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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/15/2002 7:45:56 PM RealityCheck wrote:
[P]Sorry English majors, there is advertising by means of  items for purchase on this site, it is not a 100pct not for profit site . Just because you dont pay to post a message doesn't mean you dont have a right to speak up about it's faults in order to have those in charge attempt to correct them. Funny Kyle had no problem civially responding to it and taking notice of it, so whats YOURS?. Pre-cable/satellite(when TV was free as you like to emphasize), did TV network show programmers disregarded viewer complaints? No. That's Example 2, care to try again? Maybe in Swahili?[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Since you want to be the grammar b1tch, let's see:[/P]
[P]Line 2: Just because you [STRONG]dont[/STRONG] pay to post a - it should be don't[/P]
[P]Line 3: message doesn't mean you [STRONG]dont[/STRONG] have a right - it should be don't[/P]
[P]Line 3: to speak up about [STRONG]it's[/STRONG] faults in order to - it should be it, not speak up about it is faults[/P]
[P]Line 4: Funny Kyle had no problem [STRONG]civially[/STRONG] - it should be civilly[/P]
[P]Lines 6-7: did TV network show [STRONG]programmers disregarded[/STRONG] - it should be programmers disregard (tense)[/P]
[P]Line 7: [STRONG]That's Example 2, care to try again?[/STRONG] it should be Example 2. Care to try again?[/P]
You know darn well my implication was English comprehension, not grammar PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR. Typical lame Clintonesque attempt to sway off the topic into irrelevant territory. PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/16/2002 4:12:46 PM RealityCheck wrote:
[P]You know darn well my implication was English comprehension, not grammar PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR. Typical lame Clintonesque attempt to sway off the topic into irrelevant territory. PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]This is what you wrote in this thread: [A href=http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=767]http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=767[/A][/P]
[P]And your point, in that gramatically challenged statement?[/P]
[P]As shown above, who is throwing rocks through glass houses?[/P]
On 9/16/2002 5:18:52 PM ITRADE wrote:

On 9/16/2002 4:12:46 PM RealityCheck wrote:

You know darn well my implication was English comprehension, not grammar . Typical lame Clintonesque attempt to sway off the topic into irrelevant territory. [BLOCKQUOTE]

This is what you wrote in this thread: [A href="http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=767"]http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=767[/A][/P]

"And your point, in that gramatically challenged statement?"[/P]

As shown above, who is throwing rocks through glass houses?[/P]

That sentence you cite is a run-on sentence with no where to determine where the break is, that's why I replied as such. A few missing/misplaced apostrophes does not detract from the meaning of my paragraph. But still, you keep digging that hole there I-Fade and your researching grammar error posts that are still comprehendable to try and make a non-applicable tangent point is beyond sand box maturity...Two responses straying off topic in a row..If you need a larger shovel, I hear HD is having a sale.
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