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Mudslinging is not using an adjective that correctly describes an individual such as clueless.

What I find interesting is those with the negative attitudes are the one's who try to make that claim. Why? Fear because they cannot argue the facts.


We're all united in the happy anticipation, and the early arrival, of the alleged vehicle.

Note: Bold enhancements to quotes were added by TLA.

It would be interesting to have you one day have a counter point to one of usa320's posts. You seem to, in a cowardly manner, check on this board with insults only, then leave quickly.
It would be interesting to have you one day have a counter point to one of usa320's posts. You seem to, in a cowardly manner, check on this board with insults only, then leave quickly.

Fighter pilots don't linger over a target. :lol:
Fighter pilots don't linger over a target. :lol:

Had you not quoted the poseur I wouldn't have known that there is still an insatiable obsession over my posts and activities. I've placed the obsessed, stalking admirer, on ignore. Life is good, I will always be intellectually superior, and extremely happy, and that just pizzes some people :blink: off. :up:

Thanks for the compliment, Phoenix! :blush:
Fighter pilots don't linger over a target. :lol:

Make that "real" pilots. A hit is a hit. Why go back? The guy talking big with a spear up his tutu doesn't have a lot of cred at that point. and, why are we teaching these kids how to be adults, anyway? I say, let Darwin sort them out.
Mudslinging is not using an adjective that correctly describes an individual such as clueless.
Perhaps a moderator would clarify their understanding of what constitutes "mudslinging". Is the "slinger's" perception of reality, no matter how warped, sufficient to move such "mudslinging" into the realm of factual statements and therefore immunized against repercussion?

If so, I have a few choice comments that "correctly describes" a certain individual......

Mudslinging is not using an adjective that correctly describes an individual such as clueless.

What I find interesting is those with the negative attitudes are the one's who try to make that claim. Why? Fear because they cannot argue the facts.



Since when have you argued facts? You are all about self prognosticated speculation that favors your misguided perceptions. Take a look back at all your proposed DL/US theories and "unique corporate transactions."
Still waiting on those to materialize are you? Laughable.

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