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CLT pilots begging for raise from Parker

"The silent majority was not in attendance. The silent majority does not beg, they will act."

Which mean what oh wise one??? Sounds like a job action there partner?
I'm sure Stephen Wolfe is available 😉
Nice attempt at an end run there CLT :lol:

1) What are you now?..The "Thought Police"?

2) I doubt that Wolfe's interested..but there are some local entertainment agencies that provide clowns and balloons that would be a decided improvement.

3) A question regarding equal pay for equal work is..ummm..an "end run" attempt?

No intended disrespect..but I'd suggest enjoying your libations and the weekend without additonal time on the keyboard for now.
EastUS said:
Of course it was!! You wish to get out of the Award but you want the pay! No contract no pay was the statement was it not??

I'm not taking any of this personal EastUS so no need to worry about the disrespect but thank you anyway.
I'm sure Stephen Wolfe is available 😉
stephen wolfe runs circles around your messiah, DoUgIe!!
like DoUgIe, you have NO clue!! none!!
any aviation employee that endorses "relative" anything with respect to seniority is as opportunistic as, well,..DoUgIe & gang.
you westie pilots have NO clue...and, obviously, never will...
when the certificates merge, pay attention...you might actually learn something from the finest in the sky sitting at your left.
stephen wolfe runs circles around your messiah, DoUgIe!!
like DoUgIe, you have NO clue!! none!!
any aviation employee that endorses "relative" anything with respect to seniority is as opportunistic as, well,..DoUgIe & gang.
you westie pilots have NO clue...and, obviously, never will...
when the certificates merge, pay attention...you might actually learn something from the finest in the sky sitting at your left.

So I take it that you guys liked Wolfe, he did right by the employees of USAir??
So I take it that you guys liked Wolfe, he did right by the employees of USAir??

Were you born yesterday?

Wolf doesn't have an "e" on it.

He was the last Chairman/CEO that knew how to run an airline in a way that people coule be proud of the operation. He didn't destroy the airline. 🙄

Ask the FFers what they thought.
So I take it that you guys liked Wolfe, he did right by the employees of USAir??
Alot better than the Drunk in Tempe! Its a close toss up who worst at running things, Parker or Bush! :down:
So I take it that you guys liked Wolfe, he did right by the employees of USAir??
if it weren't for stephen wolfe, you westie pilots wouldn't be salivating over the transatlantic pairings that you intend to steal from "relatively" junior east pilots.
you westies are regional, regional, regional!! that is all you know, and, that is all you deserve!! fly phx-tucson all day at your "relative" seniority. and when you set the autoland, think about DoUgIe having a drink for you. he makes them half-and-half, i hear...
Yep Stevie went down to Piedmont and bought a bunch of 767s, uh, wait a minute...

I think Doug ought to give Dr. Bronner a call. Maybe the nostalgia would wear off in an instant.

Wolf/Gang were only the opening act for a kid from Continental Express. Doug's the only CEO you've had that hasn't turn tail and run when WN came to town. His biggest problem is not riding herd and taking the airline where it needs to go, regardless of the whining and crying. He sees the industry for what it is, not what those who look for their old featherbed remember.

Did Wolfe leave you all a profitable airline when he took his gazillions and left town?
Yep Stevie went down to Piedmont and bought a bunch of 767s, uh, wait a minute...

I think Doug ought to give Dr. Bronner a call. Maybe the nostalgia would wear off in an instant.

Wolf/Gang were only the opening act for a kid from Continental Express. Doug's the only CEO you've had that hasn't turn tail and run when WN came to town. His biggest problem is not riding herd and taking the airline where it needs to go, regardless of the whining and crying. He sees the industry for what it is, not what those who look for their old featherbed remember.

Did Wolfe leave you all a profitable airline when he took his gazillions and left town?

The way they are talking Wolfe was the second coming or something!

Remember when SWA came to PHL what was the statement out of the east?? Oh yeah "troops the're coming to kill us" Yeah Doug is a lot better than what you had before. Without Doug you would be unemployed right now...
The way they are talking Wolfe was the second coming or something!

Remember when SWA came to PHL what was the statement out of the east?? Oh yeah "troops the're coming to kill us" Yeah Doug is a lot better than what you had before. Without Doug you would be unemployed right now...
Without DoUgIe, all US Groups would have 1 contract and 1 Cetrificate. No QIK/SHARES, planes that CAN fly to California NONSTOP! FF wouldn't be leaving as the Exodus from Egypt! :shock:

Plus look at Consumer Reports! "That is Something to Be Proud Of" Montgomery Gentry!
Doug's the only CEO you've had that hasn't turn tail and run when WN came to town. His biggest problem is not riding herd and taking the airline where it needs to go, regardless of the whining and crying. He sees the industry for what it is, not what those who look for their old featherbed remember.

Good Lord Allmighty....I think that you actually do believe all that...and I'm truly very sorry for you.

"not what those who look for their old featherbed remember." Such as a time long ago when this was actually a respected profession?..and not one overrun with underqualified, spineless little punks/opportunists that'd sell their comrades, or even grandmothers for a penny?

AWA320 "Yeah Doug is a lot better than what you had before. Without Doug you would be unemployed right now..." Guess again genius..my life's not solely predicated on airline flying.

Are you sad clowns actually even "pilots"?..or just some sychophant clerks in the dungeons of Tempe? How is it you feel compelled to assign yourself a "first name basis" = "Doug"/how "precious" is that?) with a self obsessed and utterly clueless swine that's kept you at bottom drawer wages and benefits throughout your glorious "success" as an airline? Are you so completely insane that you think of this guy as your "friend" somehow?

I see one benefit for the East in all this = If you clowns will lick this guy's boots...you'll fold up over the seniortiy thing in time...as well as pretty much everything else in your lives.
Begging for a raise ??? LOL ! Are you out of your mind ? How about begging Dougie to resign and find someone who can truly run this airline before it's too late....that would be reality.
Begging for a raise ??? LOL ! Are you out of your mind ? How about begging Dougie to resign and find someone who can truly run this airline before it's too late....that would be reality.
Don't you get it?
Chug-a-lug Doug is just here to sell it to the next group of dumbass investors.

It's not true investment, it's merely speculation.

Remember TPG's involvement.

Anyone who thinks anyone around here actually is interested in running an airline doesn't have the big picture...


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