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Big Airlines: Not Much Runway Left

They should be treated like a scab and ignored.
700UW said:
The current workforce has forgotten the meaning of being a union member instead of a member of a union.

It is the me generation and they could not care less about anyone else or anything.
Maybe, just maybe the younger generation recognizes that
unions are no longer necessary in the airline industry.

In the formative years of the industry, there probably was
a good reason to have the unions, but not anymore. It
would be interesting to see just how much more efficient
US Airways and the other legacy carriers would be today
if all employees were "at will". It really would allow
management to clear the dead wood and make the
meaningful changes that are necessary to survive in
the current economic environment.

If your silly little game of "the concession stand is closed"
succeeds, I really hope the company is able to throw out
the union contracts and start with a clean slate. The union
hardliners on this board need to seek professional help
to help them get over their fatalistic attitudes.
Yep Spin doc,

It is all the unions fault, we make all the corporate executive decisions.

coachrowsey said:
spindoc, you will go with us.
Now have a nice day!
And you seem to think I don't know that? Thanks for
pointing out the obvious. For me, working for US Airways
is just a job, not a career. I have a college degree and
have worked in many different fields over the past 17 years,
some in management, some as a union member. My experience
is broad and my options if the company fails are many,
whereas pilots, flight attendants, A&P mechanics and the like
are pretty much stuck in their trade. Starting over for me
will be much easier and more lucrative than it will be for
a union person who has to go back to the bottom of the
wage and seniority scale when they start over. If the company
disappeared tomorrow, I would be disappointed but would
not have to change my lifestyle substantially to accommodate
a change of jobs.

Real UNIONS are Necessary, perhaps that is the reason the IAM has been replaced at NW,UAL and more to come if they hold hands with the company again!!
Last time I checked it was the MEMBERSHIP who ratified the contracts, not the union leadership.
unit4clt said:
Typical IAM; When all else fails Blame the membership!!!
Open your Eyes!

Who is the union?

Four or Five General Chairs or the thousands of members who vote on their own contracts?

Accept personal responisiblity for a change.

“Maybe, just maybe the younger generation recognizes that
unions are no longer necessary in the airline industryâ€￾

Or maybe, just maybe 700 is 100% correct!

“In the formative years of the industry, there probably was
a good reason to have the unions, but not anymoreâ€￾

Oh really? You mean that nowadays executives are not making two thousand percent more than the workers, making them rich, that workers are treated fairly with a livable wage, making working two jobs unnecessary, that they hand out good medical plans that are affordable?

“It would be interesting to see just how much more efficient
US Airways and the other legacy carriers would be today
if all employees were "at will". It really would allow
management to clear the dead wood and make the
meaningful changes that are necessary to survive in
the current economic environmentâ€￾

Translation: It would make it possible for the corporate elites to be even more punitive in their treatment of employees and make it that much more easy to exploit them with poverty wages so they could buy yet another summer mansion on some exotic island.

“If your silly little game of "the concession stand is closed
succeeds, I really hope the company is able to throw out
the union contracts and start with a clean slate. The union
hardliners on this board need to seek professional help
to help them get over their fatalistic attitudes. “

No just the opposite, you sir are in need of some serious mental help if you actually believe we live in a time where everyone treats everyone else fairly, where unions are not necessary because everyone willing to work can earn a livable, life sustaining wage and healthcare is provided for their families. Where laws are not necessary to prevent the tyranny of corporate America. Where corporate America is not allowed to send good paying jobs overseas so they can become billionaires instead of just being satisfied being a lowly millionaire. Where employees are not treated as indentured slaves in non union environments. If it was up to corporate America and there were no unions to keep sanity in check, an employee would be beheaded for poor performance and attendance if corporate America had no checks and balances. I have worked on BOTH sides of the fence and I know what the hell I am talking about! Don’t kid yourself, we as a society have not evolved to the point where unions are not necessary, it has become just the opposite where they become more necessary every day as more and more evil is accepted by society and left unchecked. You happen to fall on the other side of the fence. I invite you come and join our world of the working class and smell the reality. Spin doctor is the perfect handle for you and your twisted republican view of the way things should be.
SpinDoc said:
And you seem to think I don't know that? Thanks for
pointing out the obvious. For me, working for US Airways
is just a job, not a career. I have a college degree and
have worked in many different fields over the past 17 years,
some in management, some as a union member. My experience
is broad and my options if the company fails are many,
whereas pilots, flight attendants, A&P mechanics and the like
are pretty much stuck in their trade. Starting over for me
will be much easier and more lucrative than it will be for
a union person who has to go back to the bottom of the
wage and seniority scale when they start over. If the company
disappeared tomorrow, I would be disappointed but would
not have to change my lifestyle substantially to accommodate
a change of jobs.
And your point is?

You seem to know alot about the backgrounds of all the employees.

Since you know all there is to know about everyone why not start with me assuming of course I was an employee. Tell me about my background cause I sure would like to know how you found out.

As far as A&P mechanics can you you tell me how their skills are not transferable?

If fact since since you are using such a broad stroke today tell me about all the employees backgrounds and how their skills are not transferable as such.

By the way what group did you fall in that you said don't have transferable skills and did you exclude yourself when you made such a broad statement?
Cav said:
Translation: It would make it possible for the corporate elites to be even more punitive in their treatment of employees and make it that much more easy to exploit them with poverty wages so they could buy yet another summer mansion on some exotic island.

Spindoc replies:
You seem envious of corporate executives. Let me remind you that
if you took the time to obtain an MBA (minimum of 6 years of college)
and worked your way up through the ranks as many have, you too
would be eligible for the perks that go with that level of employment.
The goal of any publicly traded company is to provide a return to the
investor which in turn raises the value of the company. When a corporate
executive meets the goal, they are rewarded in accordance with the
terms of their contract. Every company has a organizational structure
and it starts at the bottom with the front line worker and the CEO is at
the top. The rewards for getting to the top are justifiable considering
the many levels that must be attained before getting there.

Cav said:
No just the opposite, you sir are in need of some serious mental help if you actually believe we live in a time where everyone treats everyone else fairly, where unions are not necessary because everyone willing to work can earn a livable, life sustaining wage and healthcare is provided for their families.

Spindoc replies:
Fairness is a word that was made up by the union (or possibly by the
Democrats). A publicly traded company is not a democracy. Each and every
person who seeks a career has the power of choice and free will. If a
company does not treat their employees fairly well, in theory they will not
have any employees working for them. If an employee doesn't like how they
are treated, they are free to seek employment elsewhere. The company
has the right to make wage, work rule, and benefits decisions that will allow
it to make a profit. The employees cannot change that. When you walked in
the door at US, they did not guarantee you a liveable wage, nor did they
promise to provide unlimited health care for you or your family. The union
may have misled you into believing that, but the company did not.

Cav said:
I invite you come and join our world of the working class and smell the reality. Spin doctor is the perfect handle for you and your twisted republican views of the ways things should be.

Spindoc replies:
I have been in both management and union positions since graduating from
college in 1989. On a handful of occasions, I have felt that I was being taken
advantage of and in those situations, I found employment somewhere else.
cavalier said:
Spin doctor is the perfect handle for you and your twisted republican view of the way things should be.
Well I know someone else that that handle would fit way better.
SpinDoc said:
Spindoc replies:
Fairness is a word that was made up by the union (or possibly by the Democrats)

Vote_no says:
You make it sound like fairness is a dirty word.

Spindoc says:
The company has the right to make wage, work rule, and benefits decisions that will allow it to make a profit

Vote_no says:
That is a half truth. To the non-union non-contract types yes. To contract and union types they must negotiate.

Spindoc says:
When you walked in the door at US, they did not guarantee you a liveable wage, nor did they promise to provide unlimited health care for you or your family

Vote_no says:
No the company offered it when you walked in the door and they signed a agreement with the unions to guarantee it until such time as a new agreement is reached between both parties.
cavalier said:
I...can’t see how in the hell giving a THIRD time will do a damn thing except make rich men richer and delay destiny for labor.
I don't think it'll make much of anyone richer.

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