Oh? Just how much capital do you control, Rockefeller?? What are you doing working for the world's second largest airline (or is it third?) as a sluggo AMT like the rest of us?
Capitalist run amok does not lead to Socialism: it leads to Fascism.
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini
Therin lies the confusion for many as the fascist party was also called National "Socialists" Workers Party (NAZI).
The US education system does not clarify the difference or explain that Hitler only used the term Socialist because of the popularity of the real Socialist movement in Europe at the time, so our children read about the National Socialist Party and they think its the same as the Socialist Party. Unless an effort is made those beliefs and associations become permanent.
In Ireland a "Republican"is the political opposite of what a Republican is in America.
I really dont think any of that matters here. If you are right wing or left I think the choice is clear that this TA doesnt serve any of our interests.