I've never seen a law that said that seniority is carried from one union to another. There is a pattern where AFL-CIO unions usually work out an arrangement but the APA anf APFA are not affiliated. What assets did the Former TWA-LLC members bring with them that went to these unions? Did the APA or the APFA get the treasuries or any other assets from from the TWA-LLC workers or did their former unions keep those assets? Why would these organizations grant the benifits of seniority when you were not a contributor? If you had no union at TWA then the answer would be simple-stapled. You belonged to a union, but a union that has no ties to the APFA. Just as your former union could refuse to recognize the APFA as a bonafide union, the APFA has the right to refuse to recognize the AFA. As far as the APFA is concerned, they could say that you were not a union member, of their union. If the APFA had assumed all the assets of your locals and a portion of the AFA general treasury that the TWA FA's had helped to build up then some mutually benificial relationship could be established. While your arguement may be that the APFA gets more dues paying members the fact is that all those members just started paying dues and have paid less in dues to the APFA than all those who were already on the AA payroll. If you were granted full seniority after paying a small amount of dues it would be unfair to those who have contributed to the organization for years. If AA had the AFA then you would have more of an arguement. The TWA F/As had a contract with TWA. The AA F/As had a contract with AA. TWA F/As agreed to waive many provisions of their contract to facilitate this merger. The AA F/As did not. Its clear that one group of workers saw benifit to the merger, the TWA workers. AA made it clear that seniority issues between the two unions needed to be worked out between them. The TWA contract is no longer enforceable. The APFA has agreed to honor the date that you started to work for AA as the date that your seniority starts, just like all the other members. There is no reason for the APA or the APFA to grant your seniority that you accrued as an AFA or ALPA member. Over the years your former unions would never lend meaniful support to these unions- always citing the fact that they were not affiliated. Now those same unions are trying to tell these unions that they should act like affiated members and honor your time as an AFA/ALPA member as if you were an APFA/APA member.
I've never seen a law that said that seniority is carried from one union to another. There is a pattern where AFL-CIO unions usually work out an arrangement but the APA anf APFA are not affiliated. What assets did the Former TWA-LLC members bring with them that went to these unions? Did the APA or the APFA get the treasuries or any other assets from from the TWA-LLC workers or did their former unions keep those assets? Why would these organizations grant the benifits of seniority when you were not a contributor? If you had no union at TWA then the answer would be simple-stapled. You belonged to a union, but a union that has no ties to the APFA. Just as your former union could refuse to recognize the APFA as a bonafide union, the APFA has the right to refuse to recognize the AFA. As far as the APFA is concerned, they could say that you were not a union member, of their union. If the APFA had assumed all the assets of your locals and a portion of the AFA general treasury that the TWA FA's had helped to build up then some mutually benificial relationship could be established. While your arguement may be that the APFA gets more dues paying members the fact is that all those members just started paying dues and have paid less in dues to the APFA than all those who were already on the AA payroll. If you were granted full seniority after paying a small amount of dues it would be unfair to those who have contributed to the organization for years. If AA had the AFA then you would have more of an arguement. The TWA F/As had a contract with TWA. The AA F/As had a contract with AA. TWA F/As agreed to waive many provisions of their contract to facilitate this merger. The AA F/As did not. Its clear that one group of workers saw benifit to the merger, the TWA workers. AA made it clear that seniority issues between the two unions needed to be worked out between them. The TWA contract is no longer enforceable. The APFA has agreed to honor the date that you started to work for AA as the date that your seniority starts, just like all the other members. There is no reason for the APA or the APFA to grant your seniority that you accrued as an AFA or ALPA member. Over the years your former unions would never lend meaniful support to these unions- always citing the fact that they were not affiliated. Now those same unions are trying to tell these unions that they should act like affiated members and honor your time as an AFA/ALPA member as if you were an APFA/APA member.