PITbull said:gso,
You've go to be joking. This restructuring was NOT Lakefield's plan...it was Siegel's plan and before that Gangwal. I have in my position the slide presentation booklet of a meeting on Aug 4, 2001 with restructuring plans, RJs and opening all our contracts....Gangwal's plan.
The BK scheme was Siegel and Co.
You can thank the ATSB and their loan. Without it, we wouldn't be here because the taxpayers financed BK #2...all the way through.
Thank Gov. intervension because market forces DO NOT DICTATE who survives. The Gov. does.
fr8tmastr said:Art, I would love to be able to let it go, but seeing how I will be furloughed probably in NOV. because of these greedy bastages, I am having a hard time.
PITbull said:gso,
You've go to be joking. This restructuring was NOT Lakefield's plan...it was Siegel's plan and before that Gangwal. I have in my position the slide presentation booklet of a meeting on Aug 4, 2001 with restructuring plans, RJs and opening all our contracts....Gangwal's plan.
The BK scheme was Siegel and Co.
You can thank the ATSB and their loan. Without it, we wouldn't be here because the taxpayers financed BK #2...all the way through.
Thank Gov. intervension because market forces DO NOT DICTATE who survives. The Gov. does.
PITbull said:Yup, him walking out of here with a cool $1.7 mils compensation package for 2 years senioirity is a nice added bonus retirment for the guy.
If I were a flyonthewall, I bet his standard of living when up quite a bit during his tenure, and during our worst time for the airline. Heck, I'd want the airline to keep going just to bring in a $35,000 a month.
Bravo zulu and adios, amigo!! And you welcome.
gso-crew said:Compared to Wolfe he earned it .....
gso2pit said:Yes, this was Siegel's plan, not Lakefield's. However, my point is this:
With what had to work with, things could be much much worse than they are today. There could have been even more downsizing and more concessions from employees besides what has already been given. Do I agree with some of the things that have been done? Of course not However, one has to realize that although Lakefield is the one who carried out the plan, he's not the one who constructed it.
javaboy said:wrong, all those employees with 25, 30, 35, 40 years of service THEY EARNED IT only to see their pensions disolved(and never got it).
JAXPax said:If you think Neeleman and Kelleher are only taking home their low-ish base salary, you're stupid.
They have immense amounts of stock and options.... which unlike US stock is actually worth something. Neither of them wants for anything.
Zeus said:All of the executives should be thanked for their dedication and service to this company.
So what? Look where Delta is today compared to US Airways/America West.whocares said:Very true. Look at DLs CEO. He took a 25% paycut and the other top VPs took 15%. Our guys we have/had just didn't give a rats #@! about anyone except themselves.
PITbull said:Yup, him walking out of here with a cool $1.7 mils compensation package for 2 years senioirity is a nice added bonus retirment for the guy.
PITbull said:You forgot to mention that these airlines perform. B)
US Airways had NOT.
EricLv2Fish said:I didn't know Mr. Lakefield was going anywhere. He will be a VP under Doug in the New US Airways isn't he? If that is true the severance package doesn't apply to him does it? 😉