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Chairman Of Maintenance

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  • Kevin Hammack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pat Kinnamon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Creaser

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Well now TULSA has a management suckass as "chairman of maintenance". Pat would have been a much better choice. Pat would never sell out the membership like Hammack is going to do.
Sounds like you have a bit of sexual tension to me Princess!! Slammin' a man you have never even met. My, my, my!! You just not gettin' any???? Bad relationship with your father, an ex???? What?????? Or maybe you just hate all men????

Your Tulsa boys failed to get their guys in Princess!!!! I guess you can hate them too now!!
Well now TULSA has a management suckass as "chairman of maintenance". Pat would have been a much better choice. Pat would never sell out the membership like Hammack is going to do.
You really should not insult the suck-asses by associating Hammack with them.

Even a known suck-ass is a better man than Hammack.

However, that sleeve-less macho look has most sheep fooled apparently.
Lets review bad temper at pres. bad temper at chairman of mait. Boy I bet there will be alot of those brawls at the hall now. I can only hope they beat the crap out of each other
AFW3 said:
Bob I would agree but not here. We have had Stores/Facilities/non licensed people elected to office and the results are AMFA. You talk about professionalism well those groups support the mechanics and should play that role supporting not leading.
I'm not exactly sure of what you are saying but I think that one of our main problems is not addressable at the Local level. The problem is with the Contracts and the fact that those who have control over the contract, the International, are are not accountable. This is a problem that applies to all AA/TWU members, not just mechanics.

This problem, which is unlikely to ever be remedied in the TWU, pretty much makes any other changes, or attempts to change from within the TWU moot.

So for us the option is to go AMFA. The NMB has made the decision for us, A&P mechanics are not considered by our government to be a class and craft as Pilots and Flight Attendants are. Instead, they have a broader vision of what our class and craft is, liscences aside. So like it our not A&P mechanics will never be an autonomous group like the piloots or Flight attendants, but we can be in a union, if we do it before the TWU does any more damage to the profession, where A&P mechanics are the majority.

As far as who runs the Local that is the choice of those members. I do not think that if the members feel that an unliscened mechanic or other member of our class and craft as defined by the NMB was the best choice that they should be denied that choice. If your experience has proven that unliscened candidates from other classifications do not address the needs of the A&P then vote as you see fit, but the opportunity should be open to all.
I remember when I worked with Pat Kinnamon, he told a story of a relative of his(brother in law if I remember correctly) that scabbed at EASTERN. Pat said he refused to even talk to or even acknowledge the guy for what he had done. Now that's what I call a union man! If someone has the guts to tell a family member that they are a scab and treat them as scab should be treated, that's who you need down at the union hall, not a bonehead like Hammack!
I remember when I worked with Pat Kinnamon, he told a story of a relative of his(brother in law if I remember correctly) that scabbed at EASTERN. Pat said he refused to even talk to or even acknowledge the guy for what he had done. Now that's what I call a union man! If someone has the guts to tell a family member that they are a scab and treat them as scab should be treated, that's who you need down at the union hall, not a bonehead like Hammack!
Princess, Could the support of an individual who was sworn to an oath of a Union office and supported the agenda of another association fall under the category that you proclaim to despise..??? You know, being that of a SCAB....!

Maybe we should start referring to you as " Princess Scaberilla"...!!!!!!! :blink:

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel, doesn't know diddly about unions and doesn't even know how to define a SCAB. Now we know many of the parts of UNION he doesn't understand.
Team Twu is a bunch of pitiful losers and more people see it every day. You guys were so focused on showing the AMFA guys that you could control your election that you pissed of the rest of your supporters. Thanks guys we didn't need your help campaigning but we appreciate it. TWUER you know we have people all over the base who have gotten a good idea of the percentage of the votes. Why don't you go try it instead of giving your uninformed opinion? The people out on the dock would love to talk to you about it plus it would be good for you to get out of the boiler room Rick. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!
High speed speel if you would read your local by-laws the local officers are the spokes people for the local members not their leaders. If 75%-90% of the local members are AMFA supporters you show them they are wrong by representing them properly not killing the massager. I know it's a tough concept for you Twu clones to understand but with a lot of therapy 50% of you can be cured.. The rest should go on back to fleet service and stores where you should be. After the mechanics show you the advantages of a craft union maybe you will get into the AWG if your lucky . NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!!!
Decision 2004 said:
High Speed Steel, doesn't know diddly about unions and doesn't even know how to define a SCAB. Now we know many of the parts of UNION he doesn't understand.
How about a crypt quote to define a SCAB...???

..................%$#^@(* 2004 ^# & #^)!................. 😛

..................DECISION 2004 IS A SCAB................ 😛

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
How about a crypt quote to define a SCAB...???

..................%$#^@(* 2004 ^# & #^)!................. 😛

..................DECISION 2004 IS A SCAB................ 😛

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
You are also a common liar,

I have never crossed a picket line in my life!
You amfa pukes are just mad because your block vote didn't work here in Tulsa!!!! Just something else for you to cry about. And Dave, have you told Hammack face to face how you feel about him?? Have you told him face to face what a "suck-ass" you think he is?? How about how sexy you think he looks in those sleeveless shirts you keep talking about?? I kind of wonder about you with those kind of comments you've been making about the type of shirts you notice him wearing!!! When was the last time you saw him like that??? I can't ever remember seeing him wearing "sleeveless" shirts so that must be someting you have been hangin on to for some time huh??? Withdrawls or something?? No wonder you try to be so macho here on these boards.......you're stuck in the closet aren't you??!!!!!!! Come on out, will you??? No homophobes here!!! Feel the love!!! Just don't get to close.......I'm straight!!
Last time i saw Kevin H. he was in the middle of Braddy St. yelling about kicking someones a** thats the man I want for the job notttttttt
Last time I saw Hamhock he was blocking a door so no one could get in and the cops had to remove him. Yup, thats a real professional that we need working for us. Actually though, I am happy to see team twu appointed to those position as it will be all that much easier if we have to resign cards and no true leaders will be damaged!!!

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