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CLT meeting

Parker will be at the stock holders meeting in May (15 ?). Does anyone know who is invited and are there any plans for any tpye of passenger demonstrations or picketing yet?

Meeting is stated Phl but unknown location, maybe airport or the way they swing, Ritz Carlton, downtown. 😀
He'll fly in on Southwest! How you think he accrued $47k in traveling expenses! :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
It is the AWA culture...the culture of a small regional carrier. I've been down this road before; this is why I give Otis a hard time. It will all end very badly. Badly for the workers, Otis and the boys have their pockets already lined with $$$$$. Don't forget Otis got a 157% pay raise last year.
Who the heck is Otis?
He was the Drunk always getting locked up on The Andy Griffith Show.
Pieces are coming together now, Barney Fife is Kirby, Andy Taylor is ....well I can't put his name on Parker, too mean to Matlock. Oh mine as well rename the airline Barney Fife Airways! or More like Mayberry Meets the Three Stooges.

I gotta watch TV Land so I can catch up on the characters! :lol:
" I honestly didn't know that the CLT employees were that angry Scott"

"I hear ya" Doug
OK now that this thread has totally degenerated Let me see if I've got this and perhaps add a few.

Sheriff Andy = Jerry Glass (maybe?)
Otis the Drunk = Doug Parker
Barney Fife = Scott Kirby
Aunt Bea = Sherri Shamblin
Floyd the Barber = Anthony Mule
Goober - Joe Beery
Opie = Travis Christ

So did I get it about right? I thnk I'm leaving some characters from the show out and Lord knows we have more VP's to line them up with.

Then I guess their target customers would be best represented here. :lol: :lol: :lol:


OK now that this thread has totally degenerated Let me see if I've got this and perhaps add a few.

Sheriff Andy = Jerry Glass (maybe?)
Otis the Drunk = Doug Parker
Barney Fife = Scott Kirby
Aunt Bea = Sherri Shamblin
Floyd the Barber = Anthony Mule
Goober - Joe Beery
Opie = Travis Christ

So did I get it about right? I thnk I'm leaving some characters from the show out and Lord knows we have more VP's to line them up with.

Bob, how could you be so thoughtless to forget?

The Chaste Thelma Lou = Elise Eberwein
That's just it...Dougie is VERY charming, however a piece of sh!t.
He could very easily bring us back to par, but can't because he is filling the pockets of inept management that keeps on patting themselves on the back telling each other what a great job they are doing.

I agree. I think there's a bit more to it that is running under the surface. Evey once in a while Doogie will make mention of it, or allude to it. It's the crux of the reason that, no matter what the appearances or press spin, Doogie will NEVER be the "new Herb Kelleher."

Doogie was only able to bring the merger to fruition only by getting some really big money sources on board. In the process, he had to "sell his soul," so to speak. He is no longer beholden to his employees, or even the travelling public. Every move he has made was meant to protect those large investors. He's now in the awkward position (i.e. painted himself into the proverbial corner) of doing a fast tap dance (badly) in the face of conflicting loyalties.

He promised those investors that the employee costs would not rise significantly and that he would continue to trim the costs of delivering the service. He continues on this quest with an amazingly nearsighted assiduousness. When confronted at employee meetings, he has mentioned the existence of this "loyalty" to the the big money investors that made the merger possible.

But in continuing on this quest, he is turning his back on his employees and his customers. Ironically, this will flush the investors' money down the tubes very fast. Maybe not in the immediate future, but when the toilet handle is finally pushed (like a big jump in oil prices,) USAirways will will go to red ink in a big hurry and in a big way. By alienating his customer base and employees, Doogie is building this airline as a house of cards. The foundation is crumbling under the "showplace mansion" he thinks he is building.

Herb Kelleher would never let that happen. Herb Kelleher knew that the way to make money by keeping the infrastructure sound first and foremost, and build on that reliable base. David Neeleman took this philosophy to heart and did very well until he lost focus for a while. It appears he learned the lesson and is quickly doing what is necessary to shore up that infrastucture (notice, he never blamed his employees nor asked them to work harder for less.) Paraphrasing Kelleher, he has said that he takes care of his employees first, because he knows they will then gladly take care of the customers. And when the customers are taken care of, the money keeps on coming.

Parker will NEVER be a Kelleher, because he just doesn't get it.
A very wise woman once told me "you NEVER attack the skeleton of your company"...she also told me "The Harvard Business School will be the demise of corporate America".

Mom was right.
Oh, and one other thing....I did hear from a f/a friend of mine that was in recurrent that things got out of control crazy in CLT from all work groups and basically shut Dougie down. The instructor for the class asked Dougie to come into her classroom to speak to the f/a. His reply was, and I quote "Are they going to be nice to me?"
Just goes to show you..........
I'm surprised the employees weren't arrested, that is what this company know what to do best!

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