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The Loop Hole

Hal was in CLT not so long ago and was asked about bringing certain work in house. His answer was interesting to say the least. U west asked U east for their cost analysis of how much cost gain the company achieved by vendoring the work they did as opposed to keeping it in house well no big surprise here they couldn't tell them. It sounded like at somepoint U west will do cost analysis of everything that U east did in house and sent to vendor and if it is cheaper to do it in house that is where they will do it. Just because you vendor it dosen't mean it cost you less money and hopefully U west management has the sense to realize this. I will say this Hal was very professional and seemed willing to listen to mechanics unlike that idiot Prestifillipo who never came around and if he did knew nothing about maintenance!
like east ever worried about cost analysis anyway....we'll hit up the employees again 😱 .....thats how they do cost analysis on the east side of town. :down:

presto-flippo...F..F..F..F..F :shock:

The IAM CBA has not been tested to it's fullest yet. The company is waiting until the representation dispute is completed. If they start to challenge the IAM CBA now, then support for the IBT will increase even more.

Challenging the IAM CBA will only show how weak the IAM is as well as their CBA. The company wants IAM (as stated by DP) to represent the Mechanic and Related. The company wants to take advantage of the changes they have made to the IAM CBA. Hmmm.....the company wants the IAM to survive as the representatives of the Mechanic and Related? Does that seem right to you?

Something to consider next time you think about what the IAM has done for you.

Think about the future. 🙂

sorriest thing about your post was the company based all its contract modifications on your famous IBT contract :lol:
Challenging the IAM CBA will only show how weak the IAM is as well as their CBA.
yep,it was proven how weak IAM was in federal court and how weak the scope language was over work :lol:

do you talk just to make a breeze in the room or what?
25-35 depending on inspection finds.... i think 😱
we just did a q check on a 737-400 and it was done 3 days early...aircraft 777 and we are now working on a 737 -300 aircraft 549 and its scheduled for 42 days, and it will be done early also.

The attitudes in clt are very much improved it seems like a lot of the negative acting employees left the company.

The mechanics in Clt are working the best Ive ever seen, and the attitudes are really postive.Its a much better place to work then it was a couple years ago.I actually look foward to going to work and Im glad to see that upper management has taken notice and improved moral considerabley.

To me the future looks bright.Im looking foward to seeing an additional Q check line added in Clt.

I think the company has seen the results of outsourced maintence and there lack of proffesionalism and made a correct decision to bring more work back in house.where they have mechanics who take pride in there work and do a outstanding job.

I see the maintence work all being done in house as its to costly to have a vendor or non A/Ps doing what is a highly technical saftey issue job.

Ive talked to guys who have recently been recalled to Clt from timco and there response was that timco was not doing near as good of job as the airlines own mechanics....said that a lot of them couldnt even speak english let alone read a maintence manual...at 40,000 ft who would you want as your mechanic.

Time will tell .

Finally most of the bad attitudes are gone...

Be optimistic...
My contention is that this will be a problem if the IAM becomes the representative of Maintenance and Related.

The present IAM contract for the Maintenance and Related membership has been altered by the company via a BK judge.
absolute lie- members approved the contract changes not a BK judge
Anytime a company gets it's hand in a CBA, with no restrictions, then the CBA is "contaminated". another IBT distortion
If you think that the company attorneys changed things arbitrarily, then you are sadly mistaken.
this is what you have attempted to infer regarding certain portions of the contract previously and now you disclaim what you earlier tried to pass off :blink: ?
The "loop" holes will become more apparent as the CBA goes to grievances and arbitration. Only time will tell. 🙂

the biggest percieved loophole became apparent in federal court when the IAM attorneys closed it forever stopping the company from exploiting it to their benefit,proving once and for all the strength and integrity of the IAM contract and scope.
we just did a q check on a 737-400 and it was done 3 days early...aircraft 777 and we are now working on a 737 -300 aircraft 549 and its scheduled for 42 days, and it will be done early also.

The attitudes in clt are very much improved it seems like a lot of the negative acting employees left the company.

The mechanics in Clt are working the best Ive ever seen, and the attitudes are really postive.Its a much better place to work then it was a couple years ago.I actually look foward to going to work and Im glad to see that upper management has taken notice and improved moral considerabley.

To me the future looks bright.Im looking foward to seeing an additional Q check line added in Clt.

I think the company has seen the results of outsourced maintence and there lack of proffesionalism and made a correct decision to bring more work back in house.where they have mechanics who take pride in there work and do a outstanding job.

I see the maintence work all being done in house as its to costly to have a vendor or non A/Ps doing what is a highly technical saftey issue job.

Ive talked to guys who have recently been recalled to Clt from timco and there response was that timco was not doing near as good of job as the airlines own mechanics....said that a lot of them couldnt even speak english let alone read a maintence manual...at 40,000 ft who would you want as your mechanic.

Time will tell .

Finally most of the bad attitudes are gone...

Be optimistic...
Sorry this is a pet peeve of mine,can you spell maintenance? Not maintence.
what an ass...with all the problems....we have to do a spell check. I would have said Arshe in German, but not knowing if that is correct...I didnt. Hell I didn't want him spell checking me too.

Just smile to Management...they think you like it. But your wife and kids will feal the truth. Guaranteed. :down: 😛 <_<
well not to beat a dedd horse,but you misspelled feel]/b] 😱

fe´al (fē´al)
a. 1. Faithful; loyal.

but your wife and kids will"faithful,loyal" the truth??