EEOC: Age Discrimination, Unions
Coverage of Labor Unions and Joint Apprenticeship Committees-Labor Unions And Unlawful Practices
A labor union is prohibited from discriminating in its capacity as an employer, in its capacity as a bargaining representative for its members, or as a referral agency or hiring hall.
It is unlawful for a labor union to deny membership to individuals because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (over 40) or disability.
It is unlawful for a labor union to limit, segregate or classify its members based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (over 40) or disability.
It is unlawful for a labor union to refuse to refer a member for employment and/or refuse to represent a member because of the individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (over 40) or disability.
EEOC: Age Discrimination
Age Discrimination & Work Situations
The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.
Boomer comments:
What I think we are looking at is a violation of the duty of fair representation:
DFR: Railway Labor Act
"...The Supreme Court, in a case involving the Railway Labor Act, held that the Act implicitly expresses the aim of Congress to impose on the exclusive
representative the duty to exercise fairly the power conferred upon it on behalf of all those for whom it acts, without hostile discrimination against them."
Steele v. Louisville & Nashville R.R., 323 U.S. 192, 15 LRRM 708 (1944).
In Federal Court in Manhattan, 2003, the TWU asserted that as the owner of the contract: voter ratification was not required to amend the collective bargaining agreement, CBA, beyond the original making, or ratification that did require a membership vote: the Federal Court agreed.
Under the Railway Labor Act, RLA, which covers AMR and the TWU, the only making of a contract is the original agreement which thereafter becomes amendable and never expires.
Under the current CBA, all TWU Maintenance & Related Union Members are covered by the Retiree Medical Insurance Plan and begin coverage at the same time and under the same rates or begin upon entering employment at AA, in a TWU covered position, at the same rates for each individual age.
Under this amendment to the original CBA, the TWU proposes that one part of the same union contract vote to discriminate against the other wholly based on age. Company documents reveal that while the individual prefunding along with the "relevant investment experience" will be refunded to the individual while the company match, and "relevant investment experience", will be retained in the TWU VEBA Trust for payment of future claims by AMR and reducing future AMR expenses. Therefore, one group under the same contract will receive an enhanced economic benefit, wholly based on age, that is deprived the other group under the same contract, wholly based on age: I believe it is in the conversion that the fraud is committed.
The point is that no vote is required and that the pretense of a vote is cover for an amendment to the current CBA that violates both AA EEO Policy, US Govt. EEOC Policy and the Duty of Fair Representation owed all Union Members by the TWU as the exclusive representative.