Raptor said:
TWUer I have decided to keep my opinions to myself on this issue for the most part but I am very curious about what everyone else thinks on this subject.
I will say that I think that if either side really wanted to debate each other that there would in fact be a debate, you have to wonder why both sides keep coming up with excuses <_<
Something to think about boys. :unsure:
Delle will show to a LEGITIMATE debate. One with the a stacked deck, like this farce the twu wants, is not a reason to bother with it.
Another twu farce? NO! How about this:
1. This is an AA Mechanic and related dispute ONLY. The twu will try to get paid persons with NO say in this vote to harass and heckle. The stock clecks. rampers, the ibt, and paid iam fools like Brian Conners or Dutch Dresher have no say in this. Its AA mechanic and related only. Anyone else's opinions, feelings, gripes, bitches, complaints, or comments have NO bearing on this debate. If the twu can't get enough support from the M@R, too bad.
2. A venue big enough that everyone can attend. The twu wants to cram the room with any twu dupe they can get. That way, AMFA can't be fairly represented.
3. Its on a weekend so people with no vacation and not on twu UB can attend. 80% of AA's workforce is off on weekends. Thanks to the twu, our limited vacation is for family time, not for a twu farce debate on tues or wed.
4. The moderator will be agreed on by both AMFA and the twu. Why should the twu get to choose the moderator and pay him off to be on the twu's side? No way.
5. Why just Tulsa? Why not a debate at DFW? Or ORD? Or JFK? Easier cities to fly to from around the system.
6. No signs, no coffins, no heckling during the debate. Try it and your out.
7. Sunny Hall will come. He's the dictator of the twu. If Delle can make it, so can he.
These are my own opinion's. If the twu wants to have any kind of legitimacy, then lets have a fair debate, not the twu's twisted mockery of a very important event.
The twu International had the chance to be in Tulsa in January. They declined. Why the change in tactics now? What is Sunny scared of?