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Increase medical life-time maximum from $300,000 to $500,000

Employees who are less than age 44 as of 12/31/2010 will have the option to roll the prefunding refund into a 401(k) account or take a cash payout- those electing cash payouts they will be received by December 15, 2010.

Employees who are 45, 46, 47, 48 or 49 years of age as of 12/31/10 will have the same options as outlined above or the option to not receive a prefunding refund and have sick leave credits added to the employee’s existing sick leave bank, at the time of retirement, for retiree medical as follows:
Age 49 as of 12/31/10: 840 hours of sick leave credits
Age 48 as of 12/31/10: 720 hours of sick leave credits
Age 47 as of 12/31/10: 630 hours of sick leave credits
Age 46 as of 12/31/10: 540 hours of sick leave credits
Age 45 as of 12/31/10: 480 hours of sick leave credits

At the time of retirement, the company will look back at the employee’s sick leave usage since 5/5/2010 and will reinstate to the sick bank, those paid sick hours utilized as part of any single illness or injury that used forty-five (45) consecutive workdays or more of sick time.

Over 20 years at AA, below 50, funded the whole damned thing since eligible along with the supplemental: never used the company benefits, kept the full lifetime max plus the supplemental paid up. Used the spouses insurance, even though it cost more in the short run because we wanted to retain the long term value.

Now you tell me this BS about using my sick time to get what some MF over 50 with less than 15 years, that used the piss out of the company sick time and the AA self-funded medical plann while still sucking at fixing airplanes will get the benefit of MY COMPANY MATCH because AA and the TWU colluded to discriminate against me wholly because of my age?

You say that this somehow is compensation for the TWU/AFLCIO supporting OBAMACARE and AA getting out of the business: FU
Over 20 years at AA, below 50, funded the whole damned thing since eligible along with the supplemental: never used the company benefits, kept the full lifetime max plus the supplemental paid up. Used the spouses insurance, even though it cost more in the short run because we wanted to retain the long term value.

Now you tell me this BS about using my sick time to get what some MF over 50 with less than 15 years, that used the piss out of the company sick time and the AA self-funded medical plann while still sucking at fixing airplanes will get the benefit of MY COMPANY MATCH because AA and the TWU colluded to discriminate against me wholly because of my age?

You say that this somehow is compensation for the TWU/AFLCIO supporting OBAMACARE and AA getting out of the business: FU

I hope you are not thinking I said this is a good deal or that you should like it.

I am simply posting requested information.

Don't kill the messenger. I just happened to notice there have been some changes since the original information came forward. And I suspect more options and changes are on the way between now and the August Vote.

Welcome to the world of TWU/AA Working Together to Divide and Conquer. Does anyone really wonder why something like the AMFA Card Drive or something like that gets started in the first place? It is not a RAID by another Union, it is TWU members fed up with this type of bargaining.
what the hell is taking so long to vote on this thing in 2003 it was amatter of a few weeks
Uhhhhhhhh, still writing it?
You mean rewriting it to DIVIDE correctly so the company and unon can conquer!!! 51%n yes is all these sucmbags collude to accomplish. Anything more than that would be an embarrassment to thier collusion!!!
what the hell is taking so long to vote on this thing in 2003 it was amatter of a few weeks

They are hanging out reading this forum so they can continually tweak the language to get just enough votes. Everybody complained about the under 50 retiree medical, and now they made some changes, still sucks, but might gain them a couple of votes. Maybe we need to scream about the weekend coverage this week so they will change to something better. Next week, lets hit them hard on the lack of double time. In October, when we vote we should have most of what we want.

How pathetic

TWU= Tweak With Until-passed
Increase medical life-time maximum from $300,000 to $500,000

Employees who are less than age 44 as of 12/31/2010 will have the option to roll the prefunding refund into a 401(k) account or take a cash payout- those electing cash payouts they will be received by December 15, 2010.

Employees who are 45, 46, 47, 48 or 49 years of age as of 12/31/10 will have the same options as outlined above or the option to not receive a prefunding refund and have sick leave credits added to the employee’s existing sick leave bank, at the time of retirement, for retiree medical as follows:
Age 49 as of 12/31/10: 840 hours of sick leave credits
Age 48 as of 12/31/10: 720 hours of sick leave credits
Age 47 as of 12/31/10: 630 hours of sick leave credits
Age 46 as of 12/31/10: 540 hours of sick leave credits
Age 45 as of 12/31/10: 480 hours of sick leave credits

At the time of retirement, the company will look back at the employee’s sick leave usage since 5/5/2010 and will reinstate to the sick bank, those paid sick hours utilized as part of any single illness or injury that used forty-five (45) consecutive workdays or more of sick time.

Thanks Twu informer. Those figures don't look like they've changed from the ground TA that was put on hold. I still can't believe the TWU hasn't thrown back the mechs TA like it did with the FSC's.smh
Over 20 years at AA, below 50, funded the whole damned thing since eligible along with the supplemental: never used the company benefits, kept the full lifetime max plus the supplemental paid up. Used the spouses insurance, even though it cost more in the short run because we wanted to retain the long term value.

Now you tell me this BS about using my sick time to get what some MF over 50 with less than 15 years, that used the piss out of the company sick time and the AA self-funded medical plann while still sucking at fixing airplanes will get the benefit of MY COMPANY MATCH because AA and the TWU colluded to discriminate against me wholly because of my age?

You say that this somehow is compensation for the TWU/AFLCIO supporting OBAMACARE and AA getting out of the business: FU

Boomer, I hear you on that. I have 23 years put into this company and my options, if this TA goes thru, are either a 401(k) or cash payout. Here's the kicker on that payout that no one has even mentioned....it will count as earned income pushing some into a higher tax bracket. I've only seen this mentioned once on how that 401(k)/payout DOESN'T include the company match or any interest that money incurred over my 13 years of prefunding. That is a big loss or tax hit for the 44 and under crowd. Caveat emptor.
Boomer, I hear you on that. I have 23 years put into this company and my options, if this TA goes thru, are either a 401(k) or cash payout. Here's the kicker on that payout that no one has even mentioned....it will count as earned income pushing some into a higher tax bracket. I've only seen this mentioned once on how that 401(k)/payout DOESN'T include the company match or any interest that money incurred over my 13 years of prefunding. That is a big loss or tax hit for the 44 and under crowd. Caveat emptor.

Per jetnet, benefits, retiree medical benefits:

If you leave the company prior to becoming eligible for retiree medical insurance, your prefunding contributions plus those associated earnings are refunded to you with your contributions being non taxed and the associated earnings becoming taxable income.

For me, the age discriminatory deal killer, is that the company match to your retiree prefunding and those associated earnings remain in the TWU VEBA Trust and will be used to pay for others that may not have even become qualified as having earned the retiree medical insurance benefit.

On a side note, if you have the option of going to the 401(k) match, you are Fleet Service: the M&R TA does not have the option for a hard freeze of the DBP Pension and the 5.5% 401(k) match, I wish it had but no to the extent that I would approve a TA that contained the loss of Retiree Medical Insurance without adequate compensation for those being discriminated against by the creation of this TA.

Per jetnet, benefits, retiree medical benefits:

If you leave the company prior to becoming eligible for retiree medical insurance, your prefunding contributions plus those associated earnings are refunded to you with your contributions being non taxed and the associated earnings becoming taxable income.

For me, the age discriminatory deal killer, is that the company match to your retiree prefunding and those associated earnings remain in the TWU VEBA Trust and will be used to pay for others that may not have even become qualified as having earned the retiree medical insurance benefit.

On a side note, if you have the option of going to the 401(k) match, you are Fleet Service: the M&R TA does not have the option for a hard freeze of the DBP Pension and the 5.5% 401(k) match, I wish it had but no to the extent that I would approve a TA that contained the loss of Retiree Medical Insurance without adequate compensation for those being discriminated against by the creation of this TA.

Thanks Boomer. As I said before, I still can't believe the mech TA wasn't thrown back. I'm pulling for you guys. Good luck

Per jetnet, benefits, retiree medical benefits:

If you leave the company prior to becoming eligible for retiree medical insurance, your prefunding contributions plus those associated earnings are refunded to you with your contributions being non taxed and the associated earnings becoming taxable income.

For me, the age discriminatory deal killer, is that the company match to your retiree prefunding and those associated earnings remain in the TWU VEBA Trust and will be used to pay for others that may not have even become qualified as having earned the retiree medical insurance benefit.

On a side note, if you have the option of going to the 401(k) match, you are Fleet Service: the M&R TA does not have the option for a hard freeze of the DBP Pension and the 5.5% 401(k) match, I wish it had but no to the extent that I would approve a TA that contained the loss of Retiree Medical Insurance without adequate compensation for those being discriminated against by the creation of this TA.
Isn't this age discrimination? Is not age discrimination against Federal law? Aside from the fact AMR and the TWU are, in effect, the same entity, I'm a bit confused as to how this offer could pass legal muster to be "offered".

... or, is it only illegal if people don't "agree" to it?
Isn't this age discrimination? Is not age discrimination against Federal law? Aside from the fact AMR and the TWU are, in effect, the same entity, I'm a bit confused as to how this offer could pass legal muster to be "offered".

... or, is it only illegal if people don't "agree" to it?

Goose, those were the first words out of my mouth when I saw that part of the TA.
Goose, those were the first words out of my mouth when I saw that part of the TA.
I had said that exact thing on the TWU 514 website some time ago but the "Gatekeeper" (I assume Alan) promptly deleted the comment and disabled comments on that particular forum item (within 30 minutes) - I firmly believe expressing concern over this was considered "wrongthink" and didn't reflect well on the "sales department".
Over 20 years at AA, below 50, funded the whole damned thing since eligible along with the supplemental: never used the company benefits, kept the full lifetime max plus the supplemental paid up. Used the spouses insurance, even though it cost more in the short run because we wanted to retain the long term value.

Now you tell me this BS about using my sick time to get what some MF over 50 with less than 15 years, that used the piss out of the company sick time and the AA self-funded medical plann while still sucking at fixing airplanes will get the benefit of MY COMPANY MATCH because AA and the TWU colluded to discriminate against me wholly because of my age?

You say that this somehow is compensation for the TWU/AFLCIO supporting OBAMACARE and AA getting out of the business: FU
Sir Boomer:

You can bet your sweet bippy (remember that?) the company and union lawyers have parsed this agreement to the max in addition to the O'BummerCare "Health" package (all three thousand pages) and figured a way for both to benefit from it and this contract "offer" at our expense.

This may, however, only be a positioning of assets (both company and union) to fully hose us down the road - in other words, a relatively cheap preparation that could be reversed in short order by (possible, but not likely) the next administration (DC) elected, perhaps even with some conciliatory crap on the company and union's part to make us feel better.

I admit I've not read the bill, as with most of the elected trash who voted for it haven't so can't really say for certain, but the bits and pieces I have read seem to favor illegal aliens over citizens amongst other distasteful odds and ends - probably the result of whatever unholy deal Bush and Fox made years ago and the further attempt of the left to make the USA a pseudo-socialist country. It's no wonder they are referred to as "social democrats" in other countries. People cry and whine about Communism and Socialism but, boys and girls, those systems of government require all people be equal, from the top leadership to those who clean the toilets, and in all ways - in that regard, neither has been practiced in human history, rather. a form of governance more like Orwell's "Animal Farm" where all were equal, but some were "more equal than others" - ergo, a dictatorship - but this is another subject for another time.

With all this "Change We Can Believe In", it's become pitifully evident why the Founders included the Second Amendment in the US Constitution but, unfortunately the government seems to have succeded in breeding the 'nads off the majority of citizens, but that's another subject for another thread and another time.

... but, as with old Rome, it's conquerors basically walked in and took over with precious little resistance.

The glory days of the Roman Army had passed and the Romans were forced into making deals with the tribes. The Vandals and Visigoths were allowed to live in the Roman Empire as long as they gave a promise to protect the empire from the Huns.

"However, in AD 398, the leader of the Visigoths, Alaric (read Little Jimmy), realized that the Roman Army (TWU Rank and File) was so thinly spread, that Rome (The TWU membership) itself was for the taking. Alaric moved cautiously south but in AD 410 he captured the city of Rome. The city was sacked. Roman held territory (different title groups) in Spain, France, northern Africa and England all fell to the various tribes (factions within the TWU) that attacked them." (from Wiki)

Classic, ain't it?

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