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Combined Travel Rules

700UW said:
Thats not my quote.
Thats from the AFA US E-Line.
And I would think the MEC President knows a little bit more about his own CBA than you or I do.
I know it's not your quote, I already posted this e-line earlier in this thread, verbatim. Welcome to this discussion.
For all USAir employees. This is a simple and easy explanation on the process from listing to arriving at the gate just before departure. It works just fine.
You check in up to 24 hours in advance. Be it your home computer or smart phone or a friend or relatives computer. You then print out a boarding pass to get through security. You find your gate of departure. You use your smart phone app to check the list. You sit at the gate and wait for your name to be called. You can follow the list move up as names are being called. You even have standby names posted up on the backdrop at the gate. You do not have to talk to the gate agent unless you have an issue. When they call you you get your boarding pass with seat assignment and your on your way. This is the way AA designed the system to work so it speeds up the boarding process and less wasted time dealing with the gate agent asking repetitive questions. It works just fine at AA. Nobody complains about it. Try it you may realize that it is a really good non-rev experience.
You have had many discussions with so many here on this site and we tell you stuff about what will happen and you tell us that we don't know what we are talking about and you continue to try and prove us wrong. CBA/NMB/NLRB what ever?
This is the OLD and the NEW AA, they have been doing what they want for yrs here at AA with the blessing of the unions. 
What we have told you about why we want to replace the TWU as mechanics, is just some of the stuff we are all just fed up with.
If you and the rest of the IAM supporters over at USAirways don't like what AA is doing, like we have tried and tried to tell you it just doesn't matter. The company is what it is.
They have very deep pockets and are well connected in washington I would bet.
The IAM/TWU don't have enough money or power. The work force is just beat down and there is NO fight. The industry has changed. Union power has been done away with.
We don't think that AMFA is going to save us because they have more power.
It's the fact that we just want the TWU gone and all the scammers that for yrs slept with the company and have taken from the membership.
We don't think we are elite as you put us but we just are fed up with the way the system is and want a drastic change. Mgmt is going to do what it thinks is best, you and the rest of us and our opinions don't matter.
What ever is done here at aa is going to lean more towards the aa employees, fair or not, just get used to it. WE are or were in BK but we will remain and USAir will be gone erased from aviation.
I will even go as far and say that when its all said and done the IAM will be gone from AA as well. This TWU/IAM alliance is a scam, we have tried to tell you but you don't want to believe. The pension will get frozen just like ours. SAD but aa took away the pension here and will not fund your after a JCBA is signed and you can take that for what it is as well. (sorry)
The pass riding system here at aa is just the first of many changes that will be done.
They the company may even do something that will be negative for us and a positive for the US people. But they will do what ever to insure the company makes money.
It's the IGM way of things here at aa.
Just sit back in your chair a moment and think maybe just maybe the aa guys are and have been telling me what goes on at aa is true. This mereger is not to make the employees happy, its all about money.
I wish the USAirways mechanics all the best and hope they will join us and thrive in our system, I hope that they join us to form a union that some day will get back some of the stuff we have lost. Bottom Line aa wins and USAirways will be gone, and its way of doing things deal with it. 
1AA said:
For all USAir employees. This is a simple and easy explanation on the process from listing to arriving at the gate just before departure. It works just fine.
You check in up to 24 hours in advance. Be it your home computer or smart phone or a friend or relatives computer. You then print out a boarding pass to get through security. You find your gate of departure. You use your smart phone app to check the list. You sit at the gate and wait for your name to be called. You can follow the list move up as names are being called. You even have standby names posted up on the backdrop at the gate. You do not have to talk to the gate agent unless you have an issue. When they call you you get your boarding pass with seat assignment and your on your way. This is the way AA designed the system to work so it speeds up the boarding process and less wasted time dealing with the gate agent asking repetitive questions. It works just fine at AA. Nobody complains about it. Try it you may realize that it is a really good non-rev experience.
That is the AA system back drops. US doesn't have those. Maybe they are planning to get them in the system?
The debate is alive and well on the US Airways and other forums:

MEM78, on 02 Jan 2014 - 5:26 PM, said:
Another slap in the face to senior employees! Now I have to drag my tired ass out of bed in the middle of the night and sit in front of the computer to be sure I get my "rightful" place at the front of the line. Just so "junior" can be sure he gets to ride.

bunt3dunk, on 02 Jan 2014 - 6:36 PM, said:
This is bull , why is everything being done the AA way ? Aren't they the losers who lost 10 billion in the past 10 years ? The US employees are being treated like dirt , they want to get rid of us, In this business all you really have is your seniority and they are taking that away from us , the war has just begun !

Deborah Lynn Shook says.....
"I have spent the last few hours literally balling my eyes out over what I see as the "new American Airlines". I have been working for the last 24 years to gain the goodies of seniority at us airways. Now, with this merger with aa I see it all going away. Everything that I had hoped I would achieve gone, gone, gone. Aa treats their peeps with such indifference. Us treats their peeps with what they have earned. We us peeps have hung in there and treated our most senior peeps with what they deserve, respect, in the the hopes that we too would achieve thT level of respect. Guess that is going by the wayside. This FCFS is just the beginning. Soon they will toss all of our flexibility to the curb because they don't understand it. Why do I think such things? Because I have been on Phx for 8 months. They don't understand what we have to lose because they have not lived it. I can not explain this to them. Trust me, I have tried. Some get it to some extent but truly one must live it. I just see it going going gone especially since Afa is history. Kiss the sweet life goodbye US. The last 15 years of my service to this airline should be my sweetest. I do not see that happening. I could not be happier to be wrong."

I remember the FCFS-DOH debate in the early days of the previous merger. Bottom line, we took the name and travel policy of US Airways. This all is happening the way I expected. We are AA and some people are going to learn how to adapt to FCFS travel much like those of us former America West had to adapt when we lost FCFS.
It might be AA, but its not your AA anymore.
Parker is running the show and is surrounded by most of the Former US Executives, not AA.
Sit back and watch.
The IAM and the TWU both agreed to negotiate the IAMNPF for the TWU workers at AA.
No big deal, that's only what 3 people are posting out of thousands. I will deal with whatever system they have in place. That's just the way it is, nothing that anyone can do about it.
700UW said:
It might be AA, but its not your AA anymore.
Parker is running the show and is surrounded by most of the Former US Executives, not AA.
Sit back and watch.
The IAM and the TWU both agreed to negotiate the IAMNPF for the TWU workers at AA.
Company hasn't agreed nor has the alliance even been voted on. Again they can promise the IAMNPF all they want but until the co agrees to keep it and add the AA TWU employees there is no guarantee.

If the pax load is light, many times you'll get a regular seat assignment right after checking in at home or from your mobile--- otherwise, you'll get a an un-assigned "priority verification" pass that'll get you thru TSA.
737823 said:
Company hasn't agreed nor has the alliance even been voted on. Again they can promise the IAMNPF all they want but until the co agrees to keep it and add the AA TWU employees there is no guarantee.

Your new name is Captain Obvious.
There are no JCBA talks, and there wont be anytime soon.
So everything remains status quo.
You make this way too easy.
Funny when your proven wrong, you ignore the facts.
Guys this topic is drifting. PLEASE stick with the Combined Travel rules.
700UW said:
Your new name is Captain Obvious.
There are no JCBA talks, and there wont be anytime soon.
So everything remains status quo.
You make this way too easy.
Funny when your proven wrong, you ignore the facts.
Proven wrong? You just called me captain obvious, seriously.

Why do you keep telling everyone IAMNPF is a sure thing and AA TWU employees will have it imposed on them? You know full well there needs to be the alliance election, joint negotiations, and ratification vote before that happens.

Where have I ever said that the IAMNPF is a sure thing for the TWU workers at AA?
You wont find it because I never said it, your lying once again.
I said the IAM and the TWU have an agreement to negotiate it for the TWU workers at AA when and if JCBA talks happen.
Josh and 700,
You two guys contaminate every single topic that gets posted. Can you PLEASE take your damn cat fights
elsewhere. This truly is becoming unbelievable!!
Josh and 700,
You two guys contaminate every single topic that gets posted. Can you PLEASE take your damn cat fights
elsewhere. This truly is becoming unbelievable!!
Amen to that.    +1

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