PineyBob said:I think ClueByFour has some clues for sale since you clearly DON'T have one! Do you not understand that the whole Gold Pass thing was a blatant attempt by Jerry Glass to discredit Teddy and form a rift in the F/A union? Al at a critical time when someone like Teddy who can't be bulldozed was a real obstacle?
Or are you really that dense? Have you ever seen her in action? Well I have and if there is a more zealous, caring & unselfish advocate for those she represents I haven't seen that person in 50 years of life. I also met that mental midget that masquarades as leader out of PHL, Teri who was so forgetable I don't recall her last name. She would not be my first choice of people to go into battle with. Over the next two years there are going to be a bloody ton of merger integration issues and you most skilled and zealous advocate will be off doing other things.
PITbull and I have had some legendary battles on these boards so it is safe to say that we share few beliefs. So you ask why I would defend her? Because she has honor and Integrity. Two traits that are so lacking in modern business that some can't recognize it when they see it anymore.
Yep....I have seen her in action. Ranting and raving, trying to intimidate anyone that is stupid enough to let her. Not an attractive nor an effective style in my opinion. Calm confidence is something that I admire and respect...I have never seen that from her. It is what it is Piney, many of people from every base feel that we are far better off without her. That is a fact.