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Cavemen and Lizards

"Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks."- Karl Marx


Karl also says:Vote Nein!
Hey Ed,

Don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I am 100% capitalist. I believe in a better form of capitalism than what we got. Capitalism run amok leads to Socialism-something I consider unacceptable.
Hey Ed,

Don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I am 100% capitalist. I believe in a better form of capitalism than what we got. Capitalism run amok leads to Socialism-something I consider unacceptable.
Oh? Just how much capital do you control, Rockefeller?? What are you doing working for the world's second largest airline (or is it third?) as a sluggo AMT like the rest of us?
Capitalist run amok does not lead to Socialism: it leads to Fascism.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini
Oh? Just how much capital do you control, Rockefeller?? What are you doing working for the world's second largest airline (or is it third?) as a sluggo AMT like the rest of us?
Capitalist run amok does not lead to Socialism: it leads to Fascism.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini

You and I obviously have different perspectives. Capitalism run amok, from my perspective, leads to the government being forced into a larger role. There are many examples I could use of this pendulum effect I refer to. At many airlines their employee retirements are now controlled by the government. It is my belief that the employer should not be allowed to merely shuck its responsibility to the worker via bankruptcy. The govt. is forced to play a larger role than it should because of Capitalism run amok. The health care dilemma would be another example. IMHO it is preferable for employers rather than governments (taxpayer) to pay for such programs. We're really off on a tangent here can't we return to the topic?

Who you going to believe me or Mussolini?
How about them apples?

And you Norton thought that guys in Tulsa were clueless.

You and I obviously have different perspectives. Capitalism run amok, from my perspective, leads to the government being forced into a larger role. There are many examples I could use of this pendulum effect I refer to. At many airlines their employee retirements are now controlled by the government. It is my belief that the employer should not be allowed to merely shuck its responsibility to the worker via bankruptcy. The govt. is forced to play a larger role than it should because of Capitalism run amok. The health care dilemma would be another example. IMHO it is preferable for employers rather than governments (taxpayer) to pay for such programs. We're really off on a tangent here can't we return to the topic?

Who you going to believe me or Mussolini?

I don't think we agree that we are all on the same boat. Perhaps you think capitalism is synonomous with freedom and Christianity, but capitalism is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independance, the Constitution or the Bible. When you think about it, Christ was a poor carpenter who was killed at the behest of powerful men.
This all might be seen as off subject but it is not. We waste time arguing over minutia while the big picture is that the capitalist will always exploit labor. They treat you like a piece of machinery; use you up and throw you to the curb with the trash. They dont care about you, or your family. They want you to go off and die in the gutter. That is why they want to take your pension and your medical. We are supposed to have labor unions to protect our interests but alas, the "man" has that base covered too; he gave us these Judas organiztions that call themselves Unions ( like the TWU) that ensure the capitalist will always have the upper hand.
Any way....
No offense,but I think Il Duche knew a little more about fascism than you. 😉
Like you I am an Orwell fan.

The current union reminds me too much of the Pigs in Animal Farm.

There is nothing worse, for sure, than a company puppet that calls itself a union. What an insult to the working man!

Being forced to financially support the very organization that works against your best interests.
<_< ------ Hey Ed!------Didn't your Avatar work in the sewers of New York? ----- Is there some significance to that here? :huh:
"Ariba, ariba! I'm voting NO!"

Im curious as a 565 E board member and the fact that your president voted to bring this TA back, and stated in his letter to the membership that no position or endorsement negative or positive would be taken organizationaly toward this TA .... How does your president like your cartoons?

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