1. I was furloughed with a previous company so I know it's hard and I know you probably came back because you enjoyed the job/lifestyle.
2. I'm a new yorker by birth. I know how tough it is to live here. My whole family is here and I would love to live right near them but can't afford it. I still manage and have always managed even back when I qualified for food stamps and public housing in my 1st year of flying.
3. You're right. You didn't have to come back. You did it on your own, so stop whining.
4. Just because you commute doesn't mean you can't get a crash pad and either get commutable trips or commute in the night before and stay at your crash pad. Crash pads don't cost that much money.
5. You can run this company without commuters. All they would have to do is do what they did a few years ago and hire people from NY who would be guaranteed NY.
5. Commuting is a choice. Remember that.
Yea. What she said.
If you look at one of my above posts, I mentioned that you can live in the Ant-Arctic for all I care. I just expect people to show up for work when expected. I by no means wish to enforce living requirements on anyone.
By the same token, I have no wish to give someone a free pass to stay at home because they did not make an attempt to get to base (aside from standing by for 2 flights on a OSO day which they had no chance of getting on). If you live in BFE, fine, do what Jim did and get in the day before. Live where ever the hell you want to just get your ass in base.
How much do you want to bet if peoples jobs were at stake for missing a flight that people would be getting their ass into base? Like sky said, it's a choice. It's a choice to live were you want. It's a choice to work for AA. And it's a choice to make your trip. Unfortunately, AA in this case is rewarding negative behavior and until an incentive is given to show up instead of an incentive to not show up, nothing will change and your co-workers will get screwed over by your poor behavior.
I work 8 hours and leave. Does not affect me in the least. The reason I #### about it is because I hate seeing inequities in the system. It bothers me to see people who live in NYC penalized by people who choose not to live in NYC and who are allowed to abuse the system.