....it is time to admit the members accepted the conditions in a democratic vote.
1. The majority of the fleet service agents voted for the junk that was presented to them
2. The IAM came forth with
no recomendation on how to vote...nor did my little station really have any information on what we were voting on. (yes a copy of the whole thing was available for us to "look at" on the day we voted!
3. The IAM went along with the "giving away" and was a part of the small cities being outsourced (being thrown under the bus" to "protect the hubs" and thus keep some dues coming in.
4. That the IAM had a member on the BOD and knew what was going to come down the pike....at least they knew a whole lot more than they pretended to know.
5. The IAM NEVER represented or made it easy for those in the small stations to participate in their local lodge nor did they ever have a voice of any kind in the IAM (no representation....no-one from F/S to speak for the small station, only the large stations had representation/a voice....we had to take what was given us...NOTHING.)
6. I admit the AGC we had was as wothless as "tits on a boar hog." Never did a thing for us.
7. I even admit I don't like the IAM because of the above. I also admit that the IAM is worthless.
There, I've admitted it. I feel better. Hope you do 700.
Oh, and I also admit I hope the IAM is booted out of F/S. No representation is better than IAM representation IMO.