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Cavemen and Lizards

Oh? Just how much capital do you control, Rockefeller?? What are you doing working for the world's second largest airline (or is it third?) as a sluggo AMT like the rest of us?
Capitalist run amok does not lead to Socialism: it leads to Fascism.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini

Therin lies the confusion for many as the fascist party was also called National "Socialists" Workers Party (NAZI).


The US education system does not clarify the difference or explain that Hitler only used the term Socialist because of the popularity of the real Socialist movement in Europe at the time, so our children read about the National Socialist Party and they think its the same as the Socialist Party. Unless an effort is made those beliefs and associations become permanent.

In Ireland a "Republican"is the political opposite of what a Republican is in America.

I really dont think any of that matters here. If you are right wing or left I think the choice is clear that this TA doesnt serve any of our interests.
Im curious as a 565 E board member and the fact that your president voted to bring this TA back, and stated in his letter to the membership that no position or endorsement negative or positive would be taken organizationaly toward this TA .... How does your president like your cartoons?

I tell you what. Why don't you ask him yourself? Okay Keith?
WHO... live is a Pineapple under the sea?
Sponge Bob Square Pants!

WHO'S... orange and square and is porous as can be?
Sponge Bob Square Pants!

WHO knows a bad ta when he sees one and votes no on it?
Sponge Bob Square Pants!
Hey, Ernie.

Yes Bert?

This message is being brought to you by the letters "N" and "O".

Hey, Bert.

Yes Ernie?

That spells "NO".


Hey, Bert.

Yes Ernie?

I'm voting NO!
I tell you what. Why don't you ask him yourself? Okay Keith?
I did ... no ans yet. Heckeling him from this web site seems goofy and its embarassing for the local.
You and Jetmech hold elected positions that should have influence with the man. Did you guys try that first?
Are you trying to get through to the childish mentality of the TWU member?
Popeye says VOTE NO!!!


  • popeye-yam-spin.gif
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Hey, Ernie.

Yes Bert?

This message is being brought to you by the letters "N" and "O".

Hey, Bert.

Yes Ernie?

That spells "NO".


Hey, Bert.

Yes Ernie?

I'm voting NO!
<_< ------- It's sad Ken, ------- When you have to communicate with the membership on this grade level!!!! 🙁
<_< ------- It's sad Ken, ------- When you have to communicate with the membership on this grade level!!!! 🙁
Actually, I am posting these "No votes" to show that when a local president refers to his membership as "cavemen" THAT is sad.

This thread was not started as a childish action but rather as a way to bring attention to the state our profession is facing. When negotiations started the negotiators knew full well what the membership wanted, no... DEMANDED! Yes, the company did their little foot dragging dance from day one turning 5 years of concessions into 7 with no accountability.

This ta is a disgrace to unionism because it pits one group against another. Perfect management 101 training in action. This is no ordinary negotiations. This is about getting back what we gave to save AA. But we have been insulted, disrespected and laughed at while families were torn apart, people committed suicide, personal bankruptcy and people lost their homes WHILE MANAGEMENT CONTINUED TO RECEIVE BONUSES! (The AIP checks were simply salt in an already open wound.)

I can not reiterate enough that we, every AMT at AA, are the Stewards for our craft and profession. It is our responsibility and duty to fight for what our responsibilities warrant in pay and benefits and that means INDUSTRY LEADING! This means providing for those who retire, those still working and those coming after us.

The ta had 7 no votes to bring this back. These 7 understand what I just wrote. Why the 11 yes votes were cast to bring this back one can only wonder. Go to the union meetings and ask questions. This ta needs to be voted down with the same percentage the Flight Attendants strike vote had. Then our strike vote needs to be as high.

I am voting NO and I do so openly. I do not care who is offended, union or management... our profession is at stake!
<_< ------- You know this whole exercise in futility could have been avoided by our glorious leadership had they insisted on a "snapback" when giving up so much!!!! :unsure:

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