The debate is alive and well on the US Airways and other forums:
MEM78, on 02 Jan 2014 - 5:26 PM, said:
Another slap in the face to senior employees! Now I have to drag my tired ass out of bed in the middle of the night and sit in front of the computer to be sure I get my "rightful" place at the front of the line. Just so "junior" can be sure he gets to ride.
bunt3dunk, on 02 Jan 2014 - 6:36 PM, said:
This is bull , why is everything being done the AA way ? Aren't they the losers who lost 10 billion in the past 10 years ? The US employees are being treated like dirt , they want to get rid of us, In this business all you really have is your seniority and they are taking that away from us , the war has just begun !
Deborah Lynn Shook says.....
"I have spent the last few hours literally balling my eyes out over what I see as the "new American Airlines". I have been working for the last 24 years to gain the goodies of seniority at us airways. Now, with this merger with aa I see it all going away. Everything that I had hoped I would achieve gone, gone, gone. Aa treats their peeps with such indifference. Us treats their peeps with what they have earned. We us peeps have hung in there and treated our most senior peeps with what they deserve, respect, in the the hopes that we too would achieve thT level of respect. Guess that is going by the wayside. This FCFS is just the beginning. Soon they will toss all of our flexibility to the curb because they don't understand it. Why do I think such things? Because I have been on Phx for 8 months. They don't understand what we have to lose because they have not lived it. I can not explain this to them. Trust me, I have tried. Some get it to some extent but truly one must live it. I just see it going going gone especially since Afa is history. Kiss the sweet life goodbye US. The last 15 years of my service to this airline should be my sweetest. I do not see that happening. I could not be happier to be wrong."
I remember the FCFS-DOH debate in the early days of the previous merger. Bottom line, we took the name and travel policy of US Airways. This all is happening the way I expected. We are AA and some people are going to learn how to adapt to FCFS travel much like those of us former America West had to adapt when we lost FCFS.