Card Drive Begins On Wednesday

Decision 2004

Mar 12, 2004
Get your pen and your cards ready.

Word is that signing begins system wide Wednesday.

We now have a NON-moving targeted Craft and Class number.

There is NO more weasel outs left for the TWU to hide behind.
Serious question here: How often can you submit cards to the NMB? In other words, is there a "waiting period" before you can call for an election, or is it simply a matter of how fast you can get them filled out?
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Kev3188 said:
Serious question here: How often can you submit cards to the NMB? In other words, is there a "waiting period" before you can call for an election, or is it simply a matter of how fast you can get them filled out?

One year bar, any card filled out and signed starting Wed. is a valid card.

Good Luck
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Here is some information to think about.

NMB reduced the Hennesey ruling of 18,661 by 60 cards for a total final craft and class of 18,601.

AMFA Organizers submitted 9,274 signed authorizations.

That leaves us 27 cards short of the 50% plus 1 requirement.

Given AA and the TWU successfully added 2000 plus names to the list that we never solicited cards from because we knew NOT of their existence, then 27 more cards from this 2000+ should be a piece of cake.

Resign begins tomorrow, this target no longer moves.

This time next year, it will be clear that the TWU is no longer supported at American Airlines by the now defined mechanic and related craft and class.
that 9274 is a fictitious number, Anyone can submit cards, but it was clear from the first time cards were submitted to the NMB, the count of valid cards were much less.

It was clear the year following the worse time in AA history and Amfa failed to collect sufficient cards. That was your best opportunity.

We have said from the beginning you lack the cards, AA and NMB has confirmed this. I see you confirm the 2000 number that I have been saying all along. So you will need 11,160 plus to file. If you hold to the 60% rule Amfa has imposed.

I think you need to reevaluate the drive and look at saving Jobs At AA. I think this would be more beneficial to the membership.
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Checking it Out said:
that 9274 is a fictitious number, Anyone can submit cards, but it was clear from the first time cards were submitted to the NMB, the count of valid cards were much less.

Once again you lie.

You know nothing about the card count submitted, you were not there, you never counted or audited the cards, I WAS THERE.

You can spin and beg all you want CIO, but the TWU sucks.

Given that you are clearly concerned about job loss, after you have been tooting your horn for months about the concessions saved 12000 jobs is more proof that you flip-flop like other liberals and have no credibility.

What jobs do we need to save now CIO, and what is the cost to save them?

You surely do not mean to tell us that the truth is about to come out on the saved jobs TWU spin and lie machine, do you?
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James T. Kirk said:
Wrong again Dave the number is 18,601

Correct 18,661 was Hennesey number and the Board reduced that by 60 to 18,601.

18,601 just happens to be AA's original number. Imagine that!
Dave thanks to Amfa,

a. Unlimited outsourcing at NWA, United and Alaska.

b. Increase work going to foreign countries.

c. layoffs at unpresident rate at Amfa represent Airlines

d. Contracts at a standstill at several of the airlines amfa represents.

Dave I know more about the card count than you Think!!!

Dave who has the lowers percentage of members on Layoff? The TWU or Amfa?
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What jobs do we need to save now CIO, and what is the cost to save them?

You surely do not mean to tell us that the truth is about to come out on the saved jobs TWU spin and lie machine, do you?

Don't go changing the subject again. Just answer the questions CIO.

I was taking home more pay with overtime under the 1995 6 year 6.5% POS the TWU sold out on in '95.

What is more important a good paying job with benefits, or many jobs with little pay and no benefits?

I see you still blame AMFA for the IAM negotiated lifting of 20% limit on overhaul maintenance outsource at UAL. How many times must you see documented proof about this lie before you stop repeating it?
Hey CIO,

If AA is going to reduce jobs, they will reduce jobs. A lot of us are tired of the TWU collectively reducing our wages and benefits to subsidize the jobs saved, and then tell us how smart they are. I will have absolutely no problem getting anybody to resign an AMFA authorization card. In fact, as long as the NMB is gracious enough to include all these unskilled labor types into our class and craft to dilute the ranks - they were some of the most willing potential card signers - it will be even easier!
Thanks to the TWU we have: HALF-PAY sick days :down: , NO double time :down: , sub standard wages :down: , one week LESS of vacation :down: , b-scale,c-scale :down: , massive layoffs :down: , Joke of a shift differential :down: , 5 LESS holidays and if you have to work the holidays we have left, you only get half-time pay :down: , UNLIMITED outsourcing :down: , the list goes on an on.

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