On 10/5/2002 10:28:34 AM Boomer wrote:
Where was the information about the F/A Union being decertified? Is there currently a card drive among the LLC/AA Flight Attendants for another Union?
Usefull information can be found at this site:
NMB Representation Manual
6.601* Percentage of Authorizations Required
If the craft or class involved in the investigation is represented for Railway Labor Act purposes and is covered by a valid existing contract between any such representative and the Carrier, the application must be supported by a majority (more than 50%) of valid authorizations from individuals in the craft or class. In all other circumstances, an application must be supported by at least thirty-five (35) percent of valid authorizations from individuals in the craft or class. The percentage of authorizations required in a merger is governed by Section 19, Merger Procedures.
Section 19 would not appear to be applicable due to the NMB decision regarding the representation of the former LLC F/A's:
Going the decertification route would be more problematic due to the numbers required. From the NMB representation determination,"American employs 22,860 employees covered by this application. TWA-LLC employs 4,055 Flight Attendants."
Am Boomer - What you will find happening is that at the end of the Federal hearings, APFA will be forced to close its doors and thus be de-certified. This will be on at least two counts and perhaps three. You will see the complete allegations soon. The majority of the APFA membership will also see the misdeeds in a VERY clear light.
The APFA will not be able to pay the award; there will never be enough money. In addition, those allegations which have been made and will soon be made against John Ward and the other officers of the APFA, will be found to be valid and held in appeal as well.
In addition to losing the war and battle, the officers will lose personally. They will be found to have subverted the very laws of your association. No actions taken since those dates can protect them from the law. No protection invoked retroactively and no insurance policy can guard them.
The LLC employees will not have to lift a finger or hand. It wasn’t the IAM that refused to bargain with the APFA.
Also, one would hope that certain AA officers and staff were not involved in this mess. It was Don Carty who said he would fairly integrate the workforce and insure the majority of jobs? Did America, the United States Senate and you misunderstand what he said in public, under oath and God forbid on television? I don’t think so.
Something is dreadfully wrong in YOUR camp(s).
By the way, intimidation, coercion and duress, the courts really understand those words and what they mean. The court is never happy with those who are the perpetrators.
That makes the award TREBLED. Count them 1 - 2 - 3 times the findings.
Encourage the APFA and American Airlines to at least do a 1 for 3.5. It mights save a lot of trouble. Also the rest of everybody else has to return as well. Whether laid off, furloughed or on leave. Get the deal while you can.