I was crew chief in the hangar in Tulsa. The first round of layoffs all the guys on my line went to either DFW or AFW. The second round, which had higher seniority than the first round, most on my line had to bump to JFK, ORD, BOS, LGA and LAX. You were one of the lucky few who were able to go to DFW but most did not get that option. I stand by what I said. The first round had better options than the second. Because you got your first choice does not make that statement untrue.That is not entirely factual. I was laid off in TULE on the 2nd round in '93, and bumped into DFW where I've been ever since. Quite a few of us bumped DFW as a matter of fact on the 2nd round. There WERE mechanics who had no choice but to bump into ORD and JFK also, but to say DFW wasn't an option is not true.