Pineybob says:
Flexible as defined by concessions from the respective workgroups. Did anybody, management included "Think out of the box" to find more creative ways to structure the situation? NO!
Vote_NO says:
How do you know creative ways were not discussed and rejected from either side?
Pineybob says:
IAM-I was roundly chastized on here for suggesting that a creative and innovative way to handle Airbus MTC was to have the IAM bid as ANY private contractor would in exchange for a bid preference from Airways if the bids were close. All I heard was the same tired diatribe of CONTRACT WE HAVE A CONTRACT. The contract may well turn out to be Charmin, time will tell. But you & Airways had a chance to break the mold and possibly preserve jobs AND wages, but did anyone try? HELL NO!
Vote_NO says:
Do you mind tellings us exactly how bid process like that would be done. What prevents a 3rd party from underbidding, screwing IAM out of the work. Then turning around and after work is started saying they can't do it for that price(maybe collaborating with the company thru whole bidding process?). Tell us what recourse does IAM after it already gave up the work? What if IAM under or overbid what happens?
Pineybob says:
AFA - Did anyone suggest in exchange for lower base pay rates that incentives for attendance be implemented? NO! Did anyone explore ways to make the reserve system more equitable or merging INT? NO! Anything that saves time or is easier for the worker or company to deal with usually saves money too.
b]CWA -[/b] Other than lip service has there been a serious discussion over a work at home option? Not to my knowledge.
MEC - Has anyone explored negotiating a Single health care & retirement plan for all of organized labor? NO!
Vote_NO says:
Again how do you know these or other solutions were not discussed? And company won't impliment them?
Pineybob says:
But NOBODY did SH*T and now here we sit.
Vote_NO says:
Who sits? You?