TWAFA007 says: The FACT is the TWA employees DO have a contract with AMR, TWA LLC, & the Unions that protected their seniority. That is the contract they are suing about. The contract replaced the guarantee to their seniority that were given up in their Union contracts. This contract is actually stronger than the old TWA Union contracts and supersedes them. Its the contract that was signed by all parties to, get the purchase done. This contract was approved by the courts and the courts will see that it is enforced. The contract that guaranteed all of TWA seniority rights, including bidding seniority, not just company or pay. Even Mr Carty testified in court before a Judge and said TWA employees seniority rights would be protected. That contract is called the Purchase Agreement. You know, but dont acknowledge, the fact that it clearly states & guarantees TWA Union employees, fair & equitable seniority INTEGRATION. It also guaranteed an appointment of a facilitator and meetings between TWA & AA Unions and that AA would except the results of these meetings. We all know none of this happened. This is why the TWA employees are in court. They want the courts to uphold the contract.
Mike says: Here we go again. I see one person who is so set on making sure he supersedes AA people on seniority, he will never let this issue die. The purchase agreement never said you would get seniority over the current AA people. You and your union knew when they agreed to be bought in the fire sale. That AA and its unions would decide the issue of occupational seniority. Had the IAM done its job properly and kept the language of seniority, this would be no issue. Instead they agreed to let AA and its unions decide how and where the NEW employees just starting here would be placed in the seniority list. You need look only to the merger of RENO to see where APFA and APA were going to go with it. Fair and Equitable, well boo hoo you think you didnt get that. I think you got better than fair and equitable. It wasnt for you to decide what is fair and equitable. Facilitator, The agreement said AA would provide for a facilitator. Not force and party in to using one. The TW employees are in court, to sue to bankrupt this union. They are suing the company who offered them jobs.
TWAFA007 altered reality says: Please, dont give me the Mike argument, we got 100% of Company & 100% pay seniority, both of which are not true, but 0% of bidding. What more do we want. All we want is in the contract,fair & equitable integration of all seniorities. The contract clearly doesnt allow AA to pick & chose which seniority, to be fair & equitable. Everyone agrees, outside of AA, that the most important seniority is bidding. Your whining about bidding seniority all the time clearly shows that it is the most important to you. Why do you think it isnt important to TWA employees?
Mike says: You dont want to hear that because its true. What more do you want. We know, EVERYTHING, you want to be senior here. You want to bid and be above the employees who made AA there career. You want to be senior and above all those who made the tuff choice to leave TW years ago, and start over. You want to be senior and above, all those who had to go though losing there jobs because there carrier wasnt bought up. I have yet to speak to any employee, whos airline went out. Who wouldnt have LOVED the idea of a JOB as well as a retirement, vaction, and pay rates equal to their years at another airline. With a company they were just starting at. Bagsmasher and my issues about occupational seniority are just this. We earned it. We worked here. You are just starting, and do not deserve to be brought in senior to him or myself, or any of the people already here, Whos lives and careers were based on AA their time here and its sucsess.
TWAFA007s altered reality says:The APFA took a huge gamble by not honoring the purchase agreement, by not meeting the IAM, and not giving, fair & equitable' bidding seniority. Stapling is not, integration. If they had honored the contract and had just meet with the IAM with a facilitator I am sure a compromise could have been worked out. Now that the APFA decided to make their own agreement with AA without IAM participation they are both in breach of contract. I feel that the majority of TWA F/As would have accepted an integration well short of DOH, but now it will be left up to the courts to decide and I feel they will consider full DOH. Just IMHO.
MIke says: APFA does not gamble. APFAs job was to negotiate with AA as to how seniority would be handled. Like Reno before it. We did just that. I am sure you believe a compromise could have been worked out. TW and IAM having all the cards in their hands. Sure, Lets see a compromise with you since you signed away the seniority clauses in your contract. Since you were bankrupt. Since you needed 2 DIP loans just to keep flying through BK court. I just dont see TW or IAM in the driver seat or holding any cards. Since the federal courts have ruled multiple times on the issus of seniority. Let me tell you none have gained anything.
TWAFA007 says:The hearings begin this month in Brooklyn. Lets see how a staple job plays out there. Its always bad when the courts have to decide what should have been a Union matter. APFA forced the issue. TWA employees are just trying to protect their rights.
Mike says: It is a union matter. Problem is the other side can live with the outcome. The TW employees are not trying to protect there rights. They are trying to screw the hand that saved there jobs. You signed off on your seniority. Not me, not AA, Not anyone other than the TW employees and there union.
TWAFA says: If you and Mike feel what we got is fair, then you should have nothing to worry or whine about. So lets stop the arguements here. Its in the hands of the courts, not ours. We just get to sit back and watch the wheels of Justice turn
Mike says: I dont worry. In fact you are the only person who continues to whine over this issue.
TWAFA007 says: Back to the Party in NY. 007 will be there. I will be celebrating the first steps toward our promised fair & equitable seniority integration. Whining will get you no where, but the courts will. See you at the party & the courts.
Mike says: Glad as we strive to save jobs money and our carrers. We have you and the rest of the former TW staff totry to bleed our company and unions dry. I guess thats what you all have to celebrate. The opportunity to get AA and its employees for being sucsessful in business.
Mike says: Here we go again. I see one person who is so set on making sure he supersedes AA people on seniority, he will never let this issue die. The purchase agreement never said you would get seniority over the current AA people. You and your union knew when they agreed to be bought in the fire sale. That AA and its unions would decide the issue of occupational seniority. Had the IAM done its job properly and kept the language of seniority, this would be no issue. Instead they agreed to let AA and its unions decide how and where the NEW employees just starting here would be placed in the seniority list. You need look only to the merger of RENO to see where APFA and APA were going to go with it. Fair and Equitable, well boo hoo you think you didnt get that. I think you got better than fair and equitable. It wasnt for you to decide what is fair and equitable. Facilitator, The agreement said AA would provide for a facilitator. Not force and party in to using one. The TW employees are in court, to sue to bankrupt this union. They are suing the company who offered them jobs.
TWAFA007 altered reality says: Please, dont give me the Mike argument, we got 100% of Company & 100% pay seniority, both of which are not true, but 0% of bidding. What more do we want. All we want is in the contract,fair & equitable integration of all seniorities. The contract clearly doesnt allow AA to pick & chose which seniority, to be fair & equitable. Everyone agrees, outside of AA, that the most important seniority is bidding. Your whining about bidding seniority all the time clearly shows that it is the most important to you. Why do you think it isnt important to TWA employees?
Mike says: You dont want to hear that because its true. What more do you want. We know, EVERYTHING, you want to be senior here. You want to bid and be above the employees who made AA there career. You want to be senior and above all those who made the tuff choice to leave TW years ago, and start over. You want to be senior and above, all those who had to go though losing there jobs because there carrier wasnt bought up. I have yet to speak to any employee, whos airline went out. Who wouldnt have LOVED the idea of a JOB as well as a retirement, vaction, and pay rates equal to their years at another airline. With a company they were just starting at. Bagsmasher and my issues about occupational seniority are just this. We earned it. We worked here. You are just starting, and do not deserve to be brought in senior to him or myself, or any of the people already here, Whos lives and careers were based on AA their time here and its sucsess.
TWAFA007s altered reality says:The APFA took a huge gamble by not honoring the purchase agreement, by not meeting the IAM, and not giving, fair & equitable' bidding seniority. Stapling is not, integration. If they had honored the contract and had just meet with the IAM with a facilitator I am sure a compromise could have been worked out. Now that the APFA decided to make their own agreement with AA without IAM participation they are both in breach of contract. I feel that the majority of TWA F/As would have accepted an integration well short of DOH, but now it will be left up to the courts to decide and I feel they will consider full DOH. Just IMHO.
MIke says: APFA does not gamble. APFAs job was to negotiate with AA as to how seniority would be handled. Like Reno before it. We did just that. I am sure you believe a compromise could have been worked out. TW and IAM having all the cards in their hands. Sure, Lets see a compromise with you since you signed away the seniority clauses in your contract. Since you were bankrupt. Since you needed 2 DIP loans just to keep flying through BK court. I just dont see TW or IAM in the driver seat or holding any cards. Since the federal courts have ruled multiple times on the issus of seniority. Let me tell you none have gained anything.
TWAFA007 says:The hearings begin this month in Brooklyn. Lets see how a staple job plays out there. Its always bad when the courts have to decide what should have been a Union matter. APFA forced the issue. TWA employees are just trying to protect their rights.
Mike says: It is a union matter. Problem is the other side can live with the outcome. The TW employees are not trying to protect there rights. They are trying to screw the hand that saved there jobs. You signed off on your seniority. Not me, not AA, Not anyone other than the TW employees and there union.
TWAFA says: If you and Mike feel what we got is fair, then you should have nothing to worry or whine about. So lets stop the arguements here. Its in the hands of the courts, not ours. We just get to sit back and watch the wheels of Justice turn
Mike says: I dont worry. In fact you are the only person who continues to whine over this issue.
TWAFA007 says: Back to the Party in NY. 007 will be there. I will be celebrating the first steps toward our promised fair & equitable seniority integration. Whining will get you no where, but the courts will. See you at the party & the courts.
Mike says: Glad as we strive to save jobs money and our carrers. We have you and the rest of the former TW staff totry to bleed our company and unions dry. I guess thats what you all have to celebrate. The opportunity to get AA and its employees for being sucsessful in business.