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Commuting on Southwest

On WN or AA I see they go by first come first serve. Are their employess allowed to check in online?

With former AWA we (employees) checked in on-line. Anyone had the oppurtunity to be 1st on the standby list.

First come First serve would be awful if you could only check in at the gate or ticket counter.
On WN or AA I see they go by first come first serve. Are their employess allowed to check in online?

With former AWA we (employees) checked in on-line. Anyone had the oppurtunity to be 1st on the standby list.

First come First serve would be awful if you could only check in at the gate or ticket counter.
Yes, we can check in on-line, but no more than 4 hours prior to scheduled departure. If you don't like checking in at the gate, then I suggest not flying WN. :lol: I don't know if their employees can check-in on line, but I know that OAL employees can only check in at the gate. They want to see your smiling face before they put you on the standby list. That being said, if they know that there is going to be space on the flight, they will go ahead and issue you a boarding pass when you check in.

Oh, and at AA, the first-come, first-served applies all day long. Say I'm checked in for the 5pm flight to STL from DFW. If the 3:30pm is overbooked or cancels, the standbys from that flight roll over to the list for the 5pm ahead of the people checked in for the 5pm. :shock: That's why our commuter policy requires that you be listed and standby for at least 2 flights that will get you to base in time for signin in order to not get a missed trip. And, you still get a missed trip if the reason you didn't make it was there wasn't room on the flight for you. It has to be a delay or cancellation of both flights.

At AA, you just can't afford to wait for the last flight that will get you there in time. Though there are some who do.
Except maybe when the flights are full, or near full and there are 25 non-revs standing by for 3 empty seats.

Does that really sound like an easy commute to you?

Quit.... or Commute...

Or Drive...


sorry... but thats the facts....
Songstew, I can't believe it has gotten that bad for you folks on the East to rent cars to get to your homes!!??? That is soo crazy! Are you that commited to commute just to retain this job!?? We PHX folks are soo fortunate to have our HUB, and many of us live in the desert!! Thank goodness. I couldn't imagine the torture, and headache every month commuting for this job?!! I have less pay in my contract now, but more flexilbility and vacation, and am able to live in a city with less stress. I am very thankful for the time being! We need better provisions for all commuter and employees system wide, enough is enough!! I envy you 🙂


welcome to our world...

this is what we have done for the last 30 years...

we have had many base closeures...

so many pay cuts...
so many layoffs...
and we are finally on the right track...

but.... have to commute...

but no problem...

just a plane ride away...

U too can have our world...

just come to the EAST

and the glamor..

you can fly to Europe...
for a 24 hour layover...

all are welcome...



welcome to our world...

this is what we have done for the last 30 years...

we have had many base closeures...

so many pay cuts...
so many layoffs...
and we are finally on the right track...

but.... have to commute...

but no problem...

just a plane ride away...

U too can have our world...

just come to the EAST

and the glamor..

you can fly to Europe...
for a 24 hour layover...

all are welcome...



Is that some kind of funky haiku?
Say I'm checked in for the 5pm flight to STL from DFW. If the 3:30pm is overbooked or cancels, the standbys from that flight roll over to the list for the 5pm ahead of the people checked in for the 5pm.
That make no sense. Are you saying that someone who checked in for the 1530 flight at 1400 goes ahead of someone who checked in for the 1700 flight at 1300 when the standby list rolls over?
That make no sense. Are you saying that someone who checked in for the 1530 flight at 1400 goes ahead of someone who checked in for the 1700 flight at 1300 when the standby list rolls over?

You can only check in for a flight 1 hour in advance first of all. And yes, that is fair.

If you are checked in at 100 pm for a 200pm and it cancels.....why should you be thrown to the bottom of the next flight? Technically you were there first.

Here is where the original topic comes into play!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are THEIR rules and you play by them!!!!

You nor I have a say in that.
That make no sense. Are you saying that someone who checked in for the 1530 flight at 1400 goes ahead of someone who checked in for the 1700 flight at 1300 when the standby list rolls over?
Well, you automatically roll the revenue passengers on the cancelled flight to the top of the next flight standby (if you are unable to go ahead and assign them seats on the next flight) why would the non-revs not roll over on top also?

Remember AA's philosophy is "this month takes precedence over next month, today takes precedence over tomorrow, this flight takes precedence over the next flight." Check-in time puts you on the list in order only for the flight you checked in for. If that flight cancels and they roll you over to the next flight, you are above the people who checked in for that flight, but you are still relatively positioned with all the other people who rolled over from the cancelled flight.

Again, that's why it is not advisable to allow yourself only one flight that will get you to base in time for sign-in--a lot can happen that is out of your control.
So last week it was extremely tough to commute between PIT and PHL and PHL and PIT. Even more so than usual. As for what I heard in the crew room the other day there were over 50 yes folks 50 unable to commutes and they were ALL from Pittsburgh. BS. Either get here early or move. If scheduling thinks for one hot second that "I" will work int'l flights all summer long due to your not being able to get to work their in for a RUDE awakening.
So last week it was extremely tough to commute between PIT and PHL and PHL and PIT. Even more so than usual. As for what I heard in the crew room the other day there were over 50 yes folks 50 unable to commutes and they were ALL from Pittsburgh. BS. Either get here early or move. If scheduling thinks for one hot second that "I" will work int'l flights all summer long due to your not being able to get to work their in for a RUDE awakening.
I'm with you on this. Part of your job responsibilities include getting to your job. If you can't get to work, you should be fired.
So last week it was extremely tough to commute between PIT and PHL and PHL and PIT. Even more so than usual. As for what I heard in the crew room the other day there were over 50 yes folks 50 unable to commutes and they were ALL from Pittsburgh. BS. Either get here early or move. If scheduling thinks for one hot second that "I" will work int'l flights all summer long due to your not being able to get to work their in for a RUDE awakening.

You know I love you, but..................

We don't have a choice. If that is what scheduling gives us that is what we get.

"Is this because a Pit commuter can't make it"? "Why yes it is"........ I am NOT doing it then.

LOL.... Don't see that happening Trav..... Luv ya!!!!
Ya get what I'm saying. I don't think other cities have such a chronic issue with being able to make it to work like PIT-PHL. They HAVE their schedule as a b/h and most often can plan accordingly. Leaving yourself NO backup is careless and SCREWS the next employee namely a reserve. This kind of thing becomes an issue on a larger scale with bad weather in the summer and a much larger int'l schedule NO I won't be going. I won't bother to ask scheduling either LOL. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ohhhh did I sleep through that call from scheduling? 😉

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