No, the sh*tty "leadership" you all repeatedly elected and your collective complacency did that.AMFAinMIAMI said:Some here say we are elitist, I don't think that its the case, the industrial unions have kept my class and craft down since I started in this industry. MY opinion as well as many others.
See above.OldGuy@AA said:AANOTOK- If there are any second class citizens in the TWU it is the AMT group. How else do you explain the inferior benefits?
Yeah, thank God the FSC's aren't responsible for anything. Phew! 🙄We all do different jobs and there is a much higher level of responsibility that goes along with the AMT job.
Again, see above.For years the AMTs at AA have been the lowest paid in the industry. This has not been the case for either fleet or stores at AA. We have watched our peers at all other airlines get pay raises while our pay was stunted. In 2003 we were forced to give up an extra 2.5% as well as our sick time pay and longevity pay when fleet and stores kept these things.
OldGuy@AA said:Also sorry you don't seem to understand that providing inferior benefits to AMTs is just plain wrong.
No. In fact 3 decades of being quiet is exactly why you guys are where you are today.Am I supposed to be quiet
Evidently lots of people did.but evidently someone did.
...And you are acting a like a 4 year old. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get your sh*t together, and start working for a better tomorrow.You are acting like and elitist.
Because we are mechanically inclined. You act like it's hard to fix lol.lpbrian said:How does an "A&p" from Tule fix a first class seat on a 777-300? Oh, I forgot, he is an A&P, he can do it all....
Then you all should've ditched them years ago. That's where your anger should be directed; not at people like AANOTOK.OldGuy@AA said:Glen, I get what you are saying. But I never said fleet service made too much money. I merely said that the TWU has kept at the industry standard of pay, while they have kept AMTs at the bottom. This proves they have not represented AMTs.
Great. Keep going.Kev - I am working for a better tomorrow. I am pushing AMFA.
Based on the foot stomping nature of your last few posts? Absolutely.Acting like a 4 year old?
This post has to be a joke. A seat? Only a sky god like you could tackle that one < rolling my eyes >lpbrian said:How does an "A&p" from Tule fix a first class seat on a 777-300? Oh, I forgot, he is an A&P, he can do it all....
What do you expect? For literally decades, way before mechanics separated and got their own locals, that is the attitude towards us we have had to endure because the mechanics were actually the minority when grouped with all other classifications. We had to attend union meetings ran by fleet service presidents, vp's, chair people, treasurers and recording secretaries preaching how he we all pay the same for a loaf of bread and why mechanics should not get a bigger piece of the pie. And how our license mean S**T to them.OldGuy@AA said:Kev3188.... I am sorry that you don't understand there is a difference between the responsibility of a Fleet Service Clerk and an AMT. Also sorry you don't seem to understand that providing inferior benefits to AMTs is just plain wrong. All I can say is that they are doing it to us and someday they may do it to you. We are obviously not a real union if one work group is singled out and treated unfairly. Am I supposed to be quiet while you and every other TWU member outside of the AMT group enjoy better benefits? I was under the impression that in a union everyone was treated equally. Not so in the TWU. No, I didn't vote for it and I never got to vote against Don V, or Bobby Gless or Jim Little or any of the other international people who sold us out. I didn't vote for Sam Cirri or John Hewett either, but evidently someone did. But keep looking down your nose at me. After all, you are getting the benefits that were taken from me. You are acting like and elitist.
That's my point. You guys suffered under sh*tty leadership for decades; yet somehow it never got "bad" enough to affect change.For literally decades, way before mechanics separated and got their own locals, that is the attitude towards us we have had to endure because the mechanics were actually the minority when grouped with all other classifications. We had to attend union meetings ran by fleet service presidents, vp's, chair people, treasurers and recording secretaries preaching how he we all pay the same for a loaf of bread and why mechanics should not get a bigger piece of the pie. And how our license mean S**T to them.
All the time, more and more responsibility is place upon us along with the burden of crossing every t and dotting every i.