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Commuting on Southwest

Well Joan you have no "rights" on SWA. Wrap your arms around that first. First come, first serve means exactly that, don't need an MBA from Wharton to figure that out.
So, get there early. First come, first served.
I've worked with commuters who go on and on about how nice the employees are at WN. Then they turn around and couldn't be nastier to our own passengers and fellow crew.

How sad!
Obviously you are from the West side...if they would drop the PIT-PHL-PIT segments benefit then none of those SR people wpuld be able to get to work because the brainiac's in Tempe pulled almost all jets on that route and it's all RJs. The SR people wouldn't be able to get to work, aren't willing to move and would have to quit....now THAT would move you up in seniority wouldn't it ?
Here's my suggestion---if they pull the benefits for the PIT/PHL people, let's do the same for those on the West side.
Get a clue!!!
I think it's pretty obvious I am from the "West" since my screen name begins with "hp". About getting a clue....let's see....I don't think WN gives two hoots if our flight attendants...senior or not....can get back and forth to work. As someone who used to commute as well, I am very aware of how difficult it can be when management cuts back on flights out of your home city and replaces them with RJ's. Been there, done that. It's the pits. You really have to get creative.
But, if these senior employees don't want to move or quit...and I don't know that I would want to either...then maybe they should play by the rules like the rest of us do. Each airline has their own non-rev rules and it is the responsibility of each of us to know those rules before attempting to fly on ANY airline. Maybe our flight attendants who are following the rules at WN when flying PIT-PHL-PIT should have a talk with the ones who are causing the problems. Maybe it would help, but then again maybe it wouldn't. If there was a similar problem flying LAX-PHX or ABQ-PHX...both cities with loads of commuters....my answer would be the same. Hold the employee(s) causing the problem responsible.
It amazes me that the Pilot workgroup has been commuting and jumpseating for years on other carriers, and never seem to ever have problems. All the East commuter fa's I have had on my West flights have been wonderful and extremely friendly. We should all be fortunate to have these previlages. Maybe this is getting a little exagerated? :blink:
Maybe this is getting a little exagerated? :blink:

Oh honey.....it's about as cut throat as you can get with commuting. While MOST are civil you DO have the few that are just about as miserable as you could imagine. They have NO patience and also lack the ability to interact with others. You have these few that DO have the self entitlement attitude and would push over an elderly person to get where they were going. I don't know of ANY city pair with commuters that can TOUCH these numbers. How about these loads for today as an example. 0&12 listed, 0&23 listed, 0&18 listed, 6&16 listed, 0&13 listed, 2&19 listed and finally 23&26 listed. For heavens sake don't have one cancel. :lol: Without Southwest and not having to take the 8 hour train or driving WHERE do these employees THINK they are going? It's bad. If Southwest were to cut their flight schedule once realizing these flights between PIT-PHL were so open to accommodate these folks then what? Hmmmmmm. Choices, choices.
As someone from PIT (probably long departed by now) once said: "You should live where you work".

Karma is a beautiful thing.

One day WN is coming to kill us the next day they are providing free taxi service-who would have guessed.
It amazes me that the Pilot workgroup has been commuting and jumpseating for years on other carriers, and never seem to ever have problems. All the East commuter fa's I have had on my West flights have been wonderful and extremely friendly. We should all be fortunate to have these previlages. Maybe this is getting a little exagerated? :blink:

There is a bit of a difference between the pilots and the f/a's and that being there are about 5 times(about?)more f/a's trying to commute than pilots.

That said, all the commuters I've had have always been nice and thankful.
Just curious, what is the drive time between PIT and PHL? If you couldn't get on a flight would you be able to drive it in time for sign in?
I suppose the PIT folks are going to learn the cost of commuting. IIRC, I was buying ZEDS for $35.
From what I understand a lot of folks have been renting cars to get home this week. Alamo doesn't have a drop off fee. A friend split it w/ 3 others so between the 4 of them with tolls, gas and rental it was about $48 bucks a person. The drive took 4.5 hours......
If you could find a quick and relatively open set of flights, it's almost quicker to try a 2-leg commute than to drive that.

In fact, if it gets that bad, DCA is closer at 4 hours and a bit of change.

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