Maybe you need to stop 'smokin' that "truth"'. "Piney" is a passenger that understands the 'crisis' all airlines face. He has been around US for a long time, and definatly has a perspective from a FREQUENT FLIER. Try, if you can, to understand what these people go thru on their weekly if not daily travels. Put yourself in their perspective. That is what CUSTOMER SERVICE all about. It is not about YOUR job and how it affects YOU.
You seem selfish, and the company's prospects are important to you, but the big picture is how the customer percieves service. It is not about YOU. What if your utility bill rose as much as fuel, and they started nickle and diming you, on your rate of pay. You should care about customer perception.
Your remarks are derogatory and contrary to your own goal. Just like US.
For instance, due to the way I was treated by a certain automobile company, I will no longer be their patron again. That is, ever again. I will no longer buy their product.
A customer has certain expectations, and when the experience is taken down to bus service, or less than bus service and it is an "airline" for cryss sakes, once a former "elite" way to travel. All of the things that are expected have been in place for decades. To nickle and dime the passenger is what they are experiencing. They know about the price of gas and to them, it doesn't matter. Not one iota.
It boils down to passenger perspective and if that is an angle that FOCUS is using, it surely makes sense to me. Just try to understand.
I don't believe Piney wants to change carriers, he just wants his carrier of choice to persevere, but not at his or anyone elses expense.
Extremely well said. Look, none of the employees are happy about the state of the airline....but neither are it's highest paying and revenue generating know, the one's the airlines SHOULD be clamouring all over?....
I disagree that the ONLY course of action is the cheapest way...that is convenient and true ONLY if you lack the creativity or resourcefulness to RETAIN passengers.
Prior to my hiring at USAir in 2000, I had the opportunity to be in the CLT sim building with a friend getting typed in the Airbus....I still worked for Express.
On the wall, I saw two framed posters outlining USAir's commitment to excellence and mission statements on the wall.....have any of you read them recently? There still two in the CLT crew room.
In short, they describe the commitment to safety, technical expertise, teamwork, respect, comraderie, and getting the job done right...the first time.
As well as, valuing our passengers, being accessible to them in the airport, making eye contact, smiling, answering their questions and recognizing their concerns...etc..etc etc
I wrote these things down, and vowed that if I got an interview, I'd honestly address these topics as an employee, if hired.
I killed them in the interview.
I got the job.
I guess the new management hasn't seen the posters in CLT.
The airline who doesn't forget these KEY fundamentals of BUSINESS 101 wins the race.
For Doug: either take those mission statements down and replace them with some resonable explanation of recent policies...(not just oil costs... what seperates US from THEM?.....)or read them yourself....and make a F%^*% plan to win passenger loyalty besides will NEVER beat some of the airlines at THEIR game.