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Combined Travel Rules

AdAstraPerAspera said:
I completely agree; I don't know where in their contract they think they can dictate terms of travel privileges, I would think that would be up to company discretion.
well its not dictated its negotiated and if the company agreed to it then it should be enforced... 
that said i did write a way to get around this in the post above... FA's may not want to go that route..  
The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) filed a grievance in February 2007 citing contract language in our Collective Bargaining Agreement that Flight Attendants use their date of initial training or Seniority Integration Date (SID), whichever is applicable, to determine non-revenue boarding. It should be noted that AFA-CWA is the only labor group on the property that has contractual language to determine non-revenue boarding based on a specific date.

The Company denied the grievance based on their interpretation that Company policy, rather than contract language, determined non-revenue boarding. An arbitration to hear the dispute was scheduled for November 29 and 30, 2007. Shortly before the arbitration, the Company cancelled the arbitration and a series of settlement talks ensued.

Since Company policy cannot trump contract language, the Company agreed with the Union's position regarding full date of hire, or SID, to determine non-revenue boarding and agreed to settle the grievance.
There are a number of ways they can handle the F/A seniority boarding. The worst scenario for them would be, if the company created a D2F for US flight attendants only. The D2F would board after all other employees, but allow them to board by seniority. This would comply with their CBA, but actually harm them overall. We will see how this game plays out.....
There is a bit of irony at play here.  Back in the day... the AWA flight attendants had FCFS in boarding and lost that with the merger with US Air.  The way the company solved that was to issue I think several vacation passes and maybe something else???  It's been so long ago I've forgotten. 
I'm not expecting any protracted disagreement with the US AFA mainly because the company has already resolved this issue before now.  I'm sure they will do the same type of resolution, but upgrade the mea culpa and tell everyone to move on.
Besides,, AFA is moving off property and something like this could hold up negotiations which many fa's don't want to see happen again.  I think many of us are ready to get on with it.
You are placed on a priority list the second you check in on line or at a kiosk. (checkin allowed 24 hours in advance, on the beginning leg of your trip.) The agent will see your name and calls your name in the order of the priority list at the gate and if you are standing within earshot, you have a seat. If you are traveling and have to make a connecting flight, in that connecting city, you will have priority over all others (D1-D2-D2) until your are bumped off by some high maintenance party of six Platinum members that show up last minute. You will have a choice of getting on or having to except a first class seat to get out or continue your trip. And last but not least, HAVE A BACK-UP, a ID90, on some other airline to keep you moving you forward in case you get stuck. And Never travel to Las Vegas without back up! Good travel days are Tues- Wed. And just remember NEVER!! pester the agents!!! They are the only way you have on getting out!!! And dress nice!! All non-rev travel are at the mercy of the agent!! 
[SIZE=10.5pt]And yes, commuters ya better re-align because you will only have a limited D1 passes!   [/SIZE]
This is what will happen to the US Air folks (AFA) crying about contract violations now:
The union will sit down with the company and throw a tantrum.  The company will then offer for all flight attendants, 8 free upgrade passes that will all expire in a year or two. 
The AFA union will then call it the day, and run to the flight attendants announcing their victory.
That's what happened last time in around 2009 or 10.
AMR's policy of charging impoverished new hires for passes was egregious and needed to be changed. As much as I'm leery of DP, I'll say this was a step in the right direction.
jimntx said:
True, but when they are paged one time with no response, the agent marks the listing accordingly and moves to the next name on the list.
That's 'sort of' the same as US...but there is very little consistency in how they actually page non-revs...sometimes it's over the PA system, sometimes it's by voice - which is sometimes difficult to hear if one is not 'hovering' around the podium....a friend was passed and told they were called but didn't respond...they were near the podium and listening...
So my question is, do gate agents consistently use the PA system to call non revs?
It all depends on how busy the agents are. Also, there's a lot of ambient terminal noise that can drown out the agents best efforts. I suggest you buy a pair of opera glasses and monitor the screen behind the agent podium. Your name will be high lighted on the non-rev list if you have a boarding pass issued.
700UW said:
It should be noted that AFA-CWA is the only labor group on the property that has contractual language to determine non-revenue boarding based on a specific date.
Guess you havent read your whole CBA.
Lookie here:
Employees covered by this agreement and their immediate families will be granted the same transportation privileges on the Company's system as  may be established by Company regulations for all personnel.
Looks like it overrules this language:
Article 8 – Seniority
 A. Date of Hire Seniority is defined as continuous US Airways, Inc. service  in any department.
 1. Date of Hire Seniority is applied to:
 a. Vacation accrual
 b. boarding for on-line non-revenue space available travel
AdAstraPerAspera said:
There appears to be some malcontented senior Airways f/as on Facebook who are very unhappy about this, screaming that this violates their contract.
Probably the same PIT old bitties that almost cost us our contract with SWA because they kept demanding Southwest us date of hire. My first thpught is they will never be happy, my next thought is who cares?
You dont get it.
So its ok for the company to just violate a CBA that they agreed too?

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