Class Action Against Siegel's 4.5 Million

Should ALPA, AFA, IAM, CWA Take Action Against Siegel Collecting 4.5 million?

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PineyBob said:
I don't care if 14 courts found US in violation of the CBA regarding Airbus outsourcing. The FINAL ruling isn't in.

It's like a person convicted and sentenced to the death penalty, Appeal after appeal upholds the verdict and then all of the sudden an appeals court finds a technicality and grants a new trial. Upon retrial the person is found not guily.

The final verdict is not in yet. PERIOD. So my point is still valid.
Hmm, kinda funny how you did not say anything about the AFA and ALPA contracts they were found violating?
PineyBob said:
Only because to my knowledge, They have been violated in the minds of people directly affected.

Again, no ajudication! Just Opinion
Wrong Bob,

Both the ALPA and AFA contract violations went to arbitration which is governed in the RLA and both unions won and the company lost, arbitration is legal and binding and most arbiters were former judges and arbitration is a legal process.

Main Entry: ar·bi·tra·tion
Pronunciation: "är-b&-'trA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
: the action of arbitrating; especially : the hearing and determination of a case in controversy by an arbiter

Main Entry: ar·bi·trate
Pronunciation: 'är-b&-"trAt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -trat·ed; -trat·ing
Date: 1592
transitive senses
1 : archaic : DECIDE, DETERMINE
2 : to act as arbiter upon
3 : to submit or refer for decision to an arbiter <agreed to arbitrate their differences>
intransitive senses
: to act as arbitrator
Why not just let it go? Even if such a suit is successful, after the class action lawyers have taken their 50% cut, there's only about $107 per employee left. Not even a weeks worth of groceries for a family of 3. Why even bother?
The pragmatic approach is to let it slide, but wouldn't it have been fun for the BOD to have treated dave's contract as they have treated labor's?

They could have looked him in the eye, and said "Everything is on the table." (I crack myself up ! :D )

I suspect the real reason the BOD, including the labor members (is there a spine amongst them?), gave dave the walking around money is they all have their contracts and /or golden parachutes with U, and it would set a bad precedent (for them).

I mean, screwing the proles out of their cash is good business. Screwing the fat cats is communism.
Get over it. You people got what you wanted-Siegel out. And NOW you want to sue him. Get on with your life, it is a waste of time, money, and mental effort. Good grief what else will you come up with, the man is out, you should be happy.

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