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Bronner Tells Usa Today Bankruptcy Could Occur

USA320Pilot said:

I wish I could, but I signed a non-disclosure and confidentiality statement and I now have to be careful of what I say.



I do not understand. In what capacity did you sign such an agreement...with ALPA or management or whatever? Are you acting alone and recieving informantion fed to you by a secret source? This is odd, especially since you are now the one and only one, in public, giving out BK info. Greeter.
Walmartgreeter said:
I do not understand. In what capacity did you sign such an agreement...with ALPA or management or whatever? Are you acting alone and recieving informantion fed to you by a secret source? This is odd, especially since you are now the one and only one, in public, giving out BK info. Greeter.
My sentiments exactly!
Ive got a feeling thats not peanut butter on the Captains nose.
to much time to quit said:
Regardless of the airbus arbitration outcome the mechanic and related group is not interested in reopening our contract. And the percentage of members with these exact feelings are much higher than any of the naysayers want to believe. If the company is still around in 2008, our contract is amendable 12-31-08.

Why don't you just quit? If you truly
believe the whole socialist union
principle, then the greater good of
the group is more important than
that of the individual. What the IAM
has at US is a group of "individuals"
who would rather see the whole group
lose their jobs over their own selfish
hatred of the company. Each of the
members that refuse to look at the
options presented by the company
are failing their union brother.
I always knew the IAM members
were spineless, but this proves it.
SpinDoc said:
Why don't you just quit? If you truly
believe the whole socialist union
principle, then the greater good of
the group is more important than
that of the individual. What the IAM
has at US is a group of "individuals"
who would rather see the whole group
lose their jobs over their own selfish
hatred of the company. Each of the
members that refuse to look at the
options presented by the company
are failing their union brother.
I always knew the IAM members
were spineless, but this proves it.

I sure hope SpinDoc didn't take a full day's pay to come up with that diatribe.
SpinDoc said:
Why don't you just quit? What the IAM
has at US is a group of "individuals"
who would rather see the whole group
lose their jobs over their own selfish
hatred of the company. I always knew the IAM members
were spineless, but this proves it.
This has nothing to do with hatred, that's far to personal, this is a business decision plain and simple and if sticking up for what you believe in is considered spineless than what do you call those who are willing to give in to Management's demands at the drop of a hat?

Spindoc sooner or later a person has to say enough is enough, question is how much more are you willing to give before you get to that point?
Cowboy, SpinDoc's point is that someone who simply says "enough is enough" chooses to leave the company. Such a person would not care if the company survived or not. On that point, we concur.

Walmartgreeter said: "I do not understand. In what capacity did you sign such an agreement...with ALPA or management or whatever? Are you acting alone and recieving informantion fed to you by a secret source? This is odd, especially since you are now the one and only one, in public, giving out BK info."

USA320Pilot: I published comments on the potential mid-September bankruptcy filing before yesterday's meeting and Bronner's public disclosure. Prior to management speaking, MEC Chairman Bill Pollock distributed the standard US Airways-ALPA non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement to every line pilot who attended the meeting. I am not special, just one of six pilots who attended. By the way, how come you were not at the meeting?


If somebody does not like the company or would rather see it fail than transform itself, I do not understand why stay and be miserable. Moreover, why hurt people who want to work at the airline.

What’s interesting is that a few months ago the LGA station manager held open interviews for 8 CAR’s positions that pay about $7.50 per hour. Guess how many people interviewed for the job in one of the highest cost cities in the U.S? Over 400! Therefore, I believe across all work groups there are people who want to work at US Airways, thus for those who do not or cannot accept change, why not leave and help others who want to maintain or obtain employment?


USA320Pilot said:
, why hurt people who want to work at the airline.


So now turn it around and act like WE the employees who couldn't careless if U survives or not are the ones who are to blame for U's sorry state.

Let me make it plain in case you really don't understand. I_DON'T_ CARE_IF_ EVERYONE_ENDS_UP JOBLESS. Anyone sticking around and actually believing that there is a flicker of hope thinking anyone except themselves cares what happens to them deserves whatever becomes of them.

Good Night Captain, take a pill and get over it and yourself.
USA320Pilot said:

I am not special, just one of six pilots who attended. By the way, how come you were not at the meeting?


You seem awful quick to identify yourself as a U pilot. I do not make that claim about myself, especially on a public forum. Greeter.

With all due respect, you are truly a selfish, bitter, angry ol' man if you do not care what happens to people and whether or not they are hurt.

Furthermore, you are truly clueless to what is happening with the transformation.


What’s interesting is that a few months ago the LGA station manager held open interviews for 8 CAR’s positions that pay about $7.50 per hour. Guess how many people interviewed for the job in one of the highest cost cities in the U.S? Over 400! Therefore, I believe across all work groups there are people who want to work at US Airways, thus for those who do not or cannot accept change, why not leave and help others who want to maintain or obtain employment?




I would be most interested in seeing the qualifications of those 400 applicants. Have they any experience in dealing with the public, do they understand what the job entails? Have they the skills, both technical and social, to do the job effectively?

Can they pass a ten-year background test? The "whiz quiz"?

How many were hired?

USA320Pilot said:

With all due respect, you are truly a selfish, bitter, angry ol' man if you do not care what happens to people and whether or not they are hurt.

Furthermore, you are truly clueless to what is happening with the transformation.



Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact just the opposite is true here, the exact opposite meaning YOU are the twisted individual in this equation.
WorldTraveler said:
It is a certainty that any path US can take at this point that will so alienate their workforce to the point that the company is incapable of delivering customer service and UA is not in a much better position. Bronner and US management absolutely amaze me with their lack of understanding of the basic tenets of a service industry. It is easy to fill planes during the summer when demand is high and the economy is sending people back to the airport. In about 30 days, customers will choose airlines based on service since nearly every airline will be offering the same price. Unhappy employees will easily be able to push a weaker carrier over the brink.
have you ever flown on Delta? Hands down.....worst service and dirty planes. Don't come here with your pseudo information...look inward and be scared.

Interesting response since you said, "I DON'T CARE IF EVERYONE ENDS UP JOBLESS." Personally, I find that distasteful and I would never wish that on anybody.

Maybe I am wrong, but that is not a value I believe is appropriate. If you truly feel that way then quit and go somewhere else? Why be so angry and miserable?


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