Do airlines generally have container handling equipment at major cities that don't have scheduled widebody service? I know several AA stations do, I have seen them in BOS for UA. There obviously is a cost associated with storing, insuring, and maintaining the equipment so certain stations are deemed more likely to handle widebody equipment. My suspicion is the frequency of charters also comes into play.

No they dont, if its a charter, they usually lease the equipment to use for the flight from another airline or vendor.

Their isnt an extra cost, airports dont charge rent for equipment, and containers used are not insured, as most ground equipment is not insured, you dont insure tugs, LD3s, LD8s, pallets or the dollies used to move them.

And they only thing that that is different is the K-Loaders and they have to be maintained.
When we fly our Military Airlift Flights, I remember reading about our Service Men and Women Bulk loading/unloading our A330.
The A330 bins are not certified to hold cargo. Cargo must be containerized unless loaded in the bulk bin. The CRAF missions on the 330 had cookie sheets and nets onboard, and the positions were built on the aircraft. The 767 bins, on the other hand, are certified and can be bulk loaded..
No, there are no K loaders in PHX operated by US, although we once serviced BA's 747, but I don't recall the details to ownership or their current location. However, BA is being serviced by a vendor close to US operations, so there is equipment somewhere in the general area of where the US A330 would be parked. Then again, I don't know many in US PHX who are comfortable operating K loaders, although we do have a fair number of former PHL agents. Of course, we could just free load the flight without cans being used on the in-bound and out-bound flights. I recall one of the older LAS guys telling me how they handled the military contract flights on a charter 747s (maybe L-1011s), and it was done without cans... 400 duffle bags later!

I'd be surprised to find out that HP kept the K loaders forever then sold them to someone recently. You have several people on the ramp in PHX that were loading HP 747s, so that's also a resource of knowledge, though EVERYONE in the station would likely need to be trained on it. Also, yeah, we has SY (Sun Country) come in with DC10s and I don't know if they even OWNED cans, let alone used them. Roller or hardside golf bags were intersting as they immediatly went flying down the beltloader! It was also a pain in the @$$ walking around tossing bags in there as you didn't want to step on the rollers.

is it possible that may be they will bulk load the 330 and send it on occasion we get a 76 and its always bulk loaded bec we do not have a K loader

I don't see why not...

Can only bulk load a 330 in the bulk bin.

I'd never heard that, but that might be a valid point. It may also be a certification thing where, assuming US does whatever is needed, they can get a waiver from the FAA to permit it.
I'd be surprised to find out that HP kept the K loaders forever then sold them to someone recently. You have several people on the ramp in PHX that were loading HP 747s, so that's also a resource of knowledge, though EVERYONE in the station would likely need to be trained on it. Also, yeah, we has SY (Sun Country) come in with DC10s and I don't know if they even OWNED cans, let alone used them. Roller or hardside golf bags were intersting as they immediatly went flying down the beltloader! It was also a pain in the @$$ walking around tossing bags in there as you didn't want to step on the rollers.

I don't see why not...

I'd never heard that, but that might be a valid point. It may also be a certification thing where, assuming US does whatever is needed, they can get a waiver from the FAA to permit it.

Dog's point is valid, but all you have to do to get around it is position empty cookie sheets in there. Then instead of putting bags in LD3's, you're just putting them on a pallet, which works fine for weight & balance purposes.

The 747s were what 20 years ago?


Come to think of it, how long ago did SY have their DC10's?

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Neci!
Yeah the 747s went away in like '94 (?), but there re still people there that worked on them. I also know that the K loaders were still there at least five years ago, so...

I dont' think SY got rid of the DC10s until after we lost/gave up the contract. That was in.. what? 2000?
First of all are any PHX FSA trained on an A330?

If you arent trained on it, you cant touch it.
If they're not I guarantee the company would make it happen. It's not that difficult to provide the training.
Panthers boarding at the FBO flight worked by US ramp in CLT

The whispers are saying this will not be happening. The IAM took the issue to management and management said they were going to have a vendor do it for that week. Lots of talk, but company decided to scrap the idea.
The whispers are saying this will not be happening. The IAM took the issue to management and management said they were going to have a vendor do it for that week. Lots of talk, but company decided to scrap the idea.

I posted on this issue once already. I don't think we are getting the A332 but if we do it is our work per the contract. The Company will train us or pay us to watch a vendor do the work. PERIOD.