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Choose Well ...


Nov 23, 2003
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Regardless of what you do for Usairways, regardless of how bitter you are , regardless of whether you think Usairways is not entitled to anymore concession consider this.

Four members of the Board of Directors are union reps and they seem to be useless in making sure the best interest of the workers and thus the company are taken into account..To me the problems is not only management but the unions are at fault and since the union represent us the workers we are at fault also.

If Usairways fails the only people who are going to suffer are the employees ,those in upper management can and will be able to find work much faster than any of us.
Union negoitiators will not lose their jobs , they will go on to the next negoitiation and I doubt the Unions will give back your dues.
CWA employees who are topped off at above $18/hr will not be able to find another job paying that much seeing how there are so many people out of work right now. These employees will have to realise that life as they knew it is over, its no longer glamorous...what you do for the airline can be replaced by anyone on the street and paid less to do it..The future promises more automation ..(kiosk, gate readers etc ) so your functions will be limited in the future and therefore your numbers.
IAM workers mainly the mechanics you will be the scapegoat yet again for another airline that went away.

The people who are going to get hurt is us the workers...
My advise is for every worker to take stock of themselves consider the consequences.

As for me Usairways going under would disrupt my life but it would be temporary because I already have a back up in mind.

So choose wisely ..
You have to remember the Union BOD members have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholder first, and that is by law.
Madders, Calm thought out, I couldnt have said it better. How could any sane person argue? See below 🙂
Madders...great post!

My job was replaced by PSA at 7.65 per hour. They were turning people away. Airline employees are a dime a dozen. There is no ground for bargaining and the company knows it. The good days at Allegheny and Piedmont are gone forever. Not bitter about it. It's REAL!!!!!
The people who are going to get hurt is us the workers...

My advise is for every worker to take stock of themselves consider the consequences.


Consider it either way, leave or stay what is the biggest risk?

I truly feel for the ones who don't have an education or a trade to fall back on. Working at U all those years making decent money without the credentials required outside the industry takes away any incentive of self improvement with further schooling. It takes a very self motivated individual to improve themselves when life is sweet. Most people only improve their lot when forced out of their comfort zone, so how can one really fault the U employees who must start from scratch, you can’t really. This entire deal is painful from the employees from the top to the bottom level. The bottom level will feel it the most, which is always the way it is. Gravity being what it is.

I am glad for the years I worked in the industry and improved my lot, but I am also glad I did not spend my entire career here because I realize what reality is outside of the industry, it’s not a strange land to me like it is to so many other airline lifers. Best of Luck in whatever you choose, because choose we all will soon need to do.
Those who don't have the stomach for the day of reckoning should be out looking for their next job now. The industry is changing, and what will emerge will be a result of great turmoil. Not all of it on the labor side.

For those who are ready to be history makers and movers, stand-by, we're about to engage. For all others, now is the time to leave.

May God Bless us all!
repeet said:
Those who don't have the stomach for the day of reckoning should be out looking for their next job now. The industry is changing, and what will emerge will be a result of great turmoil. Not all of it on the labor side.

For those who are ready to be history makers and movers, stand-by, we're about to engage. For all others, now is the time to leave.

May God Bless us all!

Engage we will!
I think most of us understand the need for change in the way this business operates. Many of us have been thru this before and gave as the company pleaded in order to insure a future for us and the company. Unfortunantly we saw nothing that resulted in the concessions before. Now they come again pleading for more give backs. I think if we all trusted the exec's to be open, be honest, and have concern for not only the company, but the employee's as well, we would be more than willing to make further sacrafices. Basically, it's a lack of trust from everything we have been shown in the past. How can we believe what they are telling us now, when we hear from them continually talk of another bankruptcy? What good will any further concessions do? If the final result is another BK again.
IMO BK will be filed regardless of what happens. Fortunately I have a back up plan.

I have to agree with Cav on this one. I feel for those who have known nothing but an airline position; however, I firmly believe that anyone is capable of accomplishing most things, if they put their mind to it.