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Bruce Lakefield Leter

There is nothing that can be done about the past and people can only effect the present and future. Wayne Gretzky made a great quote when he said, "it's not where the puck has been it's where it's going".

That is so true. At the new US Airways eople need to focus on the future and help the new company become the best airline in the business. Anything else is wasted effort.

I believe both management and labor made many mistakes in the past and now it's time to focus in building a profitable airline...so employees can have job security, increased profit sharing, and better contracts going forward.


AP Tech said:
What about the stock buyback...how many millions did Wolf waste? He was brought in to polish a turd and he could not even do that correctly, but does he really care? He laughed all the way to the bank!
Wolf single handed put this company in bankruptcy because of the stock buyback!!!!!!
700UW said:
Lakefield, massive paycuts and layoffs and bankruptcy.
Would you really argue that he could have avoided that given the cards he was dealt?

Respectfully, your performance criteria sucks.
He could have lead by example and taken a paycut, he took the employees to court and had a judge order a paycut on them and he could not take one.

That is poor leadership.
700UW said:
He could have lead by example and taken a paycut, he took the employees to court and had a judge order a paycut on them and he could not take one.

That is poor leadership.
What is poor? Poor are the close to 7000 negative posts you have posted on here.
Guess, you cant let reality get in your way.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I say below, from another post of mine, US Airways is here today mainly because the front line employees put their best face forward and kept the loyal customers like myself loyal. It is not because of CCY's efforts, which if left unchecked would have driven this thing into the ground long ago.

That said, I do give Lakefield some credit for helping to find the financing to keep the doors open. I do not think he is as malevolent as some of you make him out to be, and he performed the job he was hired to do--unlike most of his peers.

With that in mind, I am reposting one of my past comments, because I think it is appropriate for this thread, and I think it is more important as Day 1 approaches.

The old US Airways is soon to become history, and the new US Airways is soon to be born. Let's hope we can bury all the bickering, negativity and sniping which was so much a part of the old US and start the new US with a clean sheet of paper and a new, clean, unencumbered, hopeful attitude. Please find a way to repolarize all the negative energy that was so much a part of the old US into positive energy which goes to making it work and succeed!! Let's give Doug and company a chance.

It's the dawn of a new day at US Airways. While everyone is not happy with some of the final components of the merger and POR agreements, the fact is it's too late to change anything. The judge has spoken. It is what it is.

It's time to bury the dead here, folks, and to nurture and give the new "baby" a chance. It's time to put aside the hard feelings, the bitterness, the distrust and animosity, and to give the new management the benfit of the doubt. They have a monumental task ahead of them, and everyone who remains, customer, employee and management alike, should go in with an open mind, put maximum effort forward and hope for the best.

Finally, I would like to express my personal thanks and appreciation to the front line employees of US Airways, who are truly the best this industry has to offer. You are the reason there is still a company to merge. You are the reason that there is a fiercely loyal customer base, some of which organized into a group like FFOCUS. You are the reason there is a future, DESPITE the poor management, not BECAUSE of them.

Be proud of what you've accomplished and be hopeful for what you can accomplish looking forward.

Let's move on and make it work, people....you now have a management who not only wants to run a successful airline, but who knows how to do it.....let's put the past behind us and move on....

I look forward to seeing my friends at the new US Airways soon.

My best to you all......
AP Tech said:
What about the stock buyback...how many millions did Wolf waste? He was brought in to polish a turd and he could not even do that correctly, but does he really care? He laughed all the way to the bank!


Employees lost twice in BK on stock...zeroed out. both times.
gso2pit said:
Lakefield did an amazing job with what little  he had to work with. Essentially, he was handed s*** it a pretty box and told to clean it up. Were some of the choice he made popular, heck no. However, I truly think that if it weren't for him, US definately wouldn't be here. ...


You've go to be joking. This restructuring was NOT Lakefield's plan...it was Siegel's plan and before that Gangwal. I have in my possession the slide presentation booklet of a meeting on Aug 4, 2001 with restructuring plans, RJs and opening all our contracts....Gangwal's plan.

The BK scheme was Siegel and Co.


You can thank the ATSB and their loan. Without it, we wouldn't be here because the taxpayers financed BK #2...all the way through.

Thank Gov. intervension because market forces DO NOT DICTATE who survives. The Gov. does.
USA320Pilot said:
There is nothing that can be done about the past and people can only effect the present and future. Wayne Gretzky made a great quote when he said, "it's not where the puck has been it's where it's going".



Those who ignore history, end up repeating it.

Your comments are 100% accurate and dead on.

700UW said:
He could have lead by example and taken a paycut, he took the employees to court and had a judge order a paycut on them and he could not take one.

That is poor leadership.

Very true. Look at DLs CEO. He took a 25% paycut and the other top VPs took 15%. Our guys we have/had just didn't give a rats #@! about anyone except themselves.
700UW said:
Guess, you cant let reality get in your way.
Your just dumb and negative about everything. You can never be in a Management role and would fail miserablyat it. I have seen more positve things from a 20 yr old Supervisor than your negativity.

Just curious, what, if any, good have you done for the company in promoting this merger? Since every post of yours is negative towards the company, where have you made a positive comment?

Death and taxes are a constant in life, change will always happen, get on board or get on.

FACTS, FACTS, FACTS...now those are the FACTS!
You know what? You all make a valid point, but let it go already...It's done...over.....finito...what's done is done.....

I agree with you, but this is no time to continue being bitter and complaining about who did or didn't take a pay cut.. LET IT GO ALREADY........

Take all that energy you are using to be bitter and funnel it into making a success of the new US.....the goal should be to NOT be in a position like this ever again. You have a new management who has proven that they know HOW to run an airline, and it appears they have the desire to run a successful one...so be part of the solution, not part of the problem....

Don't take this the wrong way--I do agree with you, but let it go already...let's all move on...please?
If you think Neeleman and Kelleher are only taking home their low-ish base salary, you're stupid.

They have immense amounts of stock and options.... which unlike US stock is actually worth something. Neither of them wants for anything.

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