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Bruce Lakefield Leter

PineyBob said:
I think ClueByFour has some clues for sale since you clearly DON'T have one! Do you not understand that the whole Gold Pass thing was a blatant attempt by Jerry Glass to discredit Teddy and form a rift in the F/A union? Al at a critical time when someone like Teddy who can't be bulldozed was a real obstacle?

Or are you really that dense? Have you ever seen her in action? Well I have and if there is a more zealous, caring & unselfish advocate for those she represents I haven't seen that person in 50 years of life. I also met that mental midget that masquarades as leader out of PHL, Teri who was so forgetable I don't recall her last name. She would not be my first choice of people to go into battle with. Over the next two years there are going to be a bloody ton of merger integration issues and you most skilled and zealous advocate will be off doing other things.
PITbull and I have had some legendary battles on these boards so it is safe to say that we share few beliefs. So you ask why I would defend her? Because she has honor and Integrity. Two traits that are so lacking in modern business that some can't recognize it when they see it anymore.

Yep....I have seen her in action. Ranting and raving, trying to intimidate anyone that is stupid enough to let her. Not an attractive nor an effective style in my opinion. Calm confidence is something that I admire and respect...I have never seen that from her. It is what it is Piney, many of people from every base feel that we are far better off without her. That is a fact.
Piney Bob Don't know who you are but your personal attacks on me are so funny. You obviously think I care about your bloated importance, Take a deep Breathe and HOLD IT.
N607P said:
So what? Look where Delta is today compared to US Airways/America West.

The point being was Lakefield couldn't take a paycut in BK.
You don't think once the other airlines get their costs below US, that US
won't come back and say we need more cause our costs are higher?
sharkstooth said:
Piney Bob Don't know who you are but your personal attacks on me are so funny. You obviously think I care about your bloated importance, Take a deep Breathe and HOLD IT.

Well, you just "outted" yourself, and I surely know the twit from NC. She (B70) couldn't argue out of a paper bag. Adios to you in in Dec. as well. BTW, B70, NO ONE on the MEC misses you or even spoke your name when you left. Everyone in the office was so relieved as you never showed up anyway.
fr8tmastr said:
Yes, thankyou mr. Lakefield! I am sure glad that you were able to sell off the 170 division, and put another 1000 families out of work. I would be offended by this but I know you and the other senior management needed the retention bonuses. What would we all do if these fine moral people in CCY were not given bonuses to do the job they are already paid to do? Yes, mr Lakefield thank you for allowing us to pay with concession after concession. I am so glad that we all give management all the credit for saving the company, you and all you compatriots in DC have gone above and beyond. You yourself Mr. Lakefield have sacrificed by only going with two homes. I only have to live just above the poverty level and live week to week to make this possible.

Thank you sir may I have another!

SpinDoc replies:

Wah, wah, wah. Hard choices had to be made
to keep the company in business long enough
to complete the merger. Sorry you were
affected, but it is just business, not personal.
Time to move forward and not look backward.
JAXPax said:
So true.
However, those saying "Look at what Kelleher and Neeleman do, and they get paid such a low executive salary...." are wrong. They're rolling in stock. I'm sure after jetBlue's IPO Neeleman made up for his low salary.

They are loaded because their company performed.

They are, in essence, paid for performance--when the stock goes up, they make money.

Executive compensation (cash) should never be more than about 10x the average worker's salary. Incentive plans should be entirely equity based--thus if the company performs, the executive makes money--if it does not, they don't.

US, of course, would never (before, anyway) do such a thing, because the stock has been worthless since the Wolf days.
PITbull said:
Well, you just "outted" yourself, and I surely know the twit from NC. She (B70) couldn't argue out of a paper bag. Adios to you in in Dec. as well. BTW, B70, NO ONE on the MEC misses you or even spoke your name when you left. Everyone in the office was so relieved as you never showed up anyway.

???? Lady ...you are a wack job!
PineyBob said:
I firmly believe the US Airways survives not because of the "Business Acumen" of Ashby and gang but as a direct result of Bruce Lakefield's ability to structure deals and raise money.

Just to kinda put his $1.7 million into perspective for a moment. By conservative estimates the new financing gives US Airways a minimum of 2 years of time to earn a profit. If we then assume that the average CBA covered employee pay about $500 in annual union dues and there are 20,000 full time CBA covered employees. Then Bruce Lakefield preserved about about 20 million in dues revenue for the respective unions. Add to that the Federal, state & local income taxes generated by US staying in business and I think 1.7 million could be argued as fair and reasonable

Mr. Sap,

You are truly out to lunch, ain't you? But, then, someone paid to ride on USAir to write up F/A and pilots, I am not surprised you also shill for mgmt.

Lakefield was a "place holder" in the CEO spot. Even Bronner, the investor, commented how the cretin liked to play golf rather than "run an airline".

He is an ass.

The guy couldn't run an AM/PM, much less an airline. Evidence? It sits before your nose!
PineyBob said:
I think ClueByFour has some clues for sale since you clearly DON'T have one! Do you not understand that the whole Gold Pass thing was a blatant attempt by Jerry Glass to discredit Teddy and form a rift in the F/A union? Al at a critical time when someone like Teddy who can't be bulldozed was a real obstacle?

You are truly wacked, aren't you?

Why would Glass violate federal law just to "out" Teddy?

Why would he risk going to jail just to "bring Teddy down"? You really cannot think, can you? You are just the typical, ignorant fool.

PineyBob said:
Or are you really that dense? Have you ever seen her in action? Well I have and if there is a more zealous, caring & unselfish advocate for those she represents I haven't seen that person in 50 years of life. I also met that mental midget that masquarades as leader out of PHL, Teri who was so forgetable I don't recall her last name. She would not be my first choice of people to go into battle with.

Battle? A weak spy like you? Pulease, give me a break!

I have your name and should I find you on the manifest, you will be gone with a giant footprint on your backside should I miss punching my boot toe up your tutu.

Go play jerk somewhere else.

PineyBob said:
Over the next two years there are going to be a bloody ton of merger integration issues and you most skilled and zealous advocate will be off doing other things.
PITbull and I have had some legendary battles on these boards so it is safe to say that we share few beliefs. So you ask why I would defend her? Because she has honor and Integrity. Two traits that are so lacking in modern business that some can't recognize it when they see it anymore.
Cutting deals outside of the union and not notifying the governing body (the MEC) is hardly honorable, much less an example of integrity.

PineyBob said:
Our "Common ground" was the worker and the desire to see the bleeding stopped, to restore some dignity and for me(FFOCUS) to say thanks for doing your job under less than perfect circumstances.

Dignity comes from truth and honesty, an experience you seem to have yet to acquaint yourself with.

I would really like to see you boot a customer off the a/c and still hold your job. Idle threats hold no water.

Secondly, there was no deal struck. If Teddy was staying beyond Dec. 2, there would have been absolutely NO resignation. Illegal conduct? Illegal action? Whose the lawyer you've been talking to and did they legally pass the bar? You know abosolutely NOTHING about National Labor Relations Board sweety.

Your jealousy of her will garner you only distain from your own members.

BTW, your being investigated, but no one extpects any truth to come from your spout.
PITbull said:
BTW, your being investigated, but no one extpects any truth to come from your spout.

I would not extpect (sic) anything either, especially from "that" MEC.


Are you certain you "know" who I am?
PITbull said:

I would really like to see you boot a customer off the a/c and still hold your job. Idle threats hold no water.

Two, biatch. Still here, as a Captain. (Capitals to you) Oh, and, two TSA agents fired because of me.

Be afraid, little one. You may be next........

We already know about you, however, are you responding for you or your wifey????

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