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Cavemen and Lizards

So, we are in mediation. The mediator is not an arbitrator, he doesnt have the power of an arbitrator where he can say what the parties can and can not do.

I don't really know how much attention you've been paying to what has been going on with the mediated talks, but I believe mediator Jack Kane flexed his muscle back in early March and spanked both sides of the M&R table for being insubordinate....Voting this down will only confirm, "who's your daddy now"....
Lowell's voting no.


  • lowell_mather.webp
    4.9 KB · Views: 138
Captain cAAAAAAveman is voting no!


  • Captain Caveman.webp
    Captain Caveman.webp
    3.6 KB · Views: 143
I am so impressed by these cartoons associated with voting on our livelyhoods that it almost reminds me of TWU t-shirts with slogans.

Whats even more impressive is that the AMTA Association Director demonstrates such professional behavior.

Imagine yourself a new comer to this bulletin board and your first read is this thread.

We should really find a more mature way to communicate our opinions.

Couldn't agree more with you Informer. Although not a mechanic (Fleet), I would hope that our TWU brethren, especially our leadership, could go about this in a little more professional and mature way. But hey, just one disappointed union brothers opinion.
I am so impressed by these cartoons associated with voting on our livelyhoods that it almost reminds me of TWU t-shirts with slogans.

Whats even more impressive is that the AMTA Association Director demonstrates such professional behavior.

Imagine yourself a new comer to this bulletin board and your first read is this thread.

We should really find a more mature way to communicate our opinions.


Actually, I am posting these "No votes" to show that when a local president refers to his membership as "cavemen" THAT is sad.

This thread was not started as a childish action but rather as a way to bring attention to the state our profession is facing. When negotiations started the negotiators knew full well what the membership wanted, no... DEMANDED! Yes, the company did their little foot dragging dance from day one turning 5 years of concessions into 7 with no accountability.

This ta is a disgrace to unionism because it pits one group against another. Perfect management 101 training in action. This is no ordinary negotiations. This is about getting back what we gave to save AA. But we have been insulted, disrespected and laughed at while families were torn apart, people committed suicide, personal bankruptcy and people lost their homes WHILE MANAGEMENT CONTINUED TO RECEIVE BONUSES! (The AIP checks were simply salt in an already open wound.)

I can not reiterate enough that we, every AMT at AA, are the Stewards for our craft and profession. It is our responsibility and duty to fight for what our responsibilities warrant in pay and benefits and that means INDUSTRY LEADING! This means providing for those who retire, those still working and those coming after us.

The ta had 7 no votes to bring this back. These 7 understand what I just wrote. Why the 11 yes votes were cast to bring this back one can only wonder. Go to the union meetings and ask questions. This ta needs to be voted down with the same percentage the Flight Attendants strike vote had. Then our strike vote needs to be as high.

I am voting NO and I do so openly. I do not care who is offended, union or management... our profession is at stake!

PS: Posting these pictures in no way indicates unprofessional behavior. What is unprofessional behavior is a Union President refering to his membership as Cavemen. Oh, less I forget voting yes would also be unprofessional.
How's that working for ya?

Actually Ken you should be thanking Mr. Luis if you really want a NO vote.

His statement alone to the Tulsa Membership will cause more NO votes than any Cartoons on this bulletin board.

The membership is very offended by the comments and the reaction is already there by nature.
How's that working for ya?

Actually Ken you should be thanking Mr. Luis if you really want a NO vote.

His statement alone to the Tulsa Membership will cause more NO votes than any Cartoons on this bulletin board.

The membership is very offended by the comments and the reaction is already there by nature.

I am glad to hear this Dave. I also hope that the Tulsa membership is glaringly aware of the effect this ta language will have on the Tulsa Base. Together Overhaul and the Line produce a world class product that can not be matched. It is a shame the company doesn't realize/acknowledge this fact.

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