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CLT meeting

I hear it was a very ugly meeting........
So is this ugliness coming from employees the result of having a VP of Culture Integration?
I mean really can any anyone please tell me exactly what this VP of Culture Integeration has accomplished other than getting paid ?
So is this ugliness coming from employees the result of having a VP of Culture Integration?
I mean really can any anyone please tell me exactly what this VP of Culture Integeration has accomplished other than getting paid ?

ohhh yeah
heard it was ugly...alot of people shut parker up
Hey guys,
My dad met Parker today at the CLT hangar meeting today. He came in to the meeting asking everyone about airbus and boeing, whoever liked boeing, raise your hand, whoever likes airbus, raise your hand...every single person had their hands up for Boeing. The A340s are for sure coming, and US has more of a chance of getting the PHL-PVD route. only reason why there is a contest is because of DL. Parker stated that Boeing's condition on the 787 is that US also has to buy the 737NG, while Airbus is giving the longest range and best A350 for cheaper than usual. My dad likes him alot, they talked about wages etc, parker said he knows how everyone feels and wish he could give everyone a raise right away etc. my dad also took a pic with him
Any other news guys ?

PLEASE! DP could give all of us a raise and better working conditions!
So is this ugliness coming from employees the result of having a VP of Culture Integration?
I mean really can any anyone please tell me exactly what this VP of Culture Integeration has accomplished other than getting paid ?

I believe some where in the brewing process a culture of yeast is used and integrated with Hops. It ferments and creates an alcohol content.

Just a guess, but maybe the VP of Cultural Integration has something to do with fermentation and alcohol content.
That's just it...Dougie is VERY charming, however a piece of sh!t.
He could very easily bring us back to par, but can't because he is filling the pockets of inept management that keeps on patting themselves on the back telling each other what a great job they are doing.
Very well said :up:
Actually, Larry is a very nice man, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't drink. But I'm still not sure what a VP of Culture does?????
That's just it...Dougie is VERY charming, however a piece of sh!t.
He could very easily bring us back to par, but can't because he is filling the pockets of inept management that keeps on patting themselves on the back telling each other what a great job they are doing.
You're exactly right. Had him in F/C CLT-PHX about a year and a 1/2 ago. He downed almost two bottles of red wine and then stood in the galley and pretended to be very concerned as I told him about how how all these paycuts affected everyone. I told him about the BK people are filing, loss of homes, marriages, suicides. The list goes on and on. He looked at me straight in the eye---with his blood shot eyes---and said "I know, it's terrible and we are trying to do something about this to help all employees." It was very sincere and I actually bought it. Trust me, I've wised up since then. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing.
When is Doug planning on visiting Philly???? Have not noticed that on the tour schedule. :lol: Our course why would a CEO feel the need to visit his companys largest hub? Perhaps he would see and definately hear something he did not like!!! :lol:
Parker will be at the stock holders meeting in May (15 ?). Does anyone know who is invited and are there any plans for any tpye of passenger demonstrations or picketing yet?

Meeting is stated Phl but unknown location, maybe airport or the way they swing, Ritz Carlton, downtown. 😀
Actually, Larry is a very nice man, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't drink. But I'm still not sure what a VP of Culture does?????
I'm sure VP of Culture Larry is a fine gentleman and frankly if he has a glass of wine now and then I really could care less. What does concern me is that we have a management team, and the VP of Culture is one of them, that I'm not all that certain that they know how to run a large airline. Running the PHX hub and walking around greeting employees is different than making 35,000 get behind the culture....I don't even know what the culture is supposed to be ....an aw shucks attitude when things go wrong?
It is the AWA culture...the culture of a small regional carrier. I've been down this road before; this is why I give Otis a hard time. It will all end very badly. Badly for the workers, Otis and the boys have their pockets already lined with $$$$$. Don't forget Otis got a 157% pay raise last year.

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