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What a Piece of Work!

the fact that they (pilots) make the most it is a true statement that there group was the most severe...every other work group can find a new line of work and replace the pay or come close to it...the skill set of the pilot group is very specialized and the income is hard to replace...I don't think they are the only group that should get a raise, but I don't think most understand what it took to get where they are or do most respect the skill it takes to perform the task of PIC it is a BIG responsibility and the pay should reflect the risk they all face...loss of ticket current med etc. if it is so easy to make the BIG bucks for the easy sit on your butt job...call a flight school, take up lessons and YOU will have a new respect for the skill it takes to be a pilot If any group should be well paid it should be the ones that get you from point A to B safely
There are two ways to get your certificate, government paid or civilian. My pop chose USAF. Flew c130's and C141's. As a 70 year old flight instructor who can take you up to ATP, he jokes about how much the civilian guys get paid. I tell him he wouldn't be popular out on line. He is just a realist. I told him some of the guys here used to make 310,000 a year, he couldn't believe it. He still says he would have gone military, that money isn't everything. I told him he should fly with some of our guys, they say it is. I told him every other week, I get the feeling I am flying with Charles Lindbergh(Pat Day). Doon't get me wrong here, I respect everything that goes on and the job our aviators do. This was not meant to bash anyone group. We have all taken paycuts accordingly.
Ok, just watched the video and all I can say is WOW. I bet he will have lots of new friends. I'm sure he will say he don't care. Being so concerned with himself I doubt he would notice. WOW.
I had to actually watch it twice to really listen to what he said. Then I realized that not only is he a fat head he is was a state stealer. Talk about "all eyes on me". 🙄
I could not belive the arrogance! Those of you who have not, MUST watch the 11/28/06 Crew News session in CLT with the Pilots. A PHL Based F/O whose initials are M.M. feels that the pilots givebacks were the most severe. He feels that they are the only group who really needs a raise. He told Scott Kirby it was mangements responsibility to find a way to "eloquently" advise the other labor groups of this. If you have not watched it you must. Pilot Crew news topic Paycuts. If you are based in PHL and you fly with him, I hope you will remember!
I'll agree that M. M. was out of line, but I will say this: At least the pilots, almost every one of them that stood up, grilled Kirby on the pace of negotiations, and made their voices heard, pilot, after pilot, after pilot. They did it sternly, yet respectfully. Bravo!

Did you watch the corresponding FA Crew News session? I remind you that many RSV FA's are sleeping in the employee parking lot, in the crew room, barely scraping by. These are stories we hear every day! What were their concerns voiced to Ms Shamblin and Mr Kirby by the FA's?

-the wine selection in Envoy
-Powdered creamers (I am not kidding...)
-too much ice catered (who cares!?)
-Inflight entertainment....

Where is the outrage? Why are we worried about the current wine selection and not worried about the fact that US is not willing to pay its employees a liveable wage? While I realize the crew news sessions are not the place for negotiation, making your voice heard and sharing your individual story with Upper management is imperative. I say kudos to the pilots. Management is not concerned with our contracts folks, they are not concerned with you being on Reserve after 17 years, and they are certainly not concerned with the fact that they are running an airline where similar employee groups (Pilots, FA's) are doing the same work with different benefits and compensation. Somethin' ain't right.....

I am all for having a strong airline that is a force to be reckoned with (be it DL or no DL; mgmt makes the big bucks, let them hash that out...). I firmly believe we will have that, with or without the merger, and the damage that mgmt is doing (in the form of "dragging their feet") is going to hurt us in the end.

Helllo!??!?!? :shock:
I can't believe the flight attendant session. How on earth does this union group expect to have any respect or be taken seriously with that kind of session. I don't care what ANYONE says, this management couldnt care less about what the flight attendants want or need. Just about ANY question asked of importance such as reserve issues or scheduling could NOT be answered AT ALL. As for reserves...."Oh were not at that section yet". Well GET to that section. It obviously seems to be the biggest issue. The biggest issue for whom? Yeah the reserve, not managment. The flight attendant group as a whole should be absolutely embarrased by that session. To even say you sat through that. HOW many of those "I'm mad as hell and NOT gonna take it anymore" flight attendants did you really hear speak up? Sherry even commented on how "quiet" the crowd was. Roll over and pet the puppy. Oh please.
F/O MM better hope I don't fly with him. I may have to "eloquently" pee in his sprite!
I can't believe the flight attendant session. How on earth does this union group expect to have any respect or be taken seriously with that kind of session. I don't care what ANYONE says, this management couldnt care less about what the flight attendants want or need. Just about ANY question asked of importance such as reserve issues or scheduling could NOT be answered AT ALL. As for reserves...."Oh were not at that section yet". Well GET to that section. It obviously seems to be the biggest issue. The biggest issue for whom? Yeah the reserve, not managment. The flight attendant group as a whole should be absolutely embarrased by that session. To even say you sat through that. HOW many of those "I'm mad as hell and NOT gonna take it anymore" flight attendants did you really hear speak up? Sherry even commented on how "quiet" the crowd was. Roll over and pet the puppy. Oh please.
Agreed, but I also think that Sherri S herself should be embarrassed! She was unable to answer most of the questions!

My favorite was when a FA pointed out that RSV FA's need help...badly. Her response was something along the lines of "you voted it in!" She has absolutely no idea that what we have today is most certainly *NOT* what we voted for, and her condescending manner is utterly repulsive. Ms S, you are in an absolute dream world, and completely out of touch with your East cabin employees. If you took as much time to research our contract and the promises we were given as you do reworking the galley carts 4 times, we'd be in better shape. She does admit, however, that RSV's sleeping in their cars and in the crew rooms is a "sticky situation." Brilliant work.
I would suggest that an airline is, by it's nature, a team environment. Most of the alpha personalities in the flight deck really could not do the day-to-day job of the FA's or CSR for very long. Why? Their personalities are not equipped for it. This, by itself, is not bad. They simply have, and need, different personalities then most of the folks who are in routine everyday contact with passengers. They need to remember this when they look in the mirror.

(Sorry BoeingBoy, I suspect you are the exception to that general statement.)
F/O MM better hope I don't fly with him. I may have to "eloquently" pee in his sprite!
Ohh...I hope I see him out on the line! Shame I won't get to fly with him!

I'll agree that M. M. was out of line, but I will say this: At least the pilots, almost every one of them that stood up, grilled Kirby on the pace of negotiations, and made their voices heard, pilot, after pilot, after pilot. They did it sternly, yet respectfully. Bravo!

Did you watch the corresponding FA Crew News session? I remind you that many RSV FA's are sleeping in the employee parking lot, in the crew room, barely scraping by. These are stories we hear every day! What were their concerns voiced to Ms Shamblin and Mr Kirby by the FA's?

-the wine selection in Envoy
-Powdered creamers (I am not kidding...)
-too much ice catered (who cares!?)
-Inflight entertainment....

Where is the outrage? Why are we worried about the current wine selection and not worried about the fact that US is not willing to pay its employees a liveable wage? While I realize the crew news sessions are not the place for negotiation, making your voice heard and sharing your individual story with Upper management is imperative. I say kudos to the pilots. Management is not concerned with our contracts folks, they are not concerned with you being on Reserve after 17 years, and they are certainly not concerned with the fact that they are running an airline where similar employee groups (Pilots, FA's) are doing the same work with different benefits and compensation. Somethin' ain't right.....

I am all for having a strong airline that is a force to be reckoned with (be it DL or no DL; mgmt makes the big bucks, let them hash that out...). I firmly believe we will have that, with or without the merger, and the damage that mgmt is doing (in the form of "dragging their feet") is going to hurt us in the end.

Helllo!??!?!? :shock:
I was shocked that no one asked when PIT would open back up...It is usually asked about 10 different ways every Crew News session.
Just finished listening to entire meeting on the HUB.
IMO the gent in question could have been a bit more politically correct towards the pay issue. That said, give him a break. Not his job to speak for ALPA or anyone else. He had a valid bone to pick and backed it up with million $ numbers that bring out the jealousy of many posting on here. Get over it and deal with your own union negotiatians. You all deserve much better contracts for many varied reasons. Quit bashing other groups as it only pleases Mgt.

I could not belive the arrogance! Those of you who have not, MUST watch the 11/28/06 Crew News session in CLT with the Pilots. A PHL Based F/O whose initials are M.M. feels that the pilots givebacks were the most severe. He feels that they are the only group who really needs a raise. He told Scott Kirby it was mangements responsibility to find a way to "eloquently" advise the other labor groups of this. If you have not watched it you must. Pilot Crew news topic Paycuts. If you are based in PHL and you fly with him, I hope you will remember!
Did any other group take over a 45% W-2 cut and lose a very large pension? (remember it's not how much you make it's the percentage you gave)
46% of the mechanic and related gave 100% and loss of thier pension.

Each group took major hits, the more you make the more you have to giveback.

You cant compare when you make six figures to someone who made only $30,000.

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