3 times or more the retirement contributions than the ramp.

Any pension/ retirement is only as good as the money that goes in. Although the ramp's 401k wasn't the best, the IAM pension was a $48.2 concession from the previous 401k. I'm sure you knew that though. In fact, so we can be clear, you do recognize that your IAM pension was a $48.2 million concession don't you?????????????
And don't get pissed at me, i'm just pointing to the scoreboard, while you run your mouth on the field and name call.

To be sure, Fleet service is better off non-union than to continue with the IAM. The Non-union rampers at Delta and Continental have far superior pay and benefits. THAT's a FACT!

Delta is outsourcing all the ramp cities except hubs and focus cities.

They are in the process of training the vendors.

portland, dallas, and phoenix were just outsourced
Delta is outsourcing all the ramp cities except hubs and focus cities.

They are in the process of training the vendors.
They are Non-union, US was allowed to do so with the blessings of the IAM!! :down: :down:
I receive almost ten times that amount from the IAM with less than 15 years service you moron... Go ahead and thru your futures away, it goes with your intelligence, zero!

Hey :censored:,I'm telling you TWA men with thirty five years at TWA are getting #### from the IAM national pension.Or is reading comprehension beyond the ability of your simplistic intelligence?
They were not in the IAMNPF for 35 years.

Why don't you get the whole story, TWA has two of its own pension plans before it ever participated in the IAMNPF.
Delta is outsourcing all the ramp cities except hubs and focus cities.

They are in the process of training the vendors.

True, Delta did outsource an additional amount of cities but it was to get more in line with the new industry standard established by the IAM at US AIRWAYS. At US AIRWAYS, only 11 stations are not contracted out and that was only because the company 'threw in 2 more'. Then you have another 20 stations that are "B" stations at cheap wages. IMO these 20 are contracted out stations, just that they have to keep paying dues to the IAM.

Still Delta has more fleet service workers than US AIRWAYS.

Guess you did not know DL has cut their pay by 20% after their pay was cut in 2004 by 10% elminated their DBP also.

Cut 9,000 jobs,The airline also said it would boost employees’ share of cost of health care coverage; mandated a five-week, instead of a six-week, maximum annual vacation accrual; and eliminated the Delta subsidy for retiree and survivor health-care coverage at age 65 for those retiring after January 1, 2006.

Keep up with the facts timmy.
Guess you did not know DL has cut their pay by 20% after their pay was cut in 2004 by 10% elminated their DBP also.

Cut 9,000 jobs,The airline also said it would boost employees’ share of cost of health care coverage; mandated a five-week, instead of a six-week, maximum annual vacation accrual; and eliminated the Delta subsidy for retiree and survivor health-care coverage at age 65 for those retiring after January 1, 2006.

Keep up with the facts timmy.
Keep on trying to defend the IAM by trying to compare apples to oranges, in this case Union(us)to non-union(dl). This just makes you look bad and gets more people ready to vote against the iam. :down: :down:
Like I said, don't let the facts get in your way.

Your mentor posted incorrect information, so I corrected him, don't like it, don't read it.
Like I said, don't let the facts get in your way.

Your mentor posted incorrect information, so I corrected him, don't like it, don't read it.

Keep on posting, just makes more people realize just how desperate the IAM really is!! :down:
I post for no one except myself.
Guess you did not know DL has cut their pay by 20% after their pay was cut in 2004 by 10% elminated their DBP also.

Cut 9,000 jobs,The airline also said it would boost employees’ share of cost of health care coverage; mandated a five-week, instead of a six-week, maximum annual vacation accrual; and eliminated the Delta subsidy for retiree and survivor health-care coverage at age 65 for those retiring after January 1, 2006.

Keep up with the facts timmy.

700, I would much rather have a mandated 5 weeks of vacation than the current 4 weeks at your company.

Delta's fleet service are much better off and there is no doubt about it. True Delta made significant cuts in pay and benefits but still far superior to what your IAM iron clad contract allows.

The delta ramper makes $17.58 IN all stations but the US AIR IAM priviliged member makes only $17 in "Big stations" or a measley $15.60 in small stations.

Non-union Delta ramper gets a shift differ to further boost pay
IAM misrepresented member gets NO DIFFER

Non-union Delta ramper still gets 10 holidays
IAM reprsented ramper gets 5 holidays

Non-union Delta ramper gets FULLY paid sick days.
IAM misrepresented ramper gets unpaid sick day

Non-Union Delta ramper gets DOUBLE TIME pay rates
IAM misrepresented ramper is prohibited from double time

Non-Union Delta ramper gets Holiday pay rates when you work a holiday up to 2.5
IAM misrepresented ramper gets nothing.

Non-union Delta ramper gets a bonus if goals are met.
IAM Misrepresented ramper gets this too but only because the company mandated it.

Non-union Delta ramper is 'dues free'
IAM misrepresented ramper is out $500 a year.

700, should I now go to Continental....you're going to love that because the non union rampers at continental make $19.42 right now. Should I add more????

700, I wish I were wrong and that the IAM is worth $500 a year to keep. Unfortunately, the IAM141 has increased dues and hired more bosses EVEN though all 4 of its airlines were in banruptcy and thousands were left on the streets and those who kept a job made significantly less.

R U Kiddn me??????

The facts are straight, fleet service is much better off being non-union than keeping the painful IAM.

Guess you did not know DL has cut their pay by 20% after their pay was cut in 2004 by 10% elminated their DBP also.

Cut 9,000 jobs,The airline also said it would boost employees’ share of cost of health care coverage; mandated a five-week, instead of a six-week, maximum annual vacation accrual; and eliminated the Delta subsidy for retiree and survivor health-care coverage at age 65 for those retiring after January 1, 2006.

Keep up with the facts timmy.
Atleast Delta still has far more of their own employees than USAIR has currently. Their paycuts hasnt come in threes the way the IAM and USAIR forced us the fleet service--I mean now the former USAIR Fleet Service Agents

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