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Cavemen and Lizards

I did ... no ans yet. Heckeling him from this web site seems goofy and its embarassing for the local.
You and Jetmech hold elected positions that should have influence with the man. Did you guys try that first?

I hope we don't have to add another name to the list of ignoble Local 565 sell out presidents. : Don Vidatich, Keith Stewart.......Bob Zimmerman? Hope not.
All the fellating Keith did was not enough to get into the International. Maybe even the TWU has some standards. You know what they say...its not how much you fellate, its that last inch that counts !. :lol:
Actually, I am posting these "No votes" to show that when a local president refers to his membership as "cavemen" THAT is sad.

This thread was not started as a childish action but rather as a way to bring attention to the state our profession is facing. When negotiations started the negotiators knew full well what the membership wanted, no... DEMANDED! Yes, the company did their little foot dragging dance from day one turning 5 years of concessions into 7 with no accountability.

This ta is a disgrace to unionism because it pits one group against another. Perfect management 101 training in action. This is no ordinary negotiations. This is about getting back what we gave to save AA. But we have been insulted, disrespected and laughed at while families were torn apart, people committed suicide, personal bankruptcy and people lost their homes WHILE MANAGEMENT CONTINUED TO RECEIVE BONUSES! (The AIP checks were simply salt in an already open wound.)

I can not reiterate enough that we, every AMT at AA, are the Stewards for our craft and profession. It is our responsibility and duty to fight for what our responsibilities warrant in pay and benefits and that means INDUSTRY LEADING! This means providing for those who retire, those still working and those coming after us.

The ta had 7 no votes to bring this back. These 7 understand what I just wrote. Why the 11 yes votes were cast to bring this back one can only wonder. Go to the union meetings and ask questions. This ta needs to be voted down with the same percentage the Flight Attendants strike vote had. Then our strike vote needs to be as high.

I am voting NO and I do so openly. I do not care who is offended, union or management... our profession is at stake!

Ken I agree with you that our profession is on the line. That is why everybody especially the Mechanic and related should not eat the companys food tomorrow on AMT day. The fact of the matter is they donot respect you or the profession. If they did they would not be trying to give AMT jobs away,offering this slap in the face of a contract or Arpay lieing to the public about a 600 million dollar labor disadvatage. It was just 2 or 3 years ago that Arpay and the boys in the ivory tower were saying that we are keeping work in house because we can do it cheaper and better in house with more accountability. So was he lieing to the public and share holders then or now. So once again TURN THEIR FOOD DOWN AND SHOW THEM EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS CONTRACT AND YOUR PROFESSION. If you eat their food you are showing them how weak you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What will they be feeding you on AMT day, hot dogs?

Jeez, I would have thought they'd have slipped you the weenie enough.......

Sorry, couldn't resist.

It would be interesting to see how many of the TWU sheep at MCI take part in the fiesta tomorrow. Kind of the "last supper" treatment.
What will they be feeding you on AMT day, hot dogs?

Jeez, I would have thought they'd have slipped you the weenie enough.......

Sorry, couldn't resist.

It would be interesting to see how many of the TWU sheep at MCI take part in the fiesta tomorrow. Kind of the "last supper" treatment.

The signs I read have AMT whited out and OSM inserted.
What will they be feeding you on AMT day, hot dogs?

Jeez, I would have thought they'd have slipped you the weenie enough.......

Sorry, couldn't resist.

It would be interesting to see how many of the TWU sheep at MCI take part in the fiesta tomorrow. Kind of the "last supper" treatment.

No problem. That is funny. You have to have a sense of humor. I would like to make an observation though that eating anything on AMT Day doesn't mean people are selling out. AMT Day is about celebrating OUR craft and profession, not celebrating a company.
<_< ------- You know this whole exercise in futility could have been avoided by our glorious leadership had they insisted on a "snapback" when giving up so much!!!! :unsure:

Or if just half of MCI had voted NO.

Sorry, not TWA bashing but the facts is what they is.
I am undoubtedly voting NO!

I'm not just saying that I shall vote NO, I have the integrity to back it up. My intent is bring my ballot into work and mark my NO vote in the presents of my coworkers, I encourage you all to do the same. Yes I did say coworkers, because I don't feel the use of the term brother is accurate. Brothers band together and have each others best interests at heart, you people are pathetic, caring only about yourselves and destroying what is supposed to be your brotherhood. No battle is won without a fight, retreat will be followed by defeat. Wake up people!






This goes out to all TWU union members, Sell outs in the International, You too Don Videtich, guess there was shrinkage after all.

Don't cower and hide behind your aliases, show you are ready to fight, use your real name, be ready to take down the international, they don't have our backs.

Or if just half of MCI had voted NO.

Sorry, not TWA bashing but the facts is what they is.
<_< ------ Or if a quarter of AMT's at TUL would have voted NO! ------Not AA bashing either! Fact's----- Yes they are, but as you know, they can be segued!
No problem. That is funny. You have to have a sense of humor. I would like to make an observation though that eating anything on AMT Day doesn't mean people are selling out. AMT Day is about celebrating OUR craft and profession, not celebrating a company.

Yes Ken you are correct it is about celebrating our craft and profession,but it is also about showing respect for the profession. You are wrong about selling out because that is exactly what it is,by accepting this meal you are accepting the way that they are treating you as an AMT and telling you that you are worth nothing more than a couple of pieces of chicken. Do you think that they chose the meal chicken for a reason? Seems kind of fitting for this union and I use the term union very loosely here. The company has shown no respect to the profession by the TA that they offered by wanting to have people work on the planes with another title other than mechanic. The meal that they are feeding you was not offered with respect or any sincerity, it was with pity for the groveling fools that acceppted their meal.Oh and lets not forget that we paid for that meal ourselves with the concessions. The company feels that they can buy you off with somthing as cheap as a meal while they sit back and laugh. If every person would have turned down the food then the company would have seen that there is solidarity within the union. This union is so pathetic,but what can you expect out of a bunch of people that are bought and paid for. A perfect example is your local president along with Steve Luis and Gilboy. They recieved their Int position,but I guess they were a Little (Jim) better than the poor fools that voted yes and got nothing like Todd Woodward out of MIA,not to mention the other 7. Since you have voiced your opinion of this TA on this board lets take it one step further by you and your local reps that disagree with this TA by putting out a letter stating your opinion along with the others and that you disagree with Willie (Bob) Zimmerman (and the answer is yes)for voting to bring this back for a vote.

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